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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Before Upgrading to 5.1

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kentePRO InfinityMember since 2007
I've been very successfully running music, karaoke and videos using Virtual DJ 5.0 Rev 4 for a number of months now on a laptop running Windows Vista Home firewired into four external drives. I'd like to upgrade to 5.1 for the added functionality but before I do I want to make sure I understand if there are any issues that could screw me up for any amount of time working them out.
For example, will my playlists and virtual folders continue to work?
Should I upgrade or uninstall and reinstall?
Are there any specific folders that I should backup before I upgrade or reinstall and where are they located?
What about issues I've seen referring to Windows Vista and Direct X 10? I'm running Direct X 10 now and I don't seem to be having any problems.
I've looked around for such a help file in the forums and I apologize if it's there... but I can't find it.
Any help and direction would be extremely appreciated.

Inviato Thu 17 Jul 08 @ 11:41 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
5.1 is the best version i have used so far but you will have to re scan/analyze your files so you can get the full benefit of the update so choose a quiet time to do this


Inviato Thu 17 Jul 08 @ 12:21 pm
What you should actually do is rename the virtualdj.exe file to somethin like vdj5.0.4.exe then install the newer version then u have both and if u run into issues u can use the older one. But no u shouldn't have any issues, but be prepared to rescan all your music again. Also read the manual that comes with it about BPMs as you will get some with double bpms if they are under 80 bpm.

Inviato Thu 17 Jul 08 @ 1:16 pm
I know I had to rescan most of my files, but out of curiosity, why do we say that it is really important to rescan all our files again, and the advantage of doing this is because of what?

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 4:55 am
sischoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
it needs to rescan all files because in VDJ 5.1 has been improving the "new BPM engine with more than 99.9% of correct detections" function

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 8:14 am
How come I had a lot of files that were scanned at 300 BPM, I don't believe that was the correct BPM, there were many more than .1% of those as well?

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 10:18 am
WAIT!!! What am i missing here? I am using 5.0 rev7 and when I login to the software update section it still shows that version as being the LATEST!
Where can I get 5.1 and before I do.. can someone point me to a place where I can see a "list of upgraded features" to determine if it is worth the download or not?

Example: I do not wish to loose functionality of my skins.. samples.. clip banks.. or anything else I have added onto my 5.0 version


Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 10:53 am
sischoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
bryantpb wrote :
How come I had a lot of files that were scanned at 300 BPM, I don't believe that was the correct BPM, there were many more than .1% of those as well?

If you have any issue with auto detection BPM, you could use TAP function (CORRECTION BPM)

Click on those buttons each time you hear a hit of bass

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 11:42 am
sischoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
GetSomeQ wrote :
WAIT!!! What am i missing here? I am using 5.0 rev7 and when I login to the software update section it still shows that version as being the LATEST!
Where can I get 5.1 and before I do.. can someone point me to a place where I can see a "list of upgraded features" to determine if it is worth the download or not?

Example: I do not wish to loose functionality of my skins.. samples.. clip banks.. or anything else I have added onto my 5.0 version

VirtualVinyl 5.1 version is not available yet

This are new improvements of VirtualDJ 5.1:

FAME engine:
- new BPM engine with more than 99.9% of correct detections
- new automatic Key detection
- optional automatic Key-Match
- new auto-gain engine

- video session recording
- fade to black on level sliders

- display both playing and coming waveform in songpos graphic
- can move mixpoints on the fly during automix

- new engine "VDJ Timecode v5" for VirtualDJ vinyls, optimized for scratch (the old engine "VDJ Timecode v4" optimized for needledrop is still available)
- new engine "Noisemap" compatible with most noisemap-based records
- new engine "PCDJ" compatible with most miss pinky-based timecode records

External devices:
- Pioneer CDJ-400
- Vestax VCI-100
- Denon HC4500
- Xponent (fixed)
- DJConsole RMX (improved)

New functions:
- smart beat-tap (automatically snap tapped beat to the nearest likely bpm)
- smart play (play directly on beat)
- smart cue (hotcue always in the tempo)

- new skin "HE5" featuring all the new functions of v5.1

Small Improvements:
- sharper coverflow
- improved vumeters

Bug fixes:
- many small bugs from v5.0.x fixed...

If you are afraid to install the newest version, you could rename the Virtualdj.exe in Virtualdj507.exe so that when you'll install another version, you have both versions on your computer (the latest will be Virtualdj.exe whereas the previous will be Virtualdj507.exe)

You'll never lose the functionality which you have added to your skin because the skins you have installed they won't be deleted from installation of new version

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 11:45 am
SISCHO: 1st of all THANKS for all the info!!!
I know this is a VDJ forum but its all one in the same for the most part.
That being said.. WHEN can I expect to see the 5.1 for Vinyl? Any idea?

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 12:10 pm
sischoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I haven't got any idea about it.
I hope someone can help you to make your question clear; I'm not allowed to know informations about releasing of new version.

You are welcome mate!

Inviato Tue 22 Jul 08 @ 1:02 pm
Thanks again!
soon i hope :-)

Inviato Wed 23 Jul 08 @ 2:13 pm
ReTangoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
kente, before upgrading:
1) Definitively backp your batabase/s (in the root forlder of each drive). keep a copy
2) if you have many songs you already manually set tempo or mix points, and do not want to lose them, I recommend you do the following (posted by jakko):
.Open your databse file VirtualDJ Local Database v5.xml with some text editor like wordpad (make sure to make a backup copy of the database file first!!).
.Then you have to do a search-and-replace operation: Search for a String: IsScanned="1" and replace it with: IsScanned="510"
. Save the document.
.Now VDJ 5.1 never rescans any tracks except new ones and those that never been scanned before.

Hope this helps,

Inviato Wed 23 Jul 08 @ 2:59 pm
radiofcPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I am planning to rescan all my tunes again this weekend - are there any things I should watch out for? would you folks recommend backing up the old XML and creating a fresh one and leave it to do its business - I don't mind setting cue points again - my priority is accurate bpms and the new key detection

Inviato Fri 08 Aug 08 @ 9:38 am

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