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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: SBDJ Random ClipBank Video [PC/MAC] - Page: 5

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No problem - my plugin has no idea about the actual clips in clipbank so doesn't know when to switch - hence being timer based.

Finishing the other video folder plugin is on my to-do list.

That is Good news to my ears, anxiously waiting for it and I'm already building genre clip folders, so if you need to test...please put me on your list...

Thanks Scott,


I Can't down Load this . It says admin. Whats up?


v1.2 of this plugin is now available.


* Mac support
* Fixed 'Allow Duplicates' doing opposite to what was selected
* VDJ version 5 is now supported. The plugin *should* detect and inform you in it's status before it's first activated. If it detects incorrectly please let me know. It should say v5 for v5 or earlier, and v6 for v6 or later.

SBDJ, thank you for all your hard work here. Thank you for the Mac version on these video effects.

SBDJ wrote :
No problem - my plugin has no idea about the actual clips in clipbank so doesn't know when to switch - hence being timer based.

Finishing the other video folder plugin is on my to-do list.

Hi Scott

Any movement on the " Video Folder Randomizer" plugin we spoke about....



JoeyKJ wrote :
SBDJ wrote :
No problem - my plugin has no idea about the actual clips in clipbank so doesn't know when to switch - hence being timer based.

Finishing the other video folder plugin is on my to-do list.

Hi Scott

Any movement on the " Video Folder Randomizer" plugin we spoke about....



Hey Scott, Any word on this topic




I've removed your last two posts as they were copies of previous posts by other users with no additional content.

If you have a question please ask, but be aware that this plugin is only available to Pro users, not LE users.



With reference to the Randomizer. Will it be available for the Numark software version at any point, or is it purely for Virtual DJ Pro? Would it actually work if loaded onto the Cue version software?

Sent you a pm Sam.

Generally all VDJ Pro plugins work on Cue Pro too.

Scott Can you make your "Random ClipBank" plugin focus on the "Active ClipBank" instead of the "Default ClipBank", if you activate another ClipBank from Config Video tab this will activate and default to another ClipBank other then the default, so if your "Random ClipBank" can focus on the "Active" clipbank this will randomize the clips in the active ClipBank...

Can You Please Make This happen...Maybe an option box with "Randomize Active Clipbank Only"



Not possible I'm afraid.

You can use multiple random plugins though.


Will not work with the clipbank randomizer plugin, or if you have shortcuts... because the focus is on the default not the active clipbank...and they can't be swapped while VDJ is active....

Could anything be done?????....Please, Please.....


Actually there *might* be a way. Not ideal, but possibly might work. I will do some testing when I get a spare few minutes.

At the moment you can use named plugins though:

clipbank_random.dll controls clipbank.dll
clipbank2_random.dll controls clipbank2.dll

This didn't work, it only randomizes the default Clipbank.dll, even if it's not active...and the other clipbank is active and rendering on screen...

Scott it there a script to activate the clipbank.dll and the clipbank_random using one shortcut.??



The "randomizer" would have to be in built into the functions of the clipbank.dll to get that Joey, but you would still need two steps to get it to work, select clipbank, activate randomizer, or it could be set to activate automatically when clipbank was selected/activated would be another way.

I got it tayla, after alot of different scripts, I finally got it to work properly, so both the clipbank & the randomizer will activate with one shortcut for each clipbank...I create...

Wow, I can't believe it after so, so long trying to resolve this problem....

Now if we can get a folder to randomize it would be very sweet, cause you wouldn't be limited to just twelve clips....Priceless...

Hope the plugin gods are listening.....
