Pioneer DJ - XDJ-R1 - Layout

Deck Transport & Tempo Controls

    S SHIFT: Hold this button down to access secondary functions of the XDJ-R1

  1. PLAY: Plays-Pauses the track.

    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to Stutter Play the track from the Cue position.

  2. CUE: If the track is playing, pauses and goes to the last cue point. If the track is paused, sets the current position as cue point, and previews the cue as long as the button is pressed.

    If SHIFT is pressed, it jumps to the beginning of the track.

  3. JOG: Touch sensitive platter for scratch, bend, seek or Effect parameter control.

    When in Vinyl mode (VINYL button (24) is turned on), use top area of the Jog to scratch the track and the outer part to bend (temporary speed up/down).
    When in Bend mode (VINYL button (24) is turned off) , both top and outer parts of the jog will bend the tempo of the track (temporary speed up/down).

    Hold SHIFT down and then use the Jog to fast search (seek) through the track.

  4. TAP. Use this button to manually adjust the tempo of the track by tapping at least 4 times at the desired tempo.
    When the track is paused, press this button to set the current position as the beginning of the beat-grid.

    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to re-analyze Temp and Phase of the track (undo manual edits)

  5. VINYL. Use this button to set the jogwheel (22) to either Vinyl (Scratch) or CD (Bend) mode.

  6. TEMPO RANGE: Use this button to cycle though the available Pitch/Tempo ranges (±6, ±10, ±16 and ±100%)

  7. MASTER TEMPO: Use this button to enable/disable the Keylock (Master Tempo) feature. When enabled, the track's pitch will be "locked" to its original key. The track's tempo will remain at the speed designated by the Pitch Fader

  8. PITCH: Adjusts the tempo of the track.

  9. MASTER: Use this button to manually set this deck as MASTER (all other decks will sync to the MASTER deck).

    Note: By default VirtualDJ will automatically select the MASTER deck (in most cases it will be the deck that is playing out to the Master Output). If a deck is manually set as MASTER, then automatic selection stops until the lit MASTER button is pressed again.

  10. SYNC: Syncs the deck with the Master Deck (will match BPM value and Beatgrid if tracks are playing).

  11. <<: Use this button to set the Loop In (Start point) of a manual loop. When a Loop is enabled, the button will jump the track to the Loop In point if used.

  12. >>: Use this button to set the Loop Out (End point) of a manual loop and trigger/complete the manual loop. Press again to exit the loop.

  13. AUTOLOOP: Use this knob to select the size of the Loop in beats (value is visible on the GUI).
    Push the knob to enable/disable the selected Loop.

    If a Loop is enabled, hold SHIFT down and then use this knob to move the loop forward/backwards by 1 beat
