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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Mix Lab skin for VDJ6 ? - Page: 1

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VDJ6 is out and we waited for the Mix Lab 4 for VDJ 5.2.1 since one year !

What's up now ?, can we expected a new skin SOON (before 2010 or 2011 (joking)) ? You know that many people are waiting for another best skin from you Format, so, give us good news ;-)

Thanks for your good job

BTW, your old skin is not compatible with VDJ6 :-(

Inviato Sun 31 May 09 @ 5:13 pm
What do you mean by "the old skin is not compatible"?
I have just tested Mix Lab 3.1 on v6 and everything looks the same as on v5

I've been beta testing v6 with Mixlab 3 and have no complaints. Also, remember all skins are created by users volunteering their services. I'm sure Format is hard at work updating the skin, and will publish it only once it has met his standards for quality...Thanks for understanding....T

may be before 2012 lol

TearEmUp wrote :
I've been beta testing v6 with Mixlab 3 and have no complaints. Also, remember all skins are created by users volunteering their services. I'm sure Format is hard at work updating the skin, and will publish it only once it has met his standards for quality...Thanks for understanding....T

I use a 1680x1050 resolution and the new resizing system break the skin and show some bad graphics in some places (like the light bar on the pitch who are not showing in some places). Maybe can be good to work on a high resolution skin because quality is always better when you resize a picture more little than when you resize it bigger.

TearEmUp, you don't need to always repeat that it's created by volunteers, that it's an hard job and blablabla... We know this since you repeat it on each thread !.
I think we are on a forum who is made to ask questions no ? So simply try to talk around the subject. I don't like to feel me like I have no right to talk about some subject, you know what I mean ? :-)

I say again to Format THANKS for your fantastic job, I use your skin since many years now and I hope you find time to work on a brand killing new skin for VDJ6.


the only thing I found that does not work are the sound level meters (the graphics do not move to the beat as before) Other than that all is ok.

And yes- I too am eagerly awaiting the arival, but refuse to hound Matt. I amd just grateful he will let me pay to use it when it comes out.

Keep on coding Matt!

spider66 wrote :
TearEmUp, you don't need to always repeat that it's created by volunteers, that it's an hard job and blablabla... We know this since you repeat it on each thread !.
I think we are on a forum who is made to ask questions no ? So simply try to talk around the subject. I don't like to feel me like I have no right to talk about some subject, you know what I mean ? :-)

Keep in mind please, Spider, this forum has many visitors who are not regulars like you and I are. So, if it appears I am repeating myself the reason is with the new visitors in mind, not to annoy you. Of course you may ask any question you wish. Even though you might not like my answers. Hope that clears things up.

And the congregation said-


TearEmUp wrote :
spider66 wrote :
TearEmUp, you don't need to always repeat that it's created by volunteers, that it's an hard job and blablabla... We know this since you repeat it on each thread !.
I think we are on a forum who is made to ask questions no ? So simply try to talk around the subject. I don't like to feel me like I have no right to talk about some subject, you know what I mean ? :-)

Keep in mind please, Spider, this forum has many visitors who are not regulars like you and I are. So, if it appears I am repeating myself the reason is with the new visitors in mind, not to annoy you. Of course you may ask any question you wish. Even though you might not like my answers. Hope that clears things up.

Sure, no problems, I understand your point of view.

By the way, I'm waiting since one year for the skin and also made a donation for it. So, I just hope to have something in my hands before the end of the time hahahahaha.

We need a great Format skin for the best Djing software ever, yes, because the original skin by VDJ firm are always minimum... look the new one, it's full of empty places and may be better optimised. And why they not provide a real Hi resolution skin ?

Dj Format. can you tell us more about your projects please. Thanks in advance.


spider66 wrote :
Dj Format. can you tell us more about your projects please. Thanks in advance.

DJ FORMAT wrote :
may be before 2012 lol

That very well could be the only answer we'll get at this time... ;-)


JeremK wrote :
What do you mean by "the old skin is not compatible"?
I have just tested Mix Lab 3.1 on v6 and everything looks the same as on v5

Absolutely not not true !, I also see that the Sync button is flashing.

Have you really tested it to not see difference between V5 and V6 ????


ALthough i havent tested Mixlab - on one of my skins TouchPannel - the Sync button also flashes (seemingly to the beat) - very odd.

It seems that on all the old skins, the synch button is flashing... it make's me nervous to see the button flashing like that ;-)

A fix has been posted for that in another thread:

sclavel wrote :
to turn it off, you need to open the file Documents/VirtualDJ/Skins/, and replace action="sync" by action="off & sync"

Thanks for the info.

First step to a perfect skin for VDJ 6

Gogo Format hehe ;-)

In DJ Format's defense, he may have started re writing mix lab to use the new VDJ script. Please consider that until Monday, we have never had VDJ 6 or knew how close it was. We do now, and this explanation is very possible. He may have had the scoop from Atomix a bit early and decided not to release a skin that would be obsolete (in VDJ 6) in a few weeks. If he did, you would posting how mad you were that you donated for a skin with compatibility issues.

Dj Format, how are you feeling after the acident? That is a nicer way to show concern and respect for sombody who has given a great deal of his time to this comunity.

Spider, I understand that you donated and that gives you more "right" to ask this question. I am also for free speech, but you have to realize that you donated of your own free will, you did not purchase mix lad 4. Your "tone" ("I'm waiting since one year for the skin") may put him (or anybody) on the defense. Causing them to just shut down (no post or info) and watch you freak out over it. That is what I would do, but I am vendictive like that when sombody is disrespectful.

This is just my more direct interpritation of what TearEmUp was saying.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the Mix Lab 3.1 (and all my old edits) work fine in VDJ 6.

DHoude wrote :
In DJ Format's defense, he may have started re writing mix lab to use the new VDJ script. Please consider that until Monday, we have never had VDJ 6 or knew how close it was. We do now, and this explanation is very possible. He may have had the scoop from Atomix a bit early and decided not to release a skin that would be obsolete (in VDJ 6) in a few weeks. If he did, you would posting how mad you were that you donated for a skin with compatibility issues.

Dj Format, how are you feeling after the acident? That is a nicer way to show concern and respect for sombody who has given a great deal of his time to this comunity.

Spider, I understand that you donated and that gives you more "right" to ask this question. I am also for free speech, but you have to realize that you donated of your own free will, you did not purchase mix lad 4. Your "tone" ("I'm waiting since one year for the skin") may put him (or anybody) on the defense. Causing them to just shut down (no post or info) and watch you freak out over it. That is what I would do, but I am vendictive like that when sombody is disrespectful.

This is just my more direct interpritation of what TearEmUp was saying.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the Mix Lab 3.1 (and all my old edits) work fine in VDJ 6.

My topic is clear, I'm not here to talk about accident !?!?!?!? why you speak about that here ? sorry, but if I wanted to talk about this, I open a thread for it or send a personnal Mp to format... Don't take it bad, it's not that I have no respect or so but just that I don't like your message trying again to make me feel like I have no right to ask a simple question... Everytime it's someone coming to engage war... I JUST ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION so respect my topic and STOP to deviate the words in the bad way, thanks in advance.

MixLab 4 was planed for VDJ 5.XX and not for VDJ 6 but because of the delay, now the VDJ 6 is out :-(. Sure, I made a donation and why I made it ? just because I like the work of Format that's all.

Don't say MixLab 3.1 "work fine" because it's not true... (blinking synch, not compatible with high resolution --> Pitch visual problem....)

Soso, come back to the root of the topic please


To spider66 :-) fully agree!!!!!

discotronic wrote :
To spider66 :-) fully agree!!!!!

I see this quite exactly so. Many people have donated to support DJ format and to skin get the new one. It is lying alone to trade DJ Format at now.

Greetings Stefan

Gentlemen, while I can sympathize with you, please allow me to remind you. Simply because you donated does not give you the right to bring this issue to public view. I suggest PMs asking what is going on, and not this public display. Thank you for understanding...
