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Topic: Gig this Sunday! Whoo! - Page: 1

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It's been a couple of months since I've played for a crowd, so I'm excited. =)

I'm set for about 3 hours: 1 hour hip-hop/trip-hop warmup, 1.5 hours of breakbeat/funk/deephouse, and then I'll take it to trance/trip-hop to bring everyone back to earth and get them out the door. Should be about 100 people.

There's a possibility that I'll be able to record some video, and if so, I'll try to put some clips together to post here.

Wish me luck!

Inviato Tue 05 Apr 05 @ 1:50 am
Good deal Bargler. What part of the world is this in?

best of luck.... good to hear you are back on the track ;)

Columbus, Ohio, anewsome. Certainly not a mecca of clubbing, but we are getting there. The whole progressive/lounge scene is just starting to hit here which is right up my alley. I can't stand to bump 4/4 House music for hours on end. LOL. I mean, I'd do it for a paycheck, but it certainly isn't where my heart lies and I think that comes through in my performance.

I'm fighting all kinds of prejudice to get a regular gig around here. My equip ( are one of those computer auto-play DJ's. No thanks.), my age (When did 30 become OLD??), and at half the clubs, my music (Can you play more 50 cent?)

When one of you becomes the next superstar DJ, how 'bout bringing me along for the ride? =)

P.S. This particular gig is a private party hosted by a friend of mine. I snuck him a demo cd a few weeks ago without telling him it was me. Few days later, he's begging me for the DJ's name, and I get the booking!

My equip ( are one of those computer auto-play DJ's. No thanks.), my age (When did 30 become OLD??), and at half the clubs, my music (Can you play more 50 cent?)

looool!! ;) well... definitively true for me too ;) its a small issue, but still an issue... sad to say
The first part will probably change... more and more owners accept digital djing :)

i know this kind of sugestions of other people...

when i tell them i play with a laptop, they look dissepointed.....everybody can play with it!!!
but when i start to play they look suprised...then i ask (some) people who had a big mouth, to mix one song....after that it's 1-0 for

it looks easy, but mixing is not only nonstop music playing....

About computer DJing: just saw Paul Van Dyk's flier for the upcoming local event where he was sitting in front of the Mac with a mouse in his hands. Strangely enough, on his web site, I can't find that flier. BUT, what I can find, is what appears to be the same pic, only with the image of PC faded. Check this out:

So, I guess the perception about PC DJs is still the same, everyone wants to see you working that turntable. But, why not bring a turntable with TCV, a professional-looking mixer, package it all nicely, and, even if you are going to barely use them, it would still look good to club owners and patrons. Make sure to put plenty of pics on your web site of you on the turntables, on the mixer, etc. Tell them computer is just to help you find songs, bpm, etc.

On the age thing, I hear you too, dude. At 28, I try to keep this as a hobby, and not a full time job. That way you'll always enjoy, and the fact that you're having fun will come through either in your mixes, or your wild energy-filled MCing skills, or your crazy bar-top dancing with the G-stringed bartenders, or something else that floats your boat...

Hope to see you as a resident DJ next year when I visit Arnold Schwartznegger Classic in Columbus.

@djjb: I do the same thing. LOL. When I'm at a non-professional gig and some of the party invitee DJ wannabes start giving me grief, I just agree with them. "Yeah...the computer does it all for you. It's really easy. Here...give it a try." They shut up after that. =)

@cyberia: Well, I guess I could bring a turntable but I'm hesitant to spend $500 for what would essentially be decoration. I currently use 2 XP10's and a Stanton SMX-501, so it's not like I'm showing up with a mouse and laptop only. I do have a 3rd input to the mixer, but I've been thinking of spending my scratch on an effects pad instead of a turntable. Something to think about, though. Stay in touch. I guarantee that I'll have a regular gig by the time Arney returns to town. =) I'm not really looking to make this a fulltime job, either, but I'd love to make a few bucks so that my music can finance itself.

I saw Dimitri for Paris using a mp3 device ;)
And even huge dj companies are building digital mp3 possibilities into hardware... pioneer, technics and more

So digital dj-ing IS the next big thing ;) trust me... we only started a bit early ;)

and as said.... even the sceptical get mute, when listening to me play with my pc and vdj ;)
1-0 for me ... all the time ;)
But I do have "real" hardware for looks still (blush)... lol...
Click my name, and u can see my gig setup photo


One question for you... When you do a club gig like the one you are resident in, you take your own system right? and you take it home after the gig right? I mean you dont leave it there do you?


I've been digital DJing for 4 years now. No one has ever said anything negative. For those that notice that I have a laptop connected to the console that care to come take a closer look are blown away by what can be done, ESPECIALLY other DJ's.


I use VDJ exclusively for both my mobile and club gigs. I have had nothing but compliments and interest in how it all works. The club I spin for weekly is going to outfit the club with a complete VDJ system to include TCVs, DAC and possibly XP10s for flexibility among DJs that use the system.

I have had alot of interest among other DJ's (a couple out of NY and DC that I know) that are interested in going Digital and are impressed with VDJ, it's open architecture for supporting other's equipment, and are turning away from the BIG $$$$$ systems that are pretty much proprietary.

@djjb and Bargler -- sorry you are getting the nose in the air treatment. I think it is just something the industry is going to have to get use to. I mean, how long did the NEWBIE's wanting to use CDs get snubbed at by the exclusive Vinyl club?

BTW, I was one of those Vinyl Users that snubbed alittle at the CD DJ's, and to this day I still prefer Vinyl over CDs. But, that is why going digital with TCV's is such a great leap for me. Like a late 60's/70's Muscle car getting new millenium gas milage of a light weight 4 cylinder.



I only bring my laptop, external drive, and hercules.. to gig, and back home :)
The rest is the there at the club, all the time....

can you give a brief top 5 of your hottest tracks you spin

i have a hdj console but it's installed on a pc that's not connected to the internet.
My question is howcan i register or buy the latest version without a visa

Can Dj in Norway answer please.
I would like to know what your favorites are.

first of all, hope you buy the software, and stop using a cracked version :)

there are several methods of payment, such check or by wire if you dont have visa card.
All you need is a bank account.... :)

regarding my favorites.... depends on where I am at my gig...

As of now :

Early part of gig (rnb stuff) : 50 cent - Candy Shop, 50 cent - disco inferno, 50 Cent ft Game - This Is How We Do, Brandy and Jadakiss - Afrodisiac (Remix), Ashanti feat. Jae Hood - Only U (remix), snoop dogg feat Pharell - Lets get blown and MANY more ;) cool r&b and hip hop stuff... blended with some pop tunes (chart hits, often remixes)

Mid part (classics): I'll do a few "classics" , like Mojo - Lady, Groove Armada - I see you baby, Spiller - Groovejet etc etc ... blended with a few for the crowd, such as Tom Jone's - She's a lady (full intention remix) or even some "cheesy" Michael Jacksons.. just to get please the crowd, get them going.. ;)

Late part (funky house, disco house, anthem house, trance-ish stuff): Shapeshifters - Back to basic, Shapeshifters - Lolas Theme, Uniting Nations - Out of Thouch, Sunset Strippers - Shine, a lot of Royal Gigolos, Milk & Sugar stuff, Deep Dish - Flashdance etc etc etc etc.... then into some trance stuff or more take off stuff for the end... like Southside spinners - Luvstruck, Lasgo - Somethimes, Antiloop- Believe and more ;) some new, some classic ;) works each time ;)

hey, I even to some crazy stuff here and there too... just to get the crowd going mad ;) like throw in a Kiss song, or Van halen... even Rammstein... The crowd goes through the roof when doing things like that when they least expect it ;) hehe

thats all about me ;) lool

your very diversified.
How can i get the account-number for the order
I have a 1.06 console version and it works great?but i'would like to have a registered version so i could let you hear a mix on the radio.
If you want i can give you a chart
it's in the thread of(wich songs rocks the party best :name mirak)
I don't use a cracked versions
They're shit.
How do you get in the support team?

hi again

you need to go to :

You can choose to use a credit card (phone or online). If you don't have, maybe a friend have, and you can pay him directly. OR, you can pay by wire or check from your bank, I bet you do have a bank where you keep your money :) go to purchase page and you will find all the info there....

You could play for sure on Virtual DJ radio with a full version :) would be happy to hear you mix.
And you would also have A LOT of benefits compared to the "old" console version

Being active and helpfull here at forum, will give you a higher level/status...
Support Team is a bit far off, but member, vip member and so can come easily.. :)
but again, its for full legal members :)

Hope to see you as a member soon

Just wanted to report 4 hours of non-stop VDJ at the event with no skips or crashes!
