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Topic: A stupid question for professional DJs - Page: 1

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I'd like to know whether you guys use Beatlock while mixing on a party? It seems to me like some kind of cheating ;-) because when you prepare your tracks and set up intro/outro positions, you can sit to a armchair and watch the show, VDJ will do the job instead of you.

My friend (a DJ on a local disco) turns up his nose at VDJ and he says VDJ is a toy for tone-deaf people. I don't agree with him, but his very strong argument is: "put one of these 'virtual' DJ's to CDJ-100S and he will be lost without beatmatching".

I personally mix without beatlock or automix, I use it only when I must left the scene for a while.

So what's your opinion? I'm looking forward to your interesting answers ;-)

Inviato Mon 09 May 05 @ 7:37 pm
Disclaimer: I am no professional DJ, though I have played for a few crowds.

I do not use beatlock. I will allow VDJ to match the bpms, but I drop in the new track where I want it without using the CBGs. The reason, for me, is that I gave up on doing all the boring office work of making sure my CBG's where perfect on every song...I just don't have the patience to do it when I could use that time to mix! Now, I really just use the CBGs on songs where I plan on bringing in a looped sample, and as general markers to show me where the one beat is without having to listen.

As for VDJ being cheating...I'd disagree, somewhat. Sure, it makes it easier...because you aren't wasting time beatmatching. But if you don't use that time to improve your mix, you are missing out on the whole point of digital DJ'ing, in my opinion. Use that time to hop between cues, filter effects, eq effects, scratch...whatever. In my experience, most of the "cheating" comments come from DJ's that think that the sole skill involved in the process is beatmatching and that if you can beatmatch and do outro->intro mixes for 2 hours that you have done a good show. That's fine at a club, I guess, but I prefer to do sets that are more like a headliner DJ show. By that I mean that I am not content with doing clean mixes between 2 popular tracks over and over again, but instead I try to take 2 tracks with their own feel and emotion and turn them into something new with a whole new feel. Some may call that production and not DJ'ing, but that's the beautiful thing about this lets you do both LIVE. You can remix live right off the top of your head if you've set up your cues correctly. Let's see him do that on his vinyl. =)

There are things that can be done with digital DJ'ing that you just can't do with standard tables. Your friend can't argue that. I'd challenge him to try the software, but instead of being content with copying his old style using the aid of the software, use the program to push his style and technique to a whole new level. VDJ might make a bad DJ competent at beatmatching outro->intro blends, but it will also make a competent DJ into good, and a good DJ into something great.

Eric Clapton can't read sheet music and has others transcribe his songwriting.
Jimi Hendrix had guitar techs tune his guitars before each show.
Dirty stinking cheaters, the both of them! =)

Good one with Clapton & Hendrix ;) Though hendrix was probably too high to tune his guitar :P

If I can add something, I love VDJ because it has the beat lock and other neat features, which does allow me to sit back, relax and let the program do the work.

Who said djing had to be about lugging tonnes of records into a gig, setting up turntables etc.

It's all about the music!

I WILL NEVER apologize for using software that makes my life easier. This is not cheating! How is using this technology cheating.

Ask the same people who turn up their noses at VDJ whether they use push button (instead of rotary) phones, remote control devices for the tvs or for that matters, computers instead of typewriters.

VDJ is a state of the art technology that makes djing simplier and easier. That's the simple truth.

Now if a club owner questions my fee for letting a computer play music I tell them, 'you are paying for my extensive catalogue of music, my ability to read the crowd along with my programming skills and the months it took me to learn to use this program. That's what you're paying for.

The truth is, a lot of vinly-only djs are purists or traditionalists who may feel threatned at this new technology because it sheds the mystery and mystique of djing, opening up the field to anyone with a computer and a good record collection.

Now, turntablism is an art form that I admire, but that's different from djing, or playing dance music at an event or club. But this is a whole other discussion...



Couldn't have said it better myself. :o)


AMEN! ;)

I am a professional dj at one of the larges clubs in my town...
I use Virtual DJ 3 times a week, and very happy doing so...

I still have my Pioneer 1000s decks there, I do play some cds
But I do not feel less a dj, or anything like that , when I use VDJ at my gigs... not at all!

It's just like when the vinyl jockeys where against CD players... that storm calmed all down.
Now the new technology is digital djing.. and dj's are funny that way... kinda purists many of them

I have NOTHING against technology, nothing against aids for helping djing
Even my Pioneer 1000 decsk have accurate bpm, wave display... and more to aid me.. so what?

ITS ALL ABOUT MUSIC ;) making a good atmosphere, make the guests happy ;)

I work a lot better with Virtual DJ, because my music is organized better, I can be more creative... and focus more on what I'm going to play next

Virtual DJ makes my gigs better... so everybody is happy ;) Club owner, guests... even other djs have shut up by now ... loool... some where negative to me going digital in the start

But not anymore ;)


I think several of us click the beat lock just to get to the general area of the pitch adjustment. Then we click it again to turn it off. Then we check both by watching the wav form, and by listening with a single cup of the head phone to see how it's lined up. Then make small adjustments as needed, and wait for the right moment, and start either mixing, or playing with on the fly loops or whatever...
Probably 85-90% of the time you can get away with just clicking the beat lock and letting it rip... but after a while, that could get boring LOL


Once you go to a controller with a jog wheel it is too easy to align the wave form, I never use the lock.

Hey, I'm glad I got some answers so quickly, the comunity here is really amazing :-)
Thank you for that....

I'm quite new in DJing (about 1 month), my 1st program was Mi*vibes, and I was very satisfied (I was using only keyboard and mose to mix) - the program was good, the sound was good. I tried several others too, but none was as good as Mi*vibes (including VDJ v 1.08...I wasn't impressed yet) Then I borrowed Hercules DJ console from a friend of mine and OOPS, Mi*vibes had problems to comunicate. So I found VDJ 2.01. I have to say I was impressed by its' features and handling simplicity BUT I was quite disappointed about the sound. And even now (in 2.06 demo) the sound is still much worse than in Mi*vibes, especially when I change the tempo. The sound seems to be swinging and jerking.

And other thing that sometimes drives me mad: the impossibility to change jog wheel sensitivity. Because even when I have scratching turned off, when I touch the jog it is VERY appreciable (HDJC user know what I'm talking about)

... so maybe it would semm to you that I'm not satisfied with VDJ....this is NOT true, I AM satisfied, but there are some things to improve. Atomix staff did very good job anyway. I'm now gatherin money to buy full version...

And lastly I want to apologize to those of you, who love VDJ and don't like any critics of it ;-)
If 2.1 (I just downloaded it, didn't try it yet) isn't the best DJ SW, then I believe 2.2 WILL BE :-D

SKiD, before being too critical, you may want to also factor in the possibility that any problems that you may be having could very well have to do with the quality of the cracked version that you are using.
For the best possible testing of this software, you must completely uninstall any unauthorised versions, and then test only the legal trial version. (it's unfortunate that many people aren't aware of the short comings of most if not all of the cracked versions out there.) You can't make a proper test of any software as long as you have a hacked version of it installed on your computer.


Guys, I learn to mix in and old turnables with out a pitch control... I walk a long way thru here. I was very happy beacause this amazing tool.

I DJ is who make right AMBIENT for the PEOPLE who is having A GREAT TIME. Anything (Legal) who make us do that is valid.

The tools not make you, We USE the tools to make better things, If the beat lock is there and I want to use, I USE IT, the crowd dosen't matters. If there is a great selection and good mixes and having fun, that's what is valued for them. In every way it is required to practice and make our selfs the better we can.

I never used the beatlock and sync feature ,I use my technics "by hand" and Vdj only for select songs ..and loops ....Virtual recordcase is the revolution . If you are a serious dj don't use Beatloock and sync .

Can you imagine Michael Schumacher with automatic pilot ??

I'm getting really tired of this.
Man-Tk, why do you constantly feel the need to put down people for using a technological improvement? (makes me wonder why you even bought this software or bothered to become an ultra-vip)
Haven't we already gone over this?

If you prefer spending 30 seconds to 1 minute matching beats by ear (and I guess in your case, sice you want to be "Mr Serious", you shouldn't look at waveform or bpm either), then that's your choice. But it sure as hell doesn't make you any more serious than someone who choses to use them.

As a matter of fact, if I were to choose between which is the more serious option, I'd say it makes you LESS serious IF YOU DONT USE BEATLOCK, since you could use that extra 30-60 seconds to improve the quality of your mix, to feel the crowd, to play with effects and EQs, to scratch, to add samples, to plan your next song, or to just enjoy the time and wear yourself out less quickly.

The point of us DJing is to deliver the best possible experience for the crowd.
I will use every time-saving feature that is available to me in order to deliver a better experience for the crowd and for myself.

If you find you are delivering a better experience for the crowd by not using beatlock or sync or looking at the waveform or the bpm, then do whatever works for you.

But choosing not to use these features because you think it makes you look uncool, well, then you're just missing out.

I am always too busy, even if I use auto beat match.
SOmetimes i find that particular song is more suitable for the crowd in last seconds and i just punch it in, even when i tease them with samples from totally other song (i wanted to play next) ;-)

friends told me, leave it to play and come to drink with us...
Maybe I am young and new to dj-ing (1,5 year) but i think it's about play for the crowd and make a real party not about showing that you can repair engine thru exhaust thats for the Dj Shows and competitions.

Anyway it is good to have practise beatmatching just by ears... and must put my hat down from all you that can do this quickly. (I will practise more I promise, but will do by hand only time to time)

it DOES NOT matter how you sync 2 songs...

if you do it manually by pitch controll, or if you press sync and nudge them to fit... it DOES NOT MATTER!!! :)

thats not the issue about having a good mix....
And using technology to sync faster has NOTHING to do with being good dj or not!!! NOT AT ALL :)

A good dj & a good mix does not consist of how you synced beats (manually pitch or sync), it consists of the following :
1. Your ability to build the atmosphere by playing good music, choosing good songs
2. Your ability to listen for song structure to mix it at the correct moments
3. Your ability to have an ear for harmoics so that the mix does not sound sour
4. Your ability to choose what song goes next....

it has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to do with manual pitch vs sync.... thats just a techincal first step...

AMEN!! ;) happy mixing

The interaction with the crowd, the tracks you select to play, the way how you mix the songs to each other, that's what creates the atmosphere for a good party!

NOT the technique you use to match 2 tracks together!

exactly ;)

because some dj's think its all about technique, thats the reason for some djs to be sceptical to new technology, to new ways of djing, tools etc

It does not make you a better dj if you sync fast on sync button, or if you use a little more time syncing manually... SYNC IS SYNC no matter HOW you synced the beats.

Thats not what djing is about, syncing beats with pitch vs syncing otherwise.... djing is an art form, you are an artist, an entertainer... you can even be a dj WITHOUT sync! with breakmixes, or other technicques... Hell, you can even be a cool pub dj using mic between songs, if the crowd likes that

Its about MUSIC, mixing in structure and harmony, atmosphere, have a feel for what goes well or not with the crowd.
NO technology can do that for you... :)

I actually use the Beatlock function, but differently... I like to take a song that might be 15-20bpm off from another, speed up (or slow down) the one playing already and THEN beat match the other one to it so it's not too far off...

I wish there was a way that if I 'locked' the beat of the incoming song, I could then adjust THAT one and it would automatically lock onto and adjust the one currently playing... or vice versa... so that I could make slow adjustments noone would notice...

I think that alot of DJs have the whole DJing experience wrong. There are times when you simply play songs for a group of people(wedding, bar, party DJing). Then there are times when you play with a little more talent and skill. Beatmixing, some effects(Clubs or larger venues DJing). And then there is what I like to do and that is production type DJing...making CDs for myself and others. I will beatmixing, samples, loops, effects...the whole nine yards. Flawless mixes. So a bar type DJ might not require sync. A Club DJ might not as much but for production you will.

Remember all very well known DJs who are producing CDs to the public don't manually sync thier mixes. It is all done with computers....imagine that.


virtualdisc jokey, or virtual discjokey?

in your abilities lies the answer...
