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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Vumeter x 2 in version 6.x

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I am trying to convert MixLab 3.1 with some added features to VDJ script 6 but have got stuck.

I am using VDJ 6.12 pro.

I am trying to get a pair of horizontal vu meters on one deck:

<visual pannel="51" source="deck 1 get vumeterleft" type="linear" deck="1" orientation="horizontal" direction="right">
<size width="353" height="11"/>
<pos x="84" y="47"/>
<up x="78" y="1237"/>
<down x="175" y="2066"/>

<visual pannel="51" source="deck 1 get vumeterright" type="linear" deck="1" orientation="horizontal" direction="right">
<size width="353" height="11"/>
<pos x="84" y="67"/>
<up x="78" y="1237"/>
<down x="175" y="2066"/>

But only the top one works and I can't understand why?

I have tried changing the bottom one to vumeterleft and that doesn't work either.

Is there a limit on the number of VU meters in vdj 6.12??


can someone explain the diffrences between vumeter and vurmeterleft and vumeterright


get level_left and get_level_right

It's a steep learning curve, but I am determined to get to grips with the VDJ Script.

Thank you.

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 10 @ 5:52 pm
use "deck 1 get level_left" and "deck 1 get level_right"

get level_left/right will produce stereo readings - vumeter in mono.

perfect thank you for your guidance

Can I ask a further question of you

The bargraph vu meter does not work

<visual pannel="50" source="deck 1 get vumeterleft" factor="1.5" type="linear" deck="1" orientation="vertical" direction="up">
<size width="13" height="25"/>
<pos x="79" y="50"/>
<up x="615" y="2680"/>
<down x="993" y="2680"/>

These are stepped across with different factors to give the appearance of a bargraph vu meter

Sorry to ask so many questions, but I am learning a heck of a lot about VDJ Script 6

Just confused about the different verbs regarding levels etc.



As far as i know the "factor" part doesn't work anymore. Hasn't worked since V6 was released. As far as i am aware!

Ah that would explain it.

I can get the levels to appear but like you siad it ignores the factors - damn!

All I can do for now is alternate the sources from left channel and the right chanel to give some sort of effect.

Better than nothing.

Do you know if this to be fixed in the next release?


No i'm not sure. Your the first person to mention as far as i'm aware. Just have to wait and see i suppose.


Is there anything esle that doesn't work in VDJ script 6 that I should be aware of.

What about Custom?

this is in 6 and doesn't work

<visual pannel="52" source="deck 1 get grid" type="custom" deck="1">
<size width="119" height="25"/>
<pos x="81" y="50"/>
<down x="1032" y="3326" nb="5" nbx="1"/>

In 5 - it worked

<visual pannel="52" type="custom" source="grid" chan="1">
<pos x="81" y="50"></pos>
<size width="119" height="25"></size>
<down x="1032" y="3326" nb="5" nbx="1"></down>

Am I off on another wild goose chase? lol


get grid doesn't exist in V6 either.

What did it do in V5 - there maybe a new verb/syntax for it.

<down x="1032" y="3326" nb="5" nbx="1"></down>

You're missing a Y in this line...
<down x="1032" y="3326" nby="5" nbx="1"></down>

BTW: Custom works fine... I always use custom on my vu-meters (so that each "led" light's up as it would do on a hardware mixer)

I'm slowly loosing the will to live here!

the wiki states:

<up x="" y="" nb="" nbx=""> : (type="custom" only) Give the coordinate of the graphics to use with the custom type (works like for a "round" slider)

and not

<up x="" y="" nby="" nbx=""> : (type="custom" only) Give the coordinate of the graphics to use with the custom type (works like for a "round" slider)

Crikey please get the documentation correct!

Thanks guys

You have been most helpful

Adding a nby= errors

<visual pannel="52" type="custom" source="deck 1 get grid" deck="1">
<pos x="81" y="50"></pos>
<size width="119" height="25"></size>
<down x="1032" y="3326" nby="5" nbx="1"></down>


<visual pannel="52" type="custom" source="deck 1 get grid" deck="1">
<pos x="81" y="50"></pos>
<size width="119" height="25"></size>
<down x="1032" y="3326" nb="5" nbx="1"></down>

does not, but does not work

I'm confused - Im going to put this one down for a while and come back tomit when I have the patience!

As i said before "get grid" is not a V6 action. What did it do it V5 as there may be a new action in V6 that does the same thing.


in 5 get grid allowed the use of graphics say to represent the beat.


nby="5" is not a valid syntax.

Try one of these - "get_beat" or "get_beatgrid"

Maybe one of those will do what you want - not used them myself so can't say for sure.

Hi Mark,

In v6, the get grid is replaced by "goto_bar x" where x is 1, 2, 3 or 4
You can even use it as a button in v6.

Replace "<visual>...</visual>" code by the following, it should work:

<button action="deck 1 goto_bar 1">
<pos x="81" y="50"/>
<size width="24" height="25"/>
<down x="1032" y="3326"/>

<button action="deck 1 goto_bar 2">
<pos x="105" y="50"/>
<size width="24" height="25"/>
<down x="1032" y="3351"/>

<button action="deck 1 goto_bar 3">
<pos x="129" y="50"/>
<size width="24" height="25"/>
<down x="1032" y="3376"/>

<button action="deck 1 goto_bar 4">
<pos x="153" y="50"/>
<size width="24" height="25"/>
<down x="1032" y="3401"/>

Thank you for your reply.

I'm not 100% sure about what you are saying - but I will look at and see how that fits.

I guess for me it's a steep learning exercise - and I am finding that version 5 scirpt on the face of it seems more flexible.

An example of this iis the samples.

I have a slider to change the volume of say samples 1

<slider pannel="72" action= "sample_volume_1" orientation="vertical" dblclick="reset" rightclick="temporary">
<size width="11" height="89"></size>
<pos x="532" y="269"></pos>
<up x="1037" y="2765"></up>
<selected x="799" y="3693"></selected>
<fader sensibility="100">
<size width="11" height="16"></size>
<pos x="947" y="1857"></pos>

in v 6

as far as I can tell the syntax for

"sample_Volume_1" in v6 is:

"sampler volume" and no option to choose which slider it relates to.

I Have tried

"sampler volume 1" and "sampler volume_1"

I do find the wiki useful but it does not give examples.

I'm not giving up just yet. lol


I have found that the best way to get information about VDJScript is directly in VirtualDJ.

Open the Config window and go to the "Mappers" tab.
Create a new shortcut and then start typing an action.

This is what I just did:

-I typed "sampler" in the action and got a list of VDJScript verbs starting with "sampler".

-Click on "sampler volume" and get this description: "change the volume of the selected sample."

-This doesn't give very much information so I clicked on "sampler stop"
I then got this description: "stop the selected sample. syntax 'sampler stop' stops the default sample. 'sampler 4 stop' stops the fourth sampler slot. 'sampler all stop' stops all samples."

So "sample_volume_1" translates to "sampler 1 volume" ;)

Ahhhh thank you.

That's a great tip - all working now!

Thanks again.

Thanks all for your help.

I have now finsihed my version of Mixlab now Native 6.X VDJ Script.

All my VU meters work and I decided to only show VU levels when the deck is active. The only thing with the VU meters is that the \"Factor\" is not functional in VDJ Script. It\'s a pity as this would make the VUE meters look more visually attractive.

The beat visuals work, but slightly in a different way visually - but you can still see the beat match - couldn\'t get my head around the \"beat grid\" in version 6, that\'s not to say I won\'t take another look at a later date.

It\'s been a steep curve, but I must admit I enjoyed it.

It has given me encouragement to think about making a script from the ground up. I know there is a tutorial somewhere regarding using photoshop but I can\'t remember where.

If anyone wants a native MixLab v6 let me know and if the rules allow I will apply to have it hosted in the skins section.

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