
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: [NEW] VirtualDJ 7.0 - Page: 9

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I have cleared up so many problems with this. The most crucial being my music. I can find it all & every file works. Though I have not gone through all 5000+ I can see because all the BMPs are counted.

THank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks guys!! looking for forward to getting into v7. should have plenty of time as I recover from knee surgery. : (
now can I get someone to send me a Numark Mixtrack Pro? : )

Wow, thank you VDJ!

For a couple of minutes I had a small issue where I thought my DMC2 jogwheel wasn't working, but then I realised that I just needed to change "jogwheel mode" from vinyl to CD under vdj options.

Thanks for this amazing update!

SBDJ wrote :
You can go higher than 6. The upper limit is 99.

You can also configure controllers to effectively flip through as many decks as you want so you don't physically need lots of controllers.

As for sync with other software; VDJ7 now supports Rewire :)

How do you do this "flipping through decks"? I never had a chance to test my controllers and timecode players yet. All I was able to do is intall VDJ 7 on both my Mac & PC. If I could use the B Section of my M-Audio Xponent for decks 3&4, that would be a big plus already and I won't need to buy any of the newly released 4decks midi controllers.

AuralCandy.Net wrote :
Despite being exhausted after work yesterday, I just coudn't resist installing VDJ7 and testing the new multi-deck feature. I had a blast playing techno with four decks and it worked like a charm.

The new advanced audio config is implement just like it should be, good work guys! The second I saw it the mad scientest in me started to wonder "Hmm...if I would hook both DN-X1600 and DJM-5000 to my MacBook Pro at the same time, I could play with six decks and use the 7th channel for sampler. Why, you ask? BECAUSE I CAN!!!" :D

My only critique is that the (default) skin(s) still look a bit unpolished and the whole bitmap-based/fixed-pixel-size skin engine is a bit old fashioned. Hoping to see scalable vector-based skins on VDJ8 :)

I am a Mac user too. I use Imac 21.5" and a 13" Macbook Pro. If you play around with your display settings on Mac and kinda match it to available skin resolutions of VDJ 7, you will find your perfect display set-up.

DJ Jodi

pepesicatdizon wrote :
How do you do this "flipping through decks"?

Luckily it's quite easy. Pick a button you want to use on each side to alternate decks - for example the (X) button on the Xponent. Left side flips between 1 and 3, right side between 2 and 4...

device_side left ? deck 1 leftdeck ? deck 3 leftdeck : deck 1 leftdeck : deck 2 rightdeck ? deck 4 rightdeck : deck 2 rightdeck

That should do it I reckon. I'd personally illuminate the LED depending on which deck and so on.


pepesicatdizon wrote :
I am a Mac user too. I use Imac 21.5" and a 13" Macbook Pro. If you play around with your display settings on Mac and kinda match it to available skin resolutions of VDJ 7, you will find your perfect display set-up.

Thanks for the info, Captain Obvious. You totally missed my point...

...which is, that designing skins for fixed-size resolutions is IMHO somewhat awkward and old fashioned method. A vector-based would mean, that the one and the same skin is able to scale up/down to any resolution without any quality reduction - thus eliminating the need to create separate skins for different resolutions.

Clear now, eh champ?


click the mono channel box at the top.

Thanks for your reply! But it's still not workin' :-(.

There is a problem connecting it with cdj 400 ...
I do everything right ..

but it looks like output 3&4 is not working and my second cdj does nothing :(
In the mapping i've assigned both cdjs to default.

Besides that it says everywhere pioneer cdj-400 they are two cdjs

I dont have a CDJ400 in front of me but have you tried without using the mono option.

Deck 1 - CDJ400 - 1&2
Deck 2 - CDJ400 - 3&4
Deck 3 - CDJ400 - 1&2
Deck 4 - CDJ400 - 3&4

yes I've tried. Same thing

Its because your cdjs aren't 4 channel, they should all say 1-2 unless you have 4 outputs on your cdj.

Greek Bts wrote :
yes I've tried. Same thing

Just go to thinking. There is no 3 and 4. There is only 1 and 2. so:

Deck 1 CDJ400 1&2
Deck 2 CDJ400 1&2
Deck 3 CDJ400 1&2
Deck 4 CDJ400 1&2

There will be 2 CDJ's listed in the drop down menu. Make sure you use the same one for 1 and 2, and the same one for 3 & 4.

done that too. all sounds go to 1 ch of the mixer

are there 2 cdj's listed in the drop down?

yes 1 for ch 1,3 and 1 for ch 2,4 (it's just that they have the same name )

Only just bought this and an update already... Nice one

How do I assign an effect to the mic input on the Hercules RMX?
