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Topic: ASIO with Hercules Mk4

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What would be th advantages to use the Asio driver the Mk4 console? I'm not sure how to setup it right.
Do I need to check Apply Eq on ext inputs to have Asio active?

As Sound card I also can check Asio Driver, but then I get 'Error in the ASIO sound driver' when I click Apply. No sound and also no reaction at the Asio config button.

It does work when I change Hercules DJ Console Mk4 ASIO to ASIO4ALL v2 in the dropdown. Then also I have the green play button from the Asio software in the sys tray.

And what about the Asio setting in the MK4 sys tray utility?
When I check (white button) ASIO under Audio Modus, the settings come active for Sample freq etc. (with WDM on, they are dimmed) but I have no sound no more, WDM works fine.

So what is the best setup then to have ASIO active? Or is there no need to use ASIO?

Inviato Tue 12 Oct 10 @ 6:20 pm
Hello Li125,

1) VirtualDJ automatically switches the DJ Console Mk4 between ASIO and WDM, if you select DJ Console Mk4 as sound board in VirtualDJ:
- if you check the box 'Apply EQ on external inputs': DJ Console Mk4 is switched in ASIO mode
- if you uncheck the box 'Apply EQ on external inputs': DJ Console Mk4 is switched in WDM mode.

2) With VirtualDJ + DJ Console Mk4, don't take into consideration the message "Error in the ASIO driver". VirtualDJ first calls this message, and afterwards switches the DJ Console Mk4 from WDM to ASIO.

3) The DJ Console Mk4 control panel area where you select the ASIO or WDM mode lets you adjust the ASIO buffer. You cannot adjust the WDM buffer as DJ Console Mk4 uses Windows USB audio WDM mode, so in WDM the buffer size it is choosen by Windows.

OK thanks for the reply,
So in fact, with Hercules Mk4, there is no need to install the Asio4All driver then?
Is 'Apply EQ on external inputs' just a bad translation or what? Why doesn't is just say 'Use Asio Mode' then?
Indeed when I check in the DJ Console Mk4 control panel I noticed the 'white button' is changed from WDM to ASIO. Strange dough that I can't change Buffer size, etc. When I select the Asio4All driver I can do.
Also this: I don't really notice any difference, why is good for? Where can I see anything bteer/different?

Hello how come every time i i try to change the config it always ask me if do i want to upgrade????? I cant change my configuration....
Please i need help


li125 wrote :
So in fact, with Hercules Mk4, there is no need to install the Asio4All driver then?

...Strange dough that I can't change Buffer size, etc. When I select the Asio4All driver I can do.

You don't need to install ASIO4All since the Hercules consoles have a native ASIO driver, which means that it talks directly to the hardware. This offers better performances than a generic ASIO such as ASIO4All, which adds a layer over the existing standard driver of a soundcard.

It is by design that once the ASIO driver is used by the software, the settings are no longer accessible.

li125 wrote :

Is 'Apply EQ on external inputs' just a bad translation or what? Why doesn't is just say 'Use Asio Mode' then?

It is indeed a little weird as description, but there is a reason.

In order to use input (for timecode or external sources), VDJ needs to use ASIO. In doing so, the software also applies the EQ to the input signal, hence the description...


VDJ LE (for Limited Edition) is preconfigured to work exclusively to work with our controller, and as such, changes are not possible. You wouljd need to upgrade to VJ Pro Full in order to get access to the configuration menu.


PROBLEM is "Error ASIO driver".

Well, just bought 2 Hercules DJ Controller Mk4, which comes with VirtualDJ 6 LE. I am as socialworker manager of 2 youthclubs for teenagers aged of 12 to 21. The Institutions are open social offers and free for all young who we can get from the streets of Hamburg, saying this just to make a picture of where we are using the gear, and logically then a non-profit institution. I will get back to that in my conclusion.

We googled for clues all friday night and I am educated PC-supporter and programmer before I got socialworker, so it's not the first time I have to do with Driver errors. Anyway - we found that a lot of ppl here have problems with the ASIO drivers for Virtual DJ, but not all have written what version of Virtual DJ, nor does it look like VIRTUAL DJ wants to or are able to fix the problems who some people gets.

We have come to the conclusion that it has to do with BOTH general driver installations on the PCs AND the VIRTUALDJ VERSION used.

PC 1 (AMD Sempron 1.2Ghz, 4Gb RAM, Windows XP Home):
As we first got the Hercules Mk4 we installed it on our Music-PC which was under the minimum power required; A Sembron 1.2Ghz with Windows XP Home. The Mk4 and Virtual DJ WORKED there (No Error messages - whatever we unplugged the Mk4, plugged in again in a new USB port. PROBLEM: CPU was too small for doing big loads of effects and such resulting that the playback simply just stopped and silence came - CONCLUSION 1: Virtual DJ LE worked fine.

PC 2 (Intel G620 Dual Core 2,6Ghz, 4Gb RAM Windows XP Pro SP3)
We then installed a brand new G620 Dualcore PC with latest Windows XP Pro SP3. Updated all updates from hardware manufactorers and Windows. PC runs superfast. Installed Hercules Drivers just as the other, then plugged the Mk4 in, then installed VirtualDJ LE again.
Error: ASIO error message! After reinstalling the Drivers for Hercules, and reinstalling VirtualDJ several times with same results, and with no clue what and from what software installation ASIO drivers should have been installed with, I thought of former Bulk softwares I have had in my time, like Power-DVD LT, Cubase Lite, Nero Lite and such. It is foolish to believe that the software poducers gives us a 100% working software for free capable of doing the same as the versions they sell online. So why should VirtualDJ 6 LE be different?

Anyway - we downloaded the latest VirtualDJ Home v7.0.5 and installed it - we didn't even uninstall the LE version and started it. And everything worked super – CPU usage never came over 40%, telling us that our PC might be a bit too overpowered now ^^ .
BAD THING WAS JUST A MATTER OF DOLLARS: The first Virtual DJ Home did was scanning for controllers (which was good), then after detecting our Mk4 it urged us to BUY the PRO FULL Version for insanely 299,- USD. We were allowed though to test the software with controller for 10 minutes.

Installing VirtualDJ Home 7.0.5 right after getting errors from the Virtual DJ 6 LE Bundled with the Mk4, clearly tells us that Virtual DJ CAN make ASIO drivers work if they want to. It's on one side understandable that a bundled software should lead to buying newer versions of the software, but I honestly don't understand why people have to pay 299,- USD more for getting the bundled software to work...

btw: ASIO4ALL didn't work either, nor dit alternatives to VirtualDJ that we found. And I really don't see why I should look for alternatives when the version 7 solved the problem... I expect a comment from a Virtual DJ supporter...

Thanks for your time – and I am sorry to all you guys who also have problems with Virtual DJ's lacking Bundled Software....

DJcrazyjoe wrote :
Hello how come every time i i try to change the config it always ask me if do i want to upgrade????? I cant change my configuration....
Please i need help

When you are a Limited Edition user, like yourself, you won't be able to configure much...
You can try the 20day trial period to see what you can do when you go pro...
Or you can go PRO right away, and enjoy VDJ to it's fullest.

TIP: grab your serial that came with your LE version and use it on the buy page to see what discount you can get ;)


Hey Teamer from Virtual DJ - I would have prefered that you had deleted my post here instead of closing my own thread - but ok, I see the edit I made in my former comment here isn't shown, so I guess you just chose one. But getting a few comments my other thread it would have been nice if I could ask a little more on my own thread instead of writing about my own problems in anothers thread.

For MK4 users who gets the "ASIO driver error" in VirtualDJ LE - Check this please:

Go into your BIOS and check if it is "AC'97" (which should work) or the newer codec that Intel made: "HD Audio" (didn't work on 3 different computers in my case).

Some Mainboards give the options of choosing between them. Older mainboards (1997 - 2004) with onboard sound should have AC'97 for sure, and Intel then released "HD Audio" in 2004, but manufactorers still used / uses the old codec as well. I found the information somewhere deep deep in the Intel Tech site.

What also might work is disable your onboard soundcard before installing VDJ, keep it disabled and then use MK4 as only soundcard (but this I cannot verify), nor is it the optimal solution. It still would be best if the behaviour of the 6 LE would work just like the / HOME or probably all version 7, where it makes no problems.

I hope this could help some, and if anybody has other experiences about working and not working onboard codecs, please tell me or write me in the forum - I will then update this post...


Hey, sorry about my english but im having a lot of trouble with my OLD Hercules MK4.

Everything was working just fine, i run windows 7 64 bit on a AMD 2.8 GHZ with 4 gb RAM and a 9500gt nvidia gforce gpu.

But suddenly, VDJ started freaking me out (i run a small business) it started freezing so i thought it was an overheating problem and manage to solve this and changed my gpu for a DDR3 260 nvidia gforce of 1gb, backup all my info, and formatted and installed Windows 7 32 bit.

So, ive updated EVERYTHING, VDJ, HERCULES even FIRMWARE, NVIDIA, managed my usb devices to not saving power, cancelled realtek sound car so just HERCULES be my predetermined sound card.


Run VDJ, and it takes too long when loading external devices, then if im lucky it wont freeze in my first 1 or 2 songs sending an error in my hercules device that windows is not recognigzing the device. So, start again, and due to my little business, i dont know why, but i can play VDJ with RCAs cables are connected in the first 2 plugs entries from right to left, and in config invert the channels to 3y4/1y2. Why is this happening?

Obviously i cant use a mic, and ive not tested headphones. I want things back to normal please!

Ill be very Thankful

ok, get a new usb cable... start here happend to me with cheap cable...

Guys. thats not my problem
the problem is that i dont have the asio driver!

Before anything, is your console correctly installed ?

If this is the case, please try the following procedure:

1) Download the following software:

2) before launching the application,be sure that

- the DJ Console is set to ASIO in the Control panel

- VDJ or other applications susceptible of using the ASIO driver are closed.

3) Upon launching ASIOSinGen, configure as follow:

- Select ASIO driver:

Obviously choose the MK 4ASIO driver

- Select Device Output:

I would choose the headphone output (Output 3/4) since you can easily control the volume (be sure to to lower the volume before proceeding with the test).

Once this is done, click any of the wave or noise button which will send a short signal in the headphone. If you can hear the signal, then the ASIO driver is working correctly.

IF however you get an error message, then there may be a problem with the ASIO driver.

4) Switch to WDM in the control panel. Launch ASIOSinGen again.

You should normally get the following window message:

Can't interface with an ASIO driver - Exiting!

Change the audio mode to ASIO and launch ASIOSinGen again. If you are able to launch the applications normally, then the control panel and the ASIO driver are working correctly and that the problem is most probably related to the VDJ installation.

Hallo zusammen

Ich benutze Virtual DJ pro und die Herkules MK 4 Console an meinem Mac.
Nun kommt es häufiger vor, das mitten im Lied kein Ton mehr aus den Boxen kommt.
Am Mischpult an dem die Konsole angeschlossen ist, ist auch kein Ausschlag zu erkennen, so das ich davon ausgehe das gar kein Signal da ankommt. Woran könnte das liegen?? Wie gesagt es läuft ne Zeit und dann aus. Lied läuft zwar noch aber kein Ton.

Manchmal ist nur auf dem rechten Laufwerk immer ein hängen des Liedes. Es setzt aus, dann geht's wieder dann stockt es wieder wie man auch an dem Rad sehen kann.
Muss dann immer einen Neustart durchführen. Woran kann das liegen?

Danke euch für eure Hilfe

You possibly used the wrong forum.
This is for english language only.
So either try to post in english or feel free to open a new thread in the german forum please.

good day the Dj console mk4 version 1.3 controller CD plate that came with my Dj console mk4 gut broken. and I mistakenly uninstalled my virtual Dj now how can I get the software (Dj console mk4 version 1.3) downloaded in my system??

You can simply download VDJ 8 and buy a license.

user18446368 wrote :
good day the Dj console mk4 version 1.3 controller CD plate that came with my Dj console mk4 gut broken. and I mistakenly uninstalled my virtual Dj now how can I get the software (Dj console mk4 version 1.3) downloaded in my system??

If you still have the VirtualDJ serial number (keycode) that came with your controller, you could register it here and then download it from the same page (Old Discontinued products section)


Hola Tengo Problemas al instalar Dj consola MK4, realice la instalación con el cd original que tre..., paso a paso, cuando me pide conectar la consola con el cable usb al ordenador me sale un cuadro de dialogo que dice lo siguiente:" hércules consola MK4 Bulk error", las demás; Hércules consola MK4 listo para usar, consola MK4 ASIO listo para usar, consola MK4 MIDI listo para usar, como ven solo Bulk da error, le cambie el cable usb uno mas corto y igual error, el ordenador es marca vit p2400-intel i3-3110m 2.4GB- RAM 2GB-puertos Usb 3.0 y 2.0 la conexio la hice 2,0 tiene windows7. Entonces desintale los drivers del cd e instale los de pagina Hércules soporte los últimos y me sale mas errores el Bulk-Asio-Midi, Es peor , no se que hacer.. pido ayudaa.. por favor.

(Vecchi argomenti e forum sono automaticamente chiusi)