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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Can I share marked-up songs between Traktor and Virtual DJ using an external drive?

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I'm trying to establish whether I could set cue points, etc from within Traktor (which writes the information to the file), and then - via an external drive - have those cue points visible when using Virtual DJ? The reason for this is that only one location I DJ at has video, so I would play a combination of video files and a Sonique plugin behind an audio-only file at that location. The other locations are audio-only, and Traktor works great for that - and is what I'm already using.

Because I have only one video location and also because of the time commitment I can foresee needing to put in, to re-cue everything, I'd like to see if there's a solution. If the cue points can be saved and work the same when bouncing between the two programs, that would be a huge hurdle out of the way.

Does anybody know of a solution, either using the native apps or a third-party sync? I'm thinking that if there's a strong stable solution that is modular and scalable, I can justify the VDJ-Pro investment and continue to have a choice of two apps for inbound DJs to use. (We are beginning a DJ mentoring program to give exposure to aspiring latin DJs: there's not really a whole lot of scratching and turntablism involved in their gigs, but being able to mix and cue properly is important.)


I'm currently using/testing VDJ Home and either don't have the right knowledge, or haven't found the best solution on the forums.


Inviato Fri 05 Nov 10 @ 12:44 pm
I doubt what you want can happen, only because VDJ doesnt read Traktor's database and I dont think Traktor reads VDJ's database so how would each program know whats whats...............I havent heard of anything doing this but I'm not that computer savy.


Inviato Fri 05 Nov 10 @ 5:35 pm

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