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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: [NEW] Dark Minimal - Page: 1

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Coming Soon...

Deck .... shots


Inviato Thu 03 Feb 11 @ 3:00 am
oooohhh spooky ! ....he,he

Wow looks sweet. i really like black and your skins are always the bomb. cant wait. can i ask what res. will this be in?

1440X900, 1366X768, 1920X1080 (not resized, HD)
90% ready.
Will be uploaded probably this weekend.

I will post details about this skin and more photos later tonight.

perfect. thank you

djdad wrote :
1440X900, 1366X768, 1920X1080 (not resized, HD)
90% ready.
Will be uploaded probably this weekend.

I will post details about this skin and more photos later tonight.

1280x800 please Bob... Loocks good bro...


you may get 1200X800 easily, using the Resizer Tool, i just checked, So due to limited uploaded resolution possibilities i will prefer those.

No problem Bob.. I'll try this when it's ready

Looks nice & clean Bob...


Dark Minimal X-Wide
The larger Browser you can get and yet have all the infos you need..

Download Link

Primary resolution 1600X900
The Skin Resizer works perfectly. You can resize it at any resolution you need.
(You may noticed that lately i upload skins at 16:9 ratio. The reason is that i changed laptop since the old one died :p and the new one is at 1600X900.)

Enjoy it !

Since i posted the first screen shots a few things have been changed

Deck 1 Pic.

- When Automix is enabled the next track infos will be displayed instead of the Title. Title is been moved along with Artist now. (2nd pic)
- The Remain Time will flash when song reaches the end.
- That blue rectangular will be visible only when pitch is off 0% (with 0,1% tolerance), and it will flash when pitch_reset is activated.
- Hot Cues are now 4
- You can view without clicking anything Year, Genre, Comment, bitrate, filetype, Level of the song
- Inside the Platter you will view the whell_mode. If you dont use wheel_mode for your jog, then the VirtualDJ logo will appear. If you use your jog as wheel_mode then it will show, Jog, Browser, Seek, Loopmove , etc
- On almost all buttons, you will find tooltips, if you enable the Tooltip from the Options. It will show you the rightclick options too.

This skin is what i personally use. I use an external mixer and midi controller, so i dont need the internal mixer or some buttons i already have on my controler, except some basic (play etc) in case i lose control of my midi.

But in case you need the mixer, to view and check a few things, it\\\'s just there. All you have to do is activate the AUXiliary panel and it will show up.

Mixer - Amp View

A sampler panel is also available with Sampler Names on each Sampler button.



It is a skin great.

I have just tried it and it is at the top.

I keep it there waiting a skin for the mixdeck

Great job....


Great job. i have been waiting for this skin since u posted that u were doing it. thank you


Allright senor Bob...buildin away I see



i downloaded it & only get resolution 1600x900....what happened to 1440x900?

Thanks for noticing that ..

Re-uploaded. 1400X900 is now included.
