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Topic: Portable DJ booth...Yes or No? - Page: 1

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hwm1992PRO InfinityMember since 2013
I have been looking into getting a portable DJ booth or Facade basically to keep people from leaning over my table when they are trying to request songs

About 99% of the jobs I do I don't have the luxury of being on a stage or in a booth so I figured this would be the best alternative

Anyone use one? If so are the expensive? Easy to set up and tear down?

And I am wondering how it will work with my set up (I'll look for a picture and post later) but I have 3 speakers 2 up on stands and one sub I sit on the floor as far under my table as possible

Thanks for the help/advice

Inviato Tue 03 Sep 13 @ 2:23 pm
There are all sorts of booths and/or facades, at different price levels.

Two of the most popular booths in the UK are the S&H here and the Deckstand Booth Pro here. They're available with plain cloths, starcloths or even LED matrix cloths.

Another more "industrial" style is the LiteConsole XPRS here which is very commonly seen used at trade shows by Pioneer, Denon and the like.

Lower down the market, many mobile DJs use a standard 4ft deckstand like the one below:

In front of this they'll use either a starcloth, matrix cloth or a simple folding screen like this with lycra inserts & some LED lighting behind it.

Inviato Tue 03 Sep 13 @ 2:43 pm
hwm1992PRO InfinityMember since 2013
Right on thanks for the info

Inviato Tue 03 Sep 13 @ 2:50 pm
I use this one. Water and drink proof. Some of the white plexi and spandex look great, but everyone has them. How do you keep them clean, when most are stapled in? Plexi gets dirty and scratches. Most are also back lite, which is too bright in most cases, and you have to make sure your wires are out of the light. You will also need a table. This one is built in. I do like the lighted one above, but they are in the UK.

Inviato Tue 03 Sep 13 @ 5:42 pm
That XPRS booth is far too complicated. And too many "large" bits to lug around. They claim it packs down really small, but when I watched this video and saw the mass of parts leaning against the wall behind I thought WTF!

I have the 6ft version of the deck stand pictured above. While it maybe considered the lower end of the market, it functions extremely well because:

a) it's quick to set up. The only nut and bolt is the one that holds the t-bar together. All the rest of the adjustment is from pre-threaded bars or knobs.

b) It's strong and rigid.

c) it has a lighting t-bar included!

d) it folds down to virtually nothing.

As you can see, by t-bar is fully loaded with 10 fixtures and no curvature in the bar. the starcloth goes on last and hides what's on the shelf underneath - yes 2 shelves all included in the base price! My only addition is an MDF shelf to go on the top. This is cut in two and piano hinged and therefore easy to transport - just like the deck stand!

You can tell the designers have no concept of what a mobile DJ uses to carry gear around. The fact the original design was for Paul Oakenfold (they got the name drop in) means everything. Can't see Paul turning up with his boot/trunk loaded, his pickup/truck/van or trailer full of gear to a gig - can you!

Bet his get's sent in advance and is set up for him!

OK, it does look good... but form over function does come at a price!

Sorry, rant over...


Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 8:26 am
When I said "lower down" I was simply referring to it being a less expensive option than the S&H/DSBP/XPRS which are all over £700.

I use a basic 4ft stand too for smaller setups, with a custom shelf (a.k.a. made it myself!) and a wool serge LED matrix cloth.

The main frame of that XPRS is a great design and does fold down fairly small, and very quickly - but yeah there are a lot of peripherals, which you don't have to use if you don't want to.

You could easily leave off the lower and upper shelves and the side panels, and there's no reason why you couldn't whack a starcloth across the front instead of using that big sheet of white acrylic. Then it would literally be.....pull it open, stick the shelf in, wrap the cloth round.

I'd consider one myself if it was half the price!

Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 9:28 am
groovindj wrote :
whack a starcloth across the front

Yes you could - but why would you... It wouldn't fit and would look awful!

Plus these are all one size fits all. There are no small, medium or large options and if there were you'd need to carry at least two if you wanted to maintain the same style at all gigs... Especially if you market yourself on your setup and as part of your brand!

But of course it comes down to personal choice and everything that we say is just our opinion and will help the OP make his decisions ;-)



Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 9:45 am
Roy, I love that setup, and would love to be able to have a light bar to fit mine. I may try to have one made for me. I looked at their web site and love the double light bar. Do you have pictures from the other side? Is that your rug or mat that your rig is on?

Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 2:33 pm
Gonna build my own in a bit ....after the drunks at my last mobile gonna need it .. will post after built (can build for like 100 bucks may have to design something to hold the truss overhead I really like that

pics will be posted

just need some time off to do it this months dj schedule at my gentlemens club is INSANE

Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 3:50 pm
First thing AMAHM is thank you very much for the compliment.

Finally found an image from the business side taken last year...



Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 5:17 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I have two different ones depending on where I am and what I am doing, both mentioned above already.

One of these:

Perfect fit black starcloth, built in light uprights (although when I use them I usually just them to mount a moving head on rather than an overhead bar) and the shelf fits inside when folded up so smaller than you might think

I also have a 4ft stand like the one above with the equinox surround also above.

Strangely enough I don't actually do much mobile work!

Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 7:08 pm
Thanks Roy, it looks nice. Lots of room. I also have a 6000.

Inviato Wed 04 Sep 13 @ 11:04 pm
hwm1992PRO InfinityMember since 2013
You guys are awesome with all this info

What I'm looking for is something inexpensive and most importantly easy to transport, set up and tear down since I am a one man show

But I am liking what I've seen so far

Thanks again

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 10:22 am
If you haven't done so already, you should check out all the YouTube videos made by guys who've created their own facade/booth/stand, often from basic cheap DIY components.

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 10:30 am
Is a Booth really that important??
I mean I've never had anyone walk up to me and say "hey man that's a nice booth", now I've had people say "that was a dope set."
And yes I've worked in some killer Booths but at the end of the night the people only cared about the music. Some of the best parties I can remember, we just setup on a table and killed it.

No disrespect to anyone who uses one either, just wondering is all......

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 11:36 am
hwm1992PRO InfinityMember since 2013
In my opinion I think they add just a little more professionalism and more importantly to me anyways it will hopefully keep people from trying lean over my stuff with or without a drink in thier hand

I do try to direct everyone that comes up to talk to me over to the side where there really isn't anything they could knock off or spill on

And it also helps hide all the cords as well....I guess it all boils down to personal preference

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 11:55 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
For me when doing a mobile gig presentation is important. A nice booth with surround gives you a sturdy working environment with the ability to hide cables and anything else you want hidden easily, as well as adding something to your look.

A DJ set up on a table, pool table or similar would look completely crap at a wedding IMHO.

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 11:56 am
Yeah I see. I don't do mobile so yeah it really wouldn't affect but there are some cool booths out there.

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 12:35 pm
I like to be 100% self sufficient. I do not depend on anyone else or reliant on the quality of the tables/stands provided by the venue.

My booth also gives me a constant working height and I know where everything goes and I have enough space.

I wouldn't have it any other way...



Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 2:05 pm
Exactly, Roy. Same reasons here.

When you're providing a service to someone, you should turn up with everything you need to do that job.

If I hired a builder, I wouldn't expect him to be borrowing my tools!

Inviato Thu 05 Sep 13 @ 2:12 pm