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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: VirtualDJ 8 - Controller by DennYo - Page: 12

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After a quick look at the XML...

If you search and replace format="%Pcamelot / %Pkey" with action="get loaded_song 'comment'" in whichever Controller by DennYo skin variation you use, that should do the trick.

Inviato Thu 19 Feb 15 @ 7:40 am
format="%comment" would also work

Inviato Thu 19 Feb 15 @ 12:09 pm
Thanks, will probably leave it til Sunday to mess with the XML. Got weddings tonight and tomorrow to do, don't like messing under the bonnet (hood) just before lol.

With my background of teaching computer programming I really should get around to designing my own skin (is it in COBOL? lol).

Inviato Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 4:29 am
I'm sure a man of your talents could COBOL one together [groan]

Inviato Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 4:37 am
Groan indeed lol. Thought COBOL would have died years ago, but, talking to a friend who I went to Uni with on the same course in 1982, he is still working on COBOL maintenance for the major Banks!!! Glad I didn't go down that route, phew!

Inviato Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 5:17 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
The closest the xml skin and cobol come together is pixel -> PIC X

DJSoulman wrote :
he is still working on COBOL maintenance for the major Banks!!! Glad I didn't go down that route, phew!

Same here.
Our whole backend system is written in COBOL. When it comes to performance and really really huge masses of more or less simple calculations and realtime support. I think no other language could beat COBOL here.
Thats why it's still alive.

And yes, I had to learn COBOL too. I hate it.
Coming from OOP I had massiv problems to understand that stupid procedural programming.
Thank god it was just a one year course during I served my apprenticeship.
Now I'm back at OOP :)


Inviato Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 5:56 am
A load of old COBOLers :-)

Inviato Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 6:02 am
I downloaded the skin , which looks great , but noticed I am getting this line at the bottom , and I can actually grab it and move it , I have tried reinstalling it , getting the same thing , this also does not happen with any other skin

Inviato Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 11:08 am
groovindj wrote :
After a quick look at the XML...

If you search and replace format="%Pcamelot / %Pkey" with action="get loaded_song 'comment'" in whichever Controller by DennYo skin variation you use, that should do the trick.

Thanks groovindj, replacing with the action command worked a treat, job done. :-)
After getting it right on one skin I then did all of the Controller by DennYo skin varients and saved it with a modified name.
I can always revert to the original if required.


Inviato Sun 22 Feb 15 @ 7:38 am
Yes, you do need to rename any modded versions because if you ever download an update and reinstall it, your mods would be lost.

Inviato Sun 22 Feb 15 @ 7:55 am
HKashPRO InfinityMember since 2013
Hey gang. Weird issue.
First off, Laptop is plenty powerful and dedicated. (no extraneous software or Porn, lol)
Second, Denon DN MC6000mk1 controller.
3rd - Virtual DJ full Pro using 8
Recently switched to the "Controller by Dennyo" skin and was loving it. Seems lately, my right virtual player stops communicating with my denon while playing video. (The video continues to play along with the audio). I can still manipulate the waveform and cue, play pause everything on the laptop with a mouse) but it seems like the denon disconnects. I've reverted back to the default VDJ 8 2 deck skin and am running the heck out of issues as of yet. Anyone else having issues with "Controller by Dennyo" 2 deck w/ video skin? (I hope it's simply an update or something, I really love the skin) Any suggestions?

Inviato Mon 23 Feb 15 @ 3:47 pm
Hi Denny, Great Skin love the layouts and all the user options,
I'm in the process of removing all the other skins that I downloaded, I have one request/Question can you include the
Song Total Time in the deck area? or on the platter? or as an option to switch it on or off according to the user preference?

Inviato Tue 24 Feb 15 @ 10:39 am
I've noticed there doesn't seem to be anyway of unloading a deck.

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 4:43 am
DJSoulman wrote :
I've noticed there doesn't seem to be anyway of unloading a deck.

I asked this a while ago, because I also want to unload decks if I don't use them anymore that evening (especially deck 3 and 4)

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 4:46 am
@DJSoulman ......but why would you need to? I'm just curious as to why some DJs see this as a requirement.

I mean it's not like vinyl or CDs where you need to remove the media you've just played before you put something else on. :-)

When you're done with one track, just load another.

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 4:49 am
Why I want to unload

Example of two weeks ago:

Suddenly, out of the blue, there is a contest in the venue and there is a winner.
I have deck one playing background music during the contest and I have loaded a great song on deck two for after the winner announcement.

Because I want to jump in the moment, I very quickly load "We are the champions" on deck 4 and play it immediately from a Cue point I always use.
I let them sing the chorus one time and then quickly back to my wonderfull song I had waiting on deck 2..

I don't use "We are the champions" on deck 4 for the rest of the evening, but it stays in my screen and I don't like it. It's too full and confusing, because I keep looking at it..

That's why I really want to unload decks. Especially deck 3 and 4

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 5:13 am
Unloading decks > 2 has a point.
Each loaded song is completely decompressed in RAM. It does not affect perfomance, but still you have two unuseful songs sitting in RAM ;)

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 5:19 am
OK so I guess there is an advantage if using a computer that's on the low side of spec. :-)

To provide a solution, you could look through the skin XML code for action="load" and add rightclick="unload" on the same line.

You could also substitute one for the other, if you don't use "load".

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 5:31 am
ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
How about mapping a shortcut to unload your decks? Or am I missing something?

I use:

SHIFT+U to get the action unload.

Put another way, when I want to unload a deck, I use my TAB key to cycle the focus to the deck I want unloaded, press SHIFT and the letter U key and the deck unloads.

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 5:39 am
In the dictionary under "versatile", it says Atomix Virtual DJ software. :-)

Inviato Thu 26 Feb 15 @ 5:45 am