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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: [OFFICIAL] ContentUnlimited Audio [SOLVED: download v7.4.6 or v8.0.2338] - Page: 11

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kradcliffe wrote :
But it's also $120 a year. Maybe a one month free trial would help people decide?

I don't have a subscription yet and when I need a song I don't have, I search for it in de CU database. I still haven't found any song I needed so I haven't got a reason to subscribe yet, but I can search for it and listen for 30 seconds.

I think this is already a "free trial" in my opinion? It gives me a good view of how it works and what it can do for me.

Inviato Wed 22 Jul 15 @ 2:48 am
It's not $120.00 a year, it's $10.00 a month. There's a difference. You only pay as long as you want. If you can't afford it, then it's not for you. That's life. Some of you spend more than that on coffee a day, and Starbucks just raised their prices. You always have a choice.

Inviato Wed 22 Jul 15 @ 9:56 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I could get to like you AMAHM, anyway it's been quiet here for almost 3 weeks.
That tells a story !

I know some have very little money, in that case our Russian friends become very important.
If however you're making a little, then $10 a month is nothing.
The future for legal digital DJ'ing hangs in the balance.
We have to give the content owners something to encourage them to permit the continuance, and enhancement of subscription streaming.
It's the future.

Inviato Mon 03 Aug 15 @ 6:51 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Well it shouldn't be, I'm not getting into a debate, but this way an artists royalties will be watered down even more and the "renter" will never own the track, keeping them tied to the subscription service and whatever future penalties they impose, be it higher subscriptions or termination of their service.

It's my understanding VDJ has always pointed out that this service should be looked at as a "back up" to a users own library where they may not have a particular requested song at an event and the service quite rightly should only be looked at as a supplementary to users own music files.

Again to all users, to avoid future disappointment treat the service as a "band aid" until you have built up your own paid for music library.


Inviato Mon 03 Aug 15 @ 8:20 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Seems strange Ron that you would want to change your post after I had replied to it, now anybody looking at mine would think... what the hell is he going on about.

Basically if you missed Rons initial post before it was altered above mine, he stated that he hoped digital streaming of music from content providers was the way to go, hence my reply.

Inviato Tue 04 Aug 15 @ 4:59 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
My post has not been changed ?


Inviato Tue 04 Aug 15 @ 3:15 pm
I can see why music streaming has taken off for the average consumer/music fan. IMO it's replaced radio.

I think most people tune/tuned in to radio to hear music, not the DJs (although there are those who do). Now most households have "always on" high speed web connections, streaming provides the music they want, when they want it, with no jabbering DJs.

It used to be that if you heard a track on the radio, you'd buy it so that you could listen to it when & where you wanted. Now there's less need, because the tracks are always there at the other end of the web connection (for the home user).

For DJs though, it's different. We are first and foremost big music fans and collectors (well, most of us!) so owning the music is important. It's also important because our job dictates that the music needs to be there when the client needs/wants it - and that may be somewhere away from a reliable web connection.

Inviato Thu 06 Aug 15 @ 1:28 pm
I started as a DJ in 1985. DJ equipment was really expensive then. I remember even the Citronic mixer I bought in 1994 was over £800 alone.

Gear is now much, much cheaper and with the ability to work off a £299 laptop it really has "cheapened" the whole thing considerably.

Next stage is not to own music but to get it by a less expensive method which is streaming. It will happen (eventually) but probably not in the UK because of our draconian laws and greedy "non profit" organisations like PRS/MCPS and such.

Inviato Thu 06 Aug 15 @ 1:41 pm
Just a thought... Do you think maybe you guys could have sent out an email saying Hey there! If you want to be able to use content unlimited you need to upgrade to the newest version!

I feel I speak for others as well as myself in saying that I usually don't upgrade right away when I have a stable build running.

Been sitting here for months with no content unlimited and it would have been nice to get ANY correspondence from Atomix regarding it. Instead I had to ask in the VDJ Facebook group and then come here and search the forums. Not even a disclaimer on the Content unlimited link saying *service only available on v7.4.6 or later

Nice guys... seriously

Inviato Wed 19 Aug 15 @ 8:49 am
Will I have to be online to play the songs that you downloaded from from content unlimited

Inviato Thu 27 Aug 15 @ 8:56 pm
No, you can cache them and play them offline as long as you refresh the DRM once a month.

Inviato Thu 27 Aug 15 @ 9:00 pm
So does Content Unlimted only work when connected to the internet?

Inviato Fri 28 Aug 15 @ 4:58 pm
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008

Inviato Sat 29 Aug 15 @ 1:18 pm
Rick no............NO...................Don't do it.......................breathe in, deep breath................breathe can do. SHUT UP I KNOW HOW TO BREATHE I'm okay. Now, where was I? Okay, never mind.

Inviato Sat 29 Aug 15 @ 6:11 pm
Hmmmm content unlimited is missing a few songs that are quite high in the charts at the moment... e.g. Sigala - Easy Love, Justin Bieber - What do you mean, Avici - for a better day... whats up with that?

Inviato Fri 25 Sep 15 @ 7:33 pm
Its a shame the service is still providing inferior tracks from Youtube. It shouldn't have to be the case that during a live gig a download has to be checked before broadcast, where are these tracks sourced ?

Inviato Thu 01 Oct 15 @ 2:56 am
It has been stated that the new service does not have the extensive catalog of music that Grooveshark had. It's unfortunate but that's the way it is. Even when Grooveshark was running , it did not have everything. If you did not get the track you wanted from the paid service, you may get what you want from Netsearch. It has been stated that these results could not be verified, and the quality can't be guaranteed. Now, for the most part, I have gotten most of the tracks that I look for, and am satisfied with the service. This service was always intended to supplement your collection, for the song that you normally would not buy, or just did not know about. You are spending $10.00 a month, if you feel that you are not getting enough quality tracks, maybe this service is not for you. All DJs are not the same, and we know that this service is not for everyone, but it does provide a great value to a lot of DJs.

I'm curious, what song were you looking for, that gave you that result?

Inviato Thu 01 Oct 15 @ 5:56 am
I typed in decade 80s mix. Why can we not just have access to the net via Virtual Dj as in Netsearch which should be free or Youtube. There shouldn't be any problem with copyright as long as theres a disclaimer from VDJ. Understandably if its a case VDJ make money from it I don't mind as we get the upgrades free so giving something back is fine with me. It would be cool though if we could choose our own Music subscriber and channel through our VDJ. I know it can be done but not up on writing program etc.


Inviato Thu 01 Oct 15 @ 8:26 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
chriso710 wrote :
I typed in decade 80s mix

Try searching by artist or title of the song you actually want. That doesn't sound like the kind of search that is going to give you valid CU results after all.


Inviato Thu 01 Oct 15 @ 1:57 pm

Inviato Tue 06 Oct 15 @ 7:13 am