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Topic: Jittery Wave Forms with 8.2 - Page: 2

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60 should be the highest number you can put even though its not recommended (around 30 is)
and I do believe that this issue has been fixed.

Inviato Sun 18 Jun 17 @ 9:53 pm
On my option screen (latest version), it allows you to enter beyond 60, however there is no difference with using a number beyond 60. In addition, there remains a very slight jittery in the waveform when typing in the browser with setting 60. Again, very slight but exists.

Inviato Mon 19 Jun 17 @ 3:06 am
Pc Specs?

Inviato Mon 19 Jun 17 @ 3:08 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
99% of the lcd screens today have a refresh rate of 60hz, so putting in more than 60 indeed makes no difference.
You could try to put it at 60 and put ExperimentalSkinEngine to yes.

Inviato Mon 19 Jun 17 @ 5:21 am
The only way for me to get no jitter in skin or video is to set both to the refresh rate. It can vary but 60hz for many. It can be difficult to get an exact FPS other than the refresh rate. For example: If you set the VDJ skin or video FPS to 30, you will probably not get 30 frames per second... For me normally 31 to 33. So given that is not an exact multiple of 60, you will get jitter. If you set the skin FPS to 30 and the video FPS to 60, you will probably get jitter in the video as well as the skin but most of you will not notice it on the video. You need to scroll something on the video screen to see it but many of you just play video and not so noticeably. In other words if you are not getting exact timing more than likely you will see jitter with things that scroll. If you are seeing a frame rate that is not an exact multiple of the refresh rate than you are not getting exact timing.

You can't display more full frames per second than the refresh rate. Mostly you want to match the refresh rate in order to prevent tearing. Tearing occurs when 2 different frames are output and try to display at the same time with no notion of refresh rate. You can't set this mode in VDJ but you can set it DirectX. This can show a very high frame rate but you are still not getting more than the refresh rate per second... What happens with that is you get partial frames being output and so you get tearing.

So you can never display more full frames than your refresh rate. You can give the appearance of getting more frames per second but they are not full frames and tearing becomes more of an issue.

So what about 30 FPS... seems that should be easy and just half of the normal refresh rate. There is a mode for this in DirectX but only works in hardware full screen mode and VDJ probably does not make any use of it. In window mode you cannot just use a simple timer like wait 33.33 milliseconds and display the next frame... You would need to also take into account how much time it took to draw the frame but that is not important for this... You have to track the vertical blank period manually If you are only waiting some time to display the next frame then chances are you will miss the vertical blank which is when you should draw. If you miss the vertical blank period than you have to wait for the next one and of course your timing is messed up and you see jitter. Tracking the vertical blank period is not that difficult but not straight forward either in window mode for getting a perfect 30 FPS or any exact multiple of the refresh rate. I have that working here in my own test apps though.

The other side of this is skin drawing in general. Mostly a complete waste of resources since VDJ8 arrived. Drawing the entire skin and probably doing all the compositing of text and images etc.. X times per seconds. On low end machines you can see much increased CPU and bottle necks between the skin drawing and video drawing. Good luck with any kind of consistent timing. They are finally starting to fix the skin drawing and only draw the parts that need drawing instead of drawing the whole thing every time. This will help a lot but it appears they are keeping the skin FPS in. They should take it another step further and make it more intelligent and get rid of the skin FPS I do believe.

On a fast machine with aero on in Win7 or Win8 or better, you should see good results with skin and video FPS set to 60. On slower machines good luck. The new skin drawing model should help though for slower machines. The experimental skin drawing still has some problems and does not work at all in Win7 with aero off but you will still see jitter with it on or off unless frame rates match the refresh rate both skin and video. That is how it has been for me testing with different hardware etc. If you have a low end machine you can see jitter etc simply because the machine cannot keep up. I am assuming with the above you have a reasonable machine. A low end GPU can also be a bottle neck.


Inviato Mon 19 Jun 17 @ 5:24 am
I'm good with 60hz refresh rate.

Inviato Tue 20 Jun 17 @ 1:15 am

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