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Topic: Problem with Sound Quality in Latest Builds 3523 & 3568-3573 !!! Please Help ... - Page: 5

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Labrokratis wrote :
I have to report my success regarding the issues of the wrong soundwaves and CPU overload on my laptop & Hercules RMX.
I just did one step extra this time. And I explain:
I unistall virtualdj and removed that settings.xml file. Then I install that 8.2.3398 old version.
The program boot like it was the first time ever. I had to set all settings from scratch, but the bpm database remained, so I didn't have to scan again all my files. So, what changed this time?
Well, I have disconnect RMX2 this time during the proccess. So, on the first boot, it was laptop's build in audio device only. Then I did all the settings and when I finished, I closed, reboot and reopen virtualdj. Then, I connected RMX2, virtualdj said that new hardware detected and if I wish to use that sound card, I say "yes" and everything seems OK now!

I can't testify about the sound quality (because that pub I had a party is among those average ones) but the CPU overload and the wrong waveforms fixed totally. I'll know about it in 2 weeks, which I have again a gig to a decent club

Interesting Labrokratis,

did you Uninstall the usual way or did you use a different Uninstaller App ?

I'll check out the sound quality with my studio monitor speakers, I remember how it was.

The BPMs are not that big of a problem for me, I don't mind re-analyzing them.


Inviato Mon 30 Jan 17 @ 5:25 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Some laptops have sound enhancement processing activated by default. It's something you have to disable in Windows sound management. On Asus for example it could be called ICEPower.
Just to be sure, could you check you don't have this on.
Of course it doesn't apply if you use ASIO.

Inviato Mon 30 Jan 17 @ 9:48 pm
I also recently noticed very screaming/distorted sound quality especially when I played ambient clear sounds. This was due to my external sound card (Asus Xonar U7) was set to +2dB a long time ago in its asus driver because it was playing a bit lower than others sound cards. Set it to 0db fixed it right away. Don't know if this is related to this topic, but I had no distortion a month ago before one or another new build. Have been using newest builds as soon as they update itself. Don't remember the version numbers...

General rule is, as djcel mention, ALL enchancements must be turned off, in all driver configurations. Many sound cards have the standard windows audio control panel, and also the drivers that came with the sound card, as this picture below shows. It is set up to stereo in wasapi mode and 24bit 96kHz because I want higher sound quality of my personal mixes on a recorder with same quality to get the most quality before mastering.

And there is one more point that maybe has been discussed many times before, but on my Denon MC6000mk2 I have a switch ch1/2 or ch3/3 or master... when ch1/2 or 3/4 is selected the audio can get on red (peak) a lot earlier than the limiter in virtual dj gets on red, that means that the internal sound get distorted on peaks before it is processed inside virtual dj engine, isn't that right?

Inviato Tue 31 Jan 17 @ 9:13 am
After conducting my own investigations I can find no difference in the sound output between a build from last year and now.

Must just have been my ears or something. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

Inviato Tue 31 Jan 17 @ 9:33 am
RoninSaniShipibo wrote :

And there is one more point that maybe has been discussed many times before, but on my Denon MC6000mk2 I have a switch ch1/2 or ch3/3 or master... when ch1/2 or 3/4 is selected the audio can get on red (peak) a lot earlier than the limiter in virtual dj gets on red, that means that the internal sound get distorted on peaks before it is processed inside virtual dj engine, isn't that right?

No, the CH vu-meters of MC6000MK2 are MIDI controlled. When you see the red leds turn on it doesn't mean that the limiter kicked in or that the channel is getting distorted.
It means only that the CH vu is reaching it's highest allowed peak BEFORE the limiter kicks in.

Technical info:
The limiter on VirtualDj works on two levels:
1) Per channel: It prevents the sound of the particular channel to get distorted by doing a "hard limit" (brickwall limiter) on the sound.
2) On master output: It prevents the sound of the master channel (the sum of all channels, effects e.t.c) to distort by doing a "hard limit" (brickwall limiter) on the sound.
The "master limiter" is applied after the ch limiter. If one of the channels is limiting and it's the only ch going out live the "master" limiter won't kick in because the sound does not exceed the threshold of the master limiter which is the same with the ch limiter.

Inviato Tue 31 Jan 17 @ 12:30 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
After conducting my own investigations I can find no difference in the sound output between a build from last year and now.

Must just have been my ears or something. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

+1 same here... 3 hours yesterday... Tried even version 8.1 and 8.0

Inviato Tue 31 Jan 17 @ 1:17 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
After conducting my own investigations I can find no difference in the sound output between a build from last year and now.

Must just have been my ears or something. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

If you didn't Uninstall and Reinstall Virtual DJ properly then you probably won't see any differences between the Builds.

I'll write in detail what I mean.


Inviato Tue 31 Jan 17 @ 11:16 pm
Hello guys,

I did what Labrokratis and PhantomDeejay said.

I Uninstalled V DJ completely, erased all files, like the software never existed on my computer.

I then Reinstalled it from the beginning, using Build 3398, one of the summertime builds.

I then had to Fix all my Settings and Configurations Manually (without using the old settings.xml file), it took me some time of course.

The Results were, that there was no more problems with the Wave-Forms, they were working properly, the CPU didn't show overloaded like it use to and the Sound Quality, is much better, without the Screaming and the Hissing of the High Range Frequencies with the latest builds, it was more Balanced and Rich.

Rolling Back and Forth from build to build not only doesn't restore the Sound Quality of the particular build, but it also causes problems to other Functions of the Program. Like I mentioned in a previous post, the "exclesiveAudioAccess" option was not working properly when returning to the Latest Build from a previous one.

So the proper way to go, is to Uninstall the software completely and Reinstall it like it was never before on your PC or Laptop, without using any previous files from it.

I tried this with Windows 10, I'll do some more tests and also try it out on my other Laptop which has Windows 7 and I'll tell you the Results.

Inviato Tue 31 Jan 17 @ 11:43 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
So your sound quality is ok now if you install the latest build like that?

Vdj really doesn't has much external dependencies, so when going back and forth between builds the only thing that sometimes changes a little is the settings.xml file.

Inviato Wed 01 Feb 17 @ 1:35 am
Adion wrote :
So your sound quality is ok now if you install the latest build like that?

Vdj really doesn't has much external dependencies, so when going back and forth between builds the only thing that sometimes changes a little is the settings.xml file.

Good Morning Adion,

True, some changes do happen in the settings.xml file when going back and forth builds.

I've noticed something else, between builds, the settings are a bit different, there are a few more in the latest builds and some of the same settings are slightly different. Maybe when rolling back and forth between builds, this might cause a small (conflict), especially when you keep the settings.xml file from other builds.

I'll try the latest build this afternoon, following the same procedures that I did with build 3398, I'll experiment and see what results I get in terms of Sound Quality.

I'm afraid that this method takes some time, because you have to uninstall everything and start from scratch again, setting everything manually.

I'll write in this Thread the Results, maybe and hopefully this might be the solution to the problem, if it is, than it's more of a Windows Issue instead of a problem within Virtual DJ.


Inviato Wed 01 Feb 17 @ 10:26 am
VC can change the parameters in "OPTIONS>ADVANCED AUDIO SETTINGS" and change the values to respond better LOW-MID-HIGH. I'm using a DDJ-SX and I get a satisfying response by setting LOW (300HZ) MID (550HZ) AND HIGH (6000KHZ)

Inviato Wed 01 Feb 17 @ 7:48 pm
True, but this thread is based on flat EQ settings, not changing them manually.

Inviato Wed 01 Feb 17 @ 7:54 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
True, but this thread is based on flat EQ settings, not changing them manually.

I agree with you kradcliffe,

because a few months ago I always had the settings (High-Low-Mids) on the Clubs Mixer Flat, I could add Highs & Mids without any hesitation, now they are just to Load.

Subtracting manually from the mixer is a temporary solution, but not the best, Cuz from Club to Club, like most of us play at different Venues, the equipment change and you can end up Distorting the song that you are playing.

Also, having more of one Signal-Range (Low, Mid or High) means that your getting less out from another signal through the Master.


Inviato Wed 01 Feb 17 @ 10:30 pm
I Comment yesterday based on version 8.0 for mac, I tested it yesterday in the version 8.2 b3386 for windows and did not have the same performance, when playing in the advanced audio settings LOW-MID-HIGH and change parameters, the audio fires to a distorted volume, limiter seems not to control, so I have to go back to default setup...

Inviato Thu 02 Feb 17 @ 1:05 pm
When rolling back to Build 3398, installing the Software in the proper way that we mentioned,

I noticed that the "exclusiveAudioAccess" option wasn't working, on either Laptops, neither on windows 7 or Win 10.

While I was playing a song on Virtual DJ, I opened another app (Foobar), I played a song in there and you could clearly hear both songs playing.
I opened the Configurations and kept changing the option while both songs were playing, but it wouldn't work.

I updated the Software till the Latest Build 3573 and the "exclusiveAudioAccess" is still not functioning, on either Laptops.

I have mentioned this problem before, but I thought that I didn't do the procedures properly.

This is a very important aspect of the software, because it blocks all background sounds from Windows.

I also noticed on each update that the Sample rate would keep changing from 44100 to 48000.

Has anyone else noticed this ?

Because maybe some other options in the Config are not working properly or don't activate causing problems with the Sound.


Inviato Thu 02 Feb 17 @ 10:45 pm
If you're still listening windows sounds through virtual dj, you might want to check what is the windows default sound card settings and default communication device. That stuff changes easily sometimes (windows update or audio driver update). The rate has never changed on my computers. It's always been automatic 44100Khz. Maybe you played a file that was 48khz and the option is set to automatic to that's why you saw 48 there? I will spend more time into this after the weekend (doing the complete uninstall like you mentioned) but so far no issues with sound quality on my end..

Inviato Thu 02 Feb 17 @ 11:30 pm
Yes, I noticed this too but thought the problem was me not doing something properly. In my testing I couldn't get exclusive audio access to work even with a restart and I also couldn't get the 44100k setting to stick either.

Inviato Thu 02 Feb 17 @ 11:31 pm
For Exclusive Audio Access:
You must EXPLICITLY allow your soundcard to be able to be used in this mode on Windows Audio Panel.
Right click on your soundcard, select properties, advanced, and then make sure that "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" is checked.
If this option is not enabled then VirtualDj can't use Exclusive Access on the sound card.

Also while a soundcard is not used on Exclusive Mode, VirtualDj cannot alter it's sample rate. The soundcard will use whatever is set Windows sound Applet (same tab with exlusive audio access setting)

Finally Exclusive Audio and Windows sound settings are meaningless if you use ASIO as ASIO bypass completely the Windows Driver Layer

Inviato Fri 03 Feb 17 @ 3:20 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Also while a soundcard is not used on Exclusive Mode, VirtualDj cannot alter it's sample rate. The soundcard will use whatever is set Windows sound Applet (same tab with exlusive audio access setting)

It's the other way around (it's even written like that on the page)
In shared mode VirtualDJ can't set the samplerate, since it is shared by all programs using the sound card. This is the samplerate you select at the advanced tab.
In exclusive mode VirtualDJ can request the samplerate, but it depends on the audio device which samplerates and sample formats are actually supported.

Beside the 'allow exclusive control' option, it's also recommended to check the 'give exclusive mode apps priority' so that VDJ can get exclusive mode even when some other program was keeping the sound card open in shared mode.

Inviato Fri 03 Feb 17 @ 3:32 pm
Adion wrote :
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Also while a soundcard is not used on Exclusive Mode, VirtualDj cannot alter it's sample rate. The soundcard will use whatever is set Windows sound Applet (same tab with exlusive audio access setting)

It's the other way around (it's even written like that on the page)
In shared mode VirtualDJ can't set the samplerate, since it is shared by all programs using the sound card. This is the samplerate you select at the advanced tab.
In exclusive mode VirtualDJ can request the samplerate, but it depends on the audio device which samplerates and sample formats are actually supported.

Beside the 'allow exclusive control' option, it's also recommended to check the 'give exclusive mode apps priority' so that VDJ can get exclusive mode even when some other program was keeping the sound card open in shared mode.

Unless my English are so bad we're telling the same thing ? :P
Exclusive mode -> VirtualDj can set Sample rate if the soundcard supports it
Shared mode -> VirtualDj will use whatever sample rate the soundcard is set the windows sound applet
Right ?

Inviato Fri 03 Feb 17 @ 3:44 pm