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Topic: The worst feeling ever - Page: 2

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Kudos for having a backup and getting through it anyway.

So many people post on here when things go wrong and it's clear they didn't have a backup. Like George (Phantom) says, anything can fail at any time. Sh** happens. The professional thing is to be able to carry on and get through it.

Inviato Tue 27 Jun 17 @ 9:04 pm
of the few times vdj has ever quit/crashed during the night I think one of the most interesting was with 7.4 a few years back and I had 500 or so people on the dancefloor all into their dance when about a minute into the song that lovely "virtualdj has stopped responding" box popped up and the music stopped as well.
did I go on a knee-jerk rant about how terrible the software was or blame anyone else for what happened?
no. I popped the volume up on the board moved the mouse on the other computer played the same song from the beginning and then later after work dug into windows error reporting and traced the problem to its source so I knew what happened, why it happened, and how to make sure it didn't happen again.
that's what a professional does - you learn from the mistakes and learn how to prevent them in the future, while further learning how to prevent other mistakes that MIGHT go happen.

have I had 8.2 do this? sure have.. and guess who's fault it was? mine. for trying to use a plug-in not supported by 8.2 that I had forgotten was still in there. and it was during the same song actually and it was back up and playing within 4-5 seconds if even that long.

also.... while we're here - the LE version is STILL not for professional use, paid or in-paid. read the EULA.

Inviato Tue 27 Jun 17 @ 10:16 pm
djeddie1216 wrote :

I do greatly apologize to everyone for the attitude. If you couldn't notice, I was quite pissed. On top of it all, it was my first public gig.

I'll lighten the mood with an image from later on:

That's the first step to success!

To admit that your attitude was wrong, is the harder task of all that's needed to get things running perfectly.

djeddie1216 wrote :

I'm quite offended at this entire thread. I do all my mixing myself, hence why I was able to use the player without the software afterwards.


I was still on-stage

I was not implying that you can't mix or anything similar. My post was humorous and it was stretched in order to emphasize the fact that you didn't gave any clue of what happened. After all, the program can't do what I typed above, or we wouldn't be dj's :)

Back to your issue:
-It's a good thing to have a backup plan
-It's a good thing to know how to overcome cases like this
-It's a good thing to admit your mistakes
-It's a good thing to learn by your mistakes.

Besides your initial attitude there's another big mistake here for such a gig:
-It was your first public gig and you were not in front of your system!
In other words you can't describe what went wrong because you weren't there!
Also you showed more confidence to your system than you should. At this point you can't really blame anything (VirtualDj, MAC, or Controller) because you don't know what caused the issue and certainly you are not in position to suspect anything since you were not in front of your system when it happened.

The lessons you should take IMHO:
-Always have a backup plan (You done this already)
-Always be ready to face a disaster (You need to be more a little more collected)
-Never leave your system unattended unless you are 10000% sure about it's capabilities, performance and stability. And even then, never leave the system unattended unless you HAVE TO.

PS: For the technical details of this disaster the forum is open to answer any of your questions and help you get your system to a rock-solid state.
But you need to be willing to fix it, and be able to troubleshoot it.

Inviato Wed 28 Jun 17 @ 7:45 am
Yeah, I was offended with this thread from the beginning. However, there is no need for me to continue the spanking, as you seem to be willing to learn as this thread progressed. Shet happens, and will continue to happen if you do this long enough. Ever heard of Milli Vanilli? We have all been there, but most of us don't fold under pressure. Now, I'm not saying we were always strong, but when you accept that anything can happen and will, you are prepared. Your ego was probably a little bruised also. You will get over that also. Nothing we use to entertain people, is perfect.

Inviato Wed 28 Jun 17 @ 8:30 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :

Besides your initial attitude there's another big mistake here for such a gig:
-It was your first public gig and you were not in front of your system!
In other words you can't describe what went wrong because you weren't there!
Also you showed more confidence to your system than you should. At this point you can't really blame anything (VirtualDj, MAC, or Controller) because you don't know what caused the issue and certainly you are not in position to suspect anything since you were not in front of your system when it happened.

I must've confused a lot of people. I never left the stage, I was in front of the system the whole time. The application never stopped responding, audio output quit working.

All that said, thank you guys for the advice and I'll keep it in mind!

Also I believe the EULA said nothing about unpaid gigs, but I could be wrong. I'm probably the last person you'll find to break the rules haha.


"(It cannot be used at gigs where you are being paid.)"

It mentions commercial use, but I see that as being paid, which is probably accurate.


Inviato Fri 30 Jun 17 @ 12:38 am
A Man and His Music wrote :
Your ego was probably a little bruised also. You will get over that also. Nothing we use to entertain people, is perfect.

Indeed ;)

Should've just stuck with the fact that I successfully completed the gig instead of ranting here.


Inviato Fri 30 Jun 17 @ 12:42 am
Part of being a professional dj is how you manage these incidents.

Start with the premis that any piece of equipment can fail at any time !

I have a completely separate backup player, i would suggest that this should be standard equipment., as the mood of the music changes i update the 'emergency' track that's loaded to suit, or even have a looped break already playing

Really you need to diagnose what your problem was, you can't simply blame the software as its just one piece in the chain, the OS plays just as big a part, on my experience it looks like VDJ tries to continue past most problems, in that aspect i think the program is one of the best i have used , and on my rig I can unplug the usb, and reconnect and it re covers and continues to play

Knowing your equipment and likely failure points, having a recovery plan for each of these , and most importantly keeping calm when the unexpected happens and logically diagnosing the problem, will all hone you into being a professional dj

Inviato Fri 30 Jun 17 @ 6:04 am
I hope it was not your Powerbook 160 you were using :)

Inviato Fri 30 Jun 17 @ 6:56 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003

I've done about 600 gigs with VDJ 8, had one or two issues, but not under the circumstances described. Laptop DJing has its risks attached, especially when you're less experienced at optimizing and troubleshooting, it can be quite daunting, but it's wrong to assume that VDJ was at fault.

Inviato Sat 01 Jul 17 @ 2:54 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Peck his eyes out if you wish, but I started with digital in 2001.
Experienced all the trials and tribulations, failures and successes.
I have to say at this stage of the game its a shame to read these kinds of posts where sound just quits.
Its a shame to see people peck his eyes out over a certain version siting eula and such.
Shoulda coulda woulda doesn't help him or explain what actually happened that shouldn't have I don't care what version even if its Atomix mp3.

Been there, done that, got the T shirt to prove it, this is 2017 and drop outs should be a thing of the past by now...seriously.

Inviato Sat 01 Jul 17 @ 12:03 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
mp3jrick wrote :

Been there, done that, got the T shirt to prove it, this is 2017 and drop outs should be a thing of the past by now...seriously.

I'm not sure if even the best code can prevent heavy vibration, jolting, a potentially damaged USB cable, laptop overheating etc. There's too many factors and possibilities with this type of event for anyone to know the exact cause, but having over a 1000 DJ friends on facebook, most of them using Serato, I see a fair share of rants regarding dropouts and they always tend to blame the software, even the biggest of fan boys, and I'm often wondering how they can be so sure, especially considering they'll go on to do hundreds of gigs afterwards with the same gear, environment and have no issue. It would appear that Murphy's law rings true; anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 1:07 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003

bagpuss wrote :

There's too many factors and possibilities with this type of event for anyone to know the exact cause, but having over a 1000 DJ friends on facebook, most of them using Serato, I see a fair share of rants regarding dropouts and they always tend to blame the software

Especially true since SDJ/PC was introduced, not so much with the combination of SSL/Mac/SL/57.
It has everything to do with environment and the elimination of corrupt files.
I see very few Serato users with second machines at gigs.

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 2:22 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003

No but plenty of horror stories of people going without sound while they reboot.

I would go out on a limb and say that 70% of the issues encountered with a laptop while DJ'ing are caused by the machine not being dedicated entirely to DJ'ing, and the machine not being optimized for the purpose of live DJ'ing. The more recent post on the subject I saw this morning, someone using Serato on PC had their gig interrupted by a windows update. Another basic is the low battery warning, I had mine set at it's default of 10%, I've seen that warning a few times and it sparks a fear, just because I forgot to flip the power switch, so now I have that warning set at 50%. Then there's laptop cooling vs CPU load, age of the machine, how much is on the desktop, I mean we can go on forever.


Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 3:15 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003

One thing that impressed me about VDJ this weekend, I had a DJ setting up while I was playing (annoying but I've gone passed caring), I lifted the DJM900 from the back to help him see what he was doing, although unfortunately I touched the power button in the prices of holding it, mixer off no sound, I immediately hit the power button and within 3 seconds VDJ resumed playback, I was impressed, I expected I'd have to mess about for half a minute to get the sound back. And after 15 years in the game I was able to laugh about it as it happened.

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 3:33 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
lol, we've all had boo boos

Right now i've been running this piece of crap nothing special internet bitch system all morning non stop while analyzing with MIK and I mean this thing is banging the cpu to the limit, and although the gui gets a little glitchy, not a single dropout, not one.

My point about environment is that the broader the interface and hardware support the more a chance is given to have an issue.
So many operating systems, configurations, driver versions, firmware versions, background stuff on top of antivirus and operator ignorance, its little wonder things happen.

I find it ironic that since SDJ strapped on the PC broad support belt that the version updates are constant and the user support can be quite unresponsive.
Reading the "go back one version" kinda indicates how difficult it is to add code and not screw things up.

The strength of SSL was defined operating systems, interfaces and very discrete file scanning for corrupt files.
That might be an area VDJ could do better when I see dev ask for a track to replicate a problem here.
Its just funny as hell that SDJ is where VDJ was back then in those respects.

All that aside, when you buffer an audio track into memory, there should be no stopping it from playing unless something is drastically wrong.

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 5:03 pm
mp3jrick wrote :

bagpuss wrote :

There's too many factors and possibilities with this type of event for anyone to know the exact cause, but having over a 1000 DJ friends on facebook, most of them using Serato, I see a fair share of rants regarding dropouts and they always tend to blame the software

not so much with the combination of SSL/Mac/SL/57.
I see very few Serato users with second machines at gigs.

Not so much, very few? What the puck does that actually mean? That means that is does happen, and smart guys have backup. When you can say that it never happens, then tell us how great it is. No one pecked his eyes out. He came here ranting and raving about the software, and does not have any evidence that it was the software. His lack of experience played a big part in his assumption, and with all that was going on, none of us knows if it was the software or not. So if you want to tell us how great the other software is, that's fine. If I wanted to know, I know where to find it.

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 5:59 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
What that means my man, is that before Serato introduced SDJ and had absolute control over the environment IE: Mac, interface and no other unused nonsense or heavy code, that is was more stable than it is today.
Calm down, geesus

Read, don't read into... this is not a better than post ffs

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 6:22 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
In fact, if anything or if you actually read ALL of my dribble, you'd realize that I think SDJ is weaksauce and they struggle to do what VDJ can... but the point was about "environment" causing these problems, not the software.

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 6:25 pm
mp3jrick wrote :
Peck his eyes out if you wish, but I started with digital in 2001.
Experienced all the trials and tribulations, failures and successes.
I have to say at this stage of the game its a shame to read these kinds of posts where sound just quits.
Its a shame to see people peck his eyes out over a certain version siting eula and such.
Shoulda coulda woulda doesn't help him or explain what actually happened that shouldn't have I don't care what version even if its Atomix mp3.

Been there, done that, got the T shirt to prove it, this is 2017 and drop outs should be a thing of the past by now...seriously.

I read very well. Yes, he was slapped around a little bit, because he came in punching first. We are not machines. Most of the post here are very helpful and I believe he understood that. How did your post help him?

Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 6:30 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
A Man and His Music wrote :
Yeah, I was offended with this thread from the beginning. However, there is no need for me to continue the spanking

Nobody pecked his eyes out though.... ya ok
Did he learn something my my post, I hope so.
Its pretty much about the "environment" no matter what caused it although probably not the software.
I didn't quote eula, or suggest he used a crack, or recommend he upgrade, or comment on his ego.
There is nothing wrong with venting, its about making people understand why things crash or freeze or drop out.
If people put as much effort into helping as they do kicking him in the balls, he might see the light of his errors.
You of all people Rick... remember... I used to answer 4-600 tickets a week dealing with this crap.


Inviato Sun 02 Jul 17 @ 6:43 pm