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Topic: Problem with music from hardrive to vdj 8 library

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Ok here's my problem I have tons of music in my hardrive, over one tb and I'm haveing trouble finding my music... I never had this problem. With vd7. Here's what happens step by step. I open vdj and on the side cloume were i search for my hardrive I look, find it then expand it. I then search for specific music that I know I have for a fact and its nowhere to be found. So I'm forced to find it threw my actual folder search in Windows searching through my hardrive then when I find it drag and drop to my virtual dj program. After that once I find it that way I can then search it through vdj and it shows up, whats the deal do i habebto load every song or What? Anyone else have this problem

Inviato Thu 02 Nov 17 @ 6:02 am
Right click on the ROOT of your hard drive and select "Add to search DB"
Wait for the program to finish (it may take a few minutes depending on the size of your library)

Inviato Thu 02 Nov 17 @ 6:53 am
Will I have to do that everytime I disconnect and reconnect my hardrive

Inviato Thu 02 Nov 17 @ 1:46 pm
lincol2PRO InfinityMember since 2011
Unless you're adding new stuff, and once you do it once it remembers what's there. If you try to do a second time it takes way less time if any to add to search database...try it.

Inviato Fri 03 Nov 17 @ 1:04 am
jucenicPRO InfinityMember since 2012
I have the same problem, I try all the recommendation that I see here, but is coming worse, I don't have any problem with Virtual 7, but on Virtual 8, didn't show all my song, what else can I do?
Thanks on advance for your help

Inviato Sat 02 Dec 17 @ 6:49 am
jucenic wrote :
I have the same problem, I try all the recommendation that I see here, but is coming worse, I don't have any problem with Virtual 7, but on Virtual 8, didn't show all my song, what else can I do?
Thanks on advance for your help

It is really not anything new here, or anything getting worse
VDJ search in what you tell it to search in - not your entire harddrive (that would be too inefficient)

So the tracks need to be added to the database (as explained above)
You need to not place yourself in a limiting place, like in an online provider folder (then it only searches from that source)
And you also need to make sure the search settings (under the little dot next to the search field) is setup like how you want it to search

Inviato Sat 02 Dec 17 @ 7:46 am
jucenicPRO InfinityMember since 2012
I have my music on a external hardrive, I just have one folder with all my music, with VJ 7, I can find every single song, but with VJ 8 I can't find 60 % of mys songs, when I search said that everythings is there, but when I seach my song by name or artist won't appear like VJ7, everythings is there. Any other sugestion?

Inviato Mon 04 Dec 17 @ 5:40 am
jucenic wrote :
I have my music on a external hardrive, I just have one folder with all my music, with VJ 7, I can find every single song, but with VJ 8 I can't find 60 % of mys songs, when I search said that everythings is there, but when I seach my song by name or artist won't appear like VJ7, everythings is there. Any other sugestion?

Just above your post is the explenation
VDJ need to have your files in it's database
ANd youo need to enable what you want to search for (name, artist, genre, path and so on)

Inviato Mon 04 Dec 17 @ 7:59 am
jucenicPRO InfinityMember since 2012
I did everything that you explain, but still not working. I will still working with VJ 7, that one work 100%. Thanks any way for your help.

Inviato Tue 05 Dec 17 @ 5:54 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Getting the expected search results depends on the Search Options too. Click on the Search Options dot button, right next to the Search bar and see if you have enabled the necessary fields. E.g. you may want to try to enable the Filename or Filepath and see if that helps.

Inviato Tue 05 Dec 17 @ 10:02 am
jucenic wrote :
I did everything that you explain, but still not working. I will still working with VJ 7, that one work 100%. Thanks any way for your help.

It works - I promise you
Please stop using v7 - it's a dead end

Inviato Tue 05 Dec 17 @ 11:31 am

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