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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Issue with CDJ NXS2 on MBP running Yosemite 10.10.5

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Having set up my new kit:

Pioneer DJM S9

And updating all firmware / Pioneer drivers for Mac...all plays together nicely (Midi across all 3 devices and running sound from the S9) until suddenly the platter on the left CDJ goes haywire in Virtual DJ and stops responding issues when using memory sticks or other software, just VDJ. It's very rare I'll grant yo but still far from ideal bearing in mind this is my new main setup for gigging. Any input / advice / patch greatly appreciated.

I havent upgraded to High Sierra yet, and didn't bother with the previous OS as everything has worked beautifully on my late 2011 high spec MBP up to this point... all drivers, software and the like are fully up to date.

Inviato Thu 21 Dec 17 @ 2:49 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Is it just the platter ? Everything else works fine on that CDJ ?
Could you further describe the faulty behavior ? and is that only when you touch the platter ?
Have you tried a different/new USB cable ?
Are you using a USB hub for the CDJs ?

Inviato Thu 21 Dec 17 @ 2:54 pm
1. It's if I touch the platter in any manner

2. The rest of the deck operates correctly

3. Yes I am using a hub, as I only have 2 USB ports available and am running the S9 direct in to the other as using the sound card and I believe this is the best option.

*Edit - yes it's a brand new USB cable.

Inviato Thu 21 Dec 17 @ 2:57 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Even though the USB cables you are using are new, it could be a faulty one, it would be wise to replace the one on the side you were getting the glitch.

BTW, was that some temporary glitch that went away after a while (or after loading a new track) or u didnt have the chance to see that and quickly restarted VDJ ?
did a restart help on this case ?

Since its a random glitch, we wont be able to reproduce here, so any update/info on this may help.

Things that you can try and troubleshoot (i know its not very convenient to do that during a gig - hopefully u can reproduce at home)...
- Unplug and then re-plug USB , or reconnect the CDJ from VDJ Settings->Controllers tab (right-click and choose "reconnect").
- Swap left/right CDJs to see if the error comes from a faulty CDJ unit.
- Swap left/right USB cables (in case u cant replace the "bad" one)
- Wait for a couple of minutes and see if the glitch goes away before restarting VDJ or CDJ.

Thanks for your feedback.

Inviato Fri 22 Dec 17 @ 9:20 am
I’m actually at a gig right now and it’s happening on both cdjs. Any kind of platter movement just goes really erratic. On vinyl / CDJ mode. Everything else works flawlessly. Definitely not a cable....I’m going to try using a powered hub to see if this makes any difference.

Inviato Sat 23 Dec 17 @ 11:38 pm

Purchased a powered USB 3 hub, same result - occasional complete loss of control of platter when in 'vinyl' mode...all other functions work perfectly. Any touch results in track jumping all over the place and erratic response. (edit)*CDJ 'bend' mode is fine*

If you restart VDJ it works perfectly...there doesn't seem to be a specific amount of time elapsed when this happens it just starts happening randomly. At my gig the other night it affected one cdi and then the its the other CDJ thats playing up first.

Tried all new (different brand decent quality) USB cables - so it's gotta be VDJ...

Inviato Thu 28 Dec 17 @ 2:36 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Can you go into settings controllers when this happens, right click the cdj and select reconnect to see if that also fixes it?

Inviato Thu 28 Dec 17 @ 4:39 pm
I will have a look today, everything works perfectly in Serato DJ - I only mention this to reinforce my belief that it has to be some sort of issue with VDJ.

Inviato Fri 29 Dec 17 @ 4:27 pm

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