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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: It's about time for a renewed version

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I use Virtual DJ since my first controller. I recently bought the new version of Serato, and the Sampler dedicated part long beats the one in Virtual DJ. It's about time for a totally new version guys. And I think you must seriously reconsider it working for only one controller. I won't mention Rekord Box. You are loosing time...

Inviato Tue 29 May 18 @ 1:56 pm
well if you have the full pro infinity version then you have the ability to use ANY supported controller here:

and as far as the sampler goes, does the sampler in seratoad do video and images, and let you customize it to the same degree as VirtualDJ? or are you using an old version and haven't read up on everything that 8.2 does?

Inviato Tue 29 May 18 @ 2:42 pm
Sampler and effects may not be VirtualDJs strongest point, but there are many others that are just as important to others.

Video support, flexible browser and more importantly stability are important for me.

Had a chat with a couple of DJs using Serato at the weekend and they are having frequent issues with it crashing.

Inviato Tue 29 May 18 @ 2:52 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
It would probably also help if you would be more specific about what you like about the serato sampler that the vdj sampler currently can't do.

Inviato Tue 29 May 18 @ 3:38 pm
Don't know about a new version, if you want the feature set of serato, just don't use half the stuff that's in VDJ sorted !

And of course the major update in virtual dj was a complete re write when they moved from seven to eight, since then we have had lots of new features added, its an organic piece of software that just keeps getting better and better, as long as this keeps happening you can give it any version number you like, lol


Inviato Wed 30 May 18 @ 10:43 am
I will name it VDJ9 coming to your computer soon...

Inviato Wed 30 May 18 @ 11:44 pm
...or do what Apple did and call it VDJ X :-)

Inviato Thu 31 May 18 @ 4:43 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Nah do what m$ did; vdj, vdj 360, vdj one?!

Inviato Thu 31 May 18 @ 4:48 pm
Or like fruity loops and miss a full batch f numbers just for the crack! Seems to be a thing right now.

Inviato Fri 01 Jun 18 @ 2:20 am

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