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Topic: How can I create this action? - Page: 2

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Another question. Is it possible to use double-tap action on a touchscreen? I added EQ reset buttons and I think that double-tap action is a safer solution (you don't want reset your EQ by mistake)... Double click works only with mouse and doesn't responses to the taping. Thx

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 9:23 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
It seems Doubleclick action does not work for me in VDJ and touch my screen even it does in system i.e. to move VDJ windows
but right click/holding do not seems to work either in VDJ

Works fine out of VDJ and in test tools
may depend on driver

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 9:42 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Skinning isn't my bag so I can't test your findings, but the doubleclick action is actually just a repeat_start script condensed to a single verb
*Edit but Nicotux can :) *

var 'doubleclick' ? set 'doubleclick' 0 & repeat_stop 'myrep' & YOUR ACTION : set 'doubleclick' 1 & repeat_start 'myrep' 400ms 1 & YOUR SINGLECLICK ACTION & set 'doubleclick' 0

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 9:43 pm

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 9:56 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Ok Locodog pointed it out once again
but with a little tweek it works like a charm !

var 'doubleclick' ? up ? set 'doubleclick' 0 & repeat_stop 'myrep' & YOUR ACTION : nothing : set 'doubleclick' 1 & repeat_start 'myrep' 400ms 1 & set 'doubleclick' 0 & YOUR SINGLECLICK ACTION

*Edit: take care not to wait long i.e.450ms else driver takes it as a rightclick

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 9:58 pm
Something is wrong... I am sure that this is my fault. I replaced" YOUR ACTION" with eq_reset and YOUR SINGLECLICK ACTION was removed because there is no single click action yet. I paste it inside button like this. And it works but for a single click...

<button deck="left" action="var 'doubleclick' ? up ? set 'doubleclick' 0 & repeat_stop 'myrep' & eq_reset : nothing : set 'doubleclick' 1 & repeat_start 'myrep' 400ms 1 & set 'doubleclick' 0" >
<pos x="735" y="120" />
<size width="60" height="60" />
<up x="0" y="3640" />
<down x="60" y="3640" />


Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 10:14 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
<button deck="left" action="var 'doubleclick' ? set 'doubleclick' 0 & repeat_stop 'myrep' & eq_reset : set 'doubleclick' 1 & repeat_start 'myrep' 400ms 1 & set 'doubleclick' 0" >
<pos x="735" y="120" />
<size width="60" height="60" />
<up x="0" y="3640" />
<down x="60" y="3640" />

try that, I'm not sure why nico add the up query

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 10:26 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
My Fault ****
script i send is holding / click

locodog's script is working


Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 10:29 pm
Perfect! Thank you both.

Inviato Tue 30 Jul 19 @ 10:34 pm
Hi again.
I think that the basic flow I have completed. I started to customize the browser and I have this:

and need this :D

Is it possible:

Change icons (graphic) in folder list?
Specific concrete folders that will be displayed in the folder list? For example only hard drives (C:/, D:/...), desktop and documents and hide others?
Remove or reskin scrolling slider and arrows in a file list and folder list?
Remove the sorting part with a title, artist, remix... in the file list?
Show songs in 3 columns?
Change played icon from note to the small green/red play icon as you can see in the design file?
Change spacing and text colors in file and folder list?

Thx for any help!


Inviato Wed 31 Jul 19 @ 5:33 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

Inviato Wed 31 Jul 19 @ 5:50 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Oops!! I forgot to click save to send post !/

This time it's a really big deal
But With VDJ nothing is really impossible

It took some time to try things ... no great success
3 columns by choosing carefully element sizes i.e.
the QnD initial test code in the floating window ""floatingTestBrowser"" :
movable by the left & right borders. Almost all pos and size are hardcoded
the result : shown on top of default screen

It seems really too difficult to customize the browser as much as this point
But this is a start point. Maybe some workarounds can be found

There are some other points to take in consideration :
- The status box, right of the chooser is important
- effects GUIs are needed
- sideview and playlists
- preview/Info


Finally there is possibly a HARD WAY: you may prefer not to use the internal browser in display and implement yours manually
everything needed seems ready for anyone wanting to test the adventure

Inviato Thu 01 Aug 19 @ 2:20 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
This is not a simple task
As shown in this screen capture :
- General look is ok,
- Ways to display only slots with tracks found
- A Hack to make tracks infos dropable to decks found
the ghost cover is the currently "send it to deck" dropped track - cursor position was removed by capture

badly the last one seems to break the ability to mark the track as played

still todo :
- fix the above
- the first track to display (currently starts at top - first one)

Inviato Fri 02 Aug 19 @ 2:25 pm
First, thx. I really appreciate your help!

Here is my alpha version:

I will be happy if you test it and give me feedback about usability and ergonomy. It is designed for laptop touch screens in my case 14". For different screen sizes will be necessary to create a different layouts. Browser is still shit and I have some questions and feedback to your work.

I tested your code. And I have some problems. I don't think so that the windowed version is a good way because that window doesn't have a fixed position. If you move with the browser next time when you start the VDj window is gone. Only factory reset helps to show the browser again.

I found that for drag and drop songs is necessary to show an Album art which is super stupid. But it looks that you found some solution how to hack that. Can you tell me more?

About features like sideview and playlists... My vision is to create a compact and small design without "bullshits". From my perspective the usability of original VDj skins is bad. And one thing which is responsible for that is the fact that the original design is created for everybody. But design for everybody doesn't exist! So you have tons of features combine with some mistakes in interaction design and the result is a mess. I don't need a mess I need a clear interface with grate usability for a specific group of DJs. But not everything is bad :D Is just grate that there is a possibility to create your own skin which will work for your use case. And this feature is there for everybody and that is awesome.

Anyway Is it possible to change the position of Artist, Title or other elements in the browser list? Original spacing and alignment are terrible...

Is there an action for reset root folders and show only music, video, karaoke? In that case, I will remove the original folder options button.

I dont know how to change colors in any custom browser elements. Its look that these syntaxes don't work for the custom browser. Because I changed only font or line spacing nothing more...

I will be happy if you try some magic and help me "finish" it. Thx Karel

PS: sorry for my spaghetti code

Inviato Mon 05 Aug 19 @ 11:04 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
"quote=Holodroid]It is designed for laptop touch screens in my case 14". For different screen sizes will be necessary to create a different layouts[/quote"
Mine is allinone 23" maybe i get 3 browser columns instead of 2 no other layout seems needed

"quote=Holodroid]I don't think so that the windowed version is a good way because that window doesn't have a fixed position.[/quote"
I put code in a window for testing facilities - no new skin, simply addon on test one - just replace "window" with "panel" and you get a panel

"quote=Holodroid]I found that for drag and drop songs is necessary to show an Album art which is super stupid. But it looks that you found some solution how to hack that. Can you tell me more? [/quote"

Well... the hack is "pretty" simple in theory but have a very bad side effect:
The idea was to put a transparent button on top of filename with a click passthrough
The button action being to load the track in a temporary deck - say 42 - and showing the cover from this deck
and was only when not using internal browser

the side effect are :
You need to have a constant size and column count
while everything seems ok, the play counter is not updated and already played is not either

thus it is stupid also

but as far as you are using the standard browser you can use <cover source="browser">
or add the CoverArt column

"quote=Holodroid]Anyway Is it possible to change the position of Artist, Title or other elements in the browser list?[/quote"
You are using grid mode, I don't think its possible in this mode

"quote=Holodroid]Is there an action for reset root folders and show only music, video, karaoke? In that case, I will remove the original folder options button.[/quote"
You may not use <folderlist> but use your own button to change browser folder manually

"quote=Holodroid]I dont know how to change colors in any custom browser elements. Its look that these syntaxes don't work for the custom browser.[/quote"
maybe because you use grid mode grid have its own parameters

"quote=Holodroid]I will be happy if you try some magic and help me "finish" it. [/quote"
Who knows ... but it seems the season ended :/

Usability / ergonomy:
- remove the subfolder from the zip, it prevent the direct use of the skin in VDJ

- the play button moving from top to side is anoying
- sync ok, would be fine to be able to reset the pitch to original value
maybe play sync cue and pitch reset instead of cue
- A search options may be fine
- How to match beats ? headphone only :/ but no mix or volume for it
a little difficult to make a pre selection; plf & level/crossfader have to be set prior to pre-listen

browser related:
I got some long titles overwriting duration, just make its zone smaller
... and problems with resize making the window uggly and resize zone not accessible anymore
as a workaround ... i always make the resize zone almost the whole height
"quote="the Wiki]Note that in this case, it is strongly advised to set skin breakline and breakline2 in order to prevent issues when stretching the browser.[/quote"
- your filelist is too height and slider button and last line cut
and sometimes logo overlaps the artist and play button of deck left

I really don't know why two fingers scroll is not working

otherwhise its really simple,your round equalizer are working just fine just missed the reset/center function
I added the cover in the browser grid and play with it ... a too longtime
thus it is usable and friendly

Once finished it may be really fine

found it funny as i usualy use the opposite.. a 6 decks 8 video windows & OSD & floating pads and browser


Inviato Tue 06 Aug 19 @ 2:55 am
Hi, thx for a feedback! I will use it later.
I have only a few points for now:

I understand why you think that play and sync button on right side is stupid. It is designed for 14" and with that layout you can play with cue, play and pitch with one hand. You can hold cue with thumb and press other functions with forefinger.

About manual sync with headphones. In the midle is a setting icon you can change volume and mix headphones also is there a master volume...

Inviato Tue 06 Aug 19 @ 7:49 am

Is it possible to change settings with actions?
For example change Equalizer from "default" to "full kill" when the skin is loaded?

Inviato Wed 07 Aug 19 @ 5:10 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
setting "equalizerMode"

That will toggle but I can't fathom querying it for led feedback

Inviato Wed 07 Aug 19 @ 7:43 pm
Thx this syntax works:
setting equalizerMode 'Full Kill'

but how specific browserGridColumn? In the settings you can find something like this: file=alba,titl,arti,mix,bpm,
But I don't know how to change it. This example code doesn't work browserGridColumns 'titl'

Inviato Wed 07 Aug 19 @ 8:10 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
"quote=locodog]setting "equalizerMode"

That will toggle but I can't fathom querying it for led feedback[/quote"

Just for info: "setting" is another example of vdjscript verb ending the script

This script

setting equalizerMode 'Full Kill' ? on & setting equalizerMode 'Default' : off & setting equalizerMode 'Full Kill'

toggles setting and the led

but this one

setting equalizerMode 'Full Kill' ? setting equalizerMode 'Default' & on : setting equalizerMode 'Full Kill' & off

will toggle setting only :\

Inviato Fri 09 Aug 19 @ 12:15 am