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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Virtual Dj crushes when I connected to the Internet

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Please when ever I connected to the Internet my VDJ started crashing and not only connected to the Internet but rather when coping files, immediately I load a video.
Please help me to fix it.


Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 9:31 am
Are you using a legitimate licensed version or a cracked copy?

Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 10:12 am
A keygen

Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 10:25 am
Well there's your answer. Cracked versions modify the server connection settings hence the crash.


Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 10:29 am
So there is nothing I can do to solve this problem

Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 10:34 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006

Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 10:46 am
It's interesting you come here for so much help from everyone yet don't contribute by buying a licence.

Inviato Sun 01 Sep 19 @ 11:11 am
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
A Man and His Music wrote :
You can't make this stuff up folks. I can't stop laughing.

Yep! It's even worse on the FB forums...

Inviato Mon 02 Sep 19 @ 6:40 am
I left that Facebook group ages ago. It's absolutely awful.

Inviato Mon 02 Sep 19 @ 7:41 am

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