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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Options submenu offscreen when using 3 monitor setup

Questo argomento è obsoleto e potrebbe contenere informazioni obsolete o errate.

Ver. 8.3 b5186
Left, Center and Right monitors
VDJ is mostly used on the left monitor

When the options are clicked, the submenu will show onto a different monitor.
This happens with Automix, Karaoke, Sampler
This is not the same as the prior version of VDJ

Here is an image of it:

It does not matter what size the window is for VDJ. Full screen or Windowed.
I am viewing it normally at 1920x1080, but tried in windowed mode to see if it would go away.

Can you revert this back to the original way it was done?

Thank you kindly.

Inviato Mon 02 Sep 19 @ 11:22 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
reported many times now
one of the workaround until it is fixed: open info panel

Inviato Mon 02 Sep 19 @ 11:29 pm
ahh okay. I did not see it prior.
thank you and I apologize for writing again.

I rarely look for support, so that is my mistake

Inviato Mon 02 Sep 19 @ 11:32 pm

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