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Topic: Saving 'PluginPage' Settings between sessions - Page: 1

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RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Is there any way of saving the effect gui's that are shown in the 'pluginpage' between sessions?

What I want to do is set up the plugin in page to have a custom set of gui's visible and then script a button to show/hide the plugin page so that I can have those effects controls available with a single button. However at the moment everytime VDJ is closed it seems to clear the page......

Would I need to do this by scripting the ONINIT commands or something?

Many thanks for any help....

Inviato Thu 12 Dec 19 @ 6:03 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

effect_show_gui "FX_NAME"
do that for all desired gui

Button to toggle all [already shown] gui


Inviato Thu 12 Dec 19 @ 6:11 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Brilliant, thanks Locodog.

And would I need to do that for the Oninit for every controller that I use or is it enough to have it only in the keyboard mapping?

Inviato Thu 12 Dec 19 @ 11:45 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
KB will do

Inviato Fri 13 Dec 19 @ 7:30 am
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Just been messing about with the 'FX Bank' pad page for this as well and worked out that by adding the script:

"effect_show_gui 1 & effect_show_gui 2 & effect_show_gui 3"

to each pad I can use that padpage to toggle the current effects' gui's on and off... couple that with a show_pluginpage buttonto make them visible or not at will..... and I'm a happy bunny! :-)

Inviato Sat 14 Dec 19 @ 2:07 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Hi Locodog,

Going off in a connected but tangenital direction here.....

I've now started trying to do a pad for the mixfx's..... two questions:

1) As far as I can tell you can use effect_show_gui "colorfx" to show the gui for a colorfx, but effect_show_gui "mixfx" doesn't seem to work - is that because there is no gui for the mixfx?

2) With the Mixfx padpage I am setting up pads to select a mixfx using effect_mixfx_select "Mixfx" and another pad to activate the selected mixfx using effect_mixfx_activate (because effect_mixfx_activate "Mixfx" doesn't appear to work on specific fx, just whichever mixfx was previously selected?).
In addition I am trying to set it up so that whichever mixfx has been selected is indicated, as well as whether the Mixfx feature is activated. The latter is shown on the effect_mixfx_activate pad which is illuminated whenever the mixfx is active...
However I am having difficulty getting the padpage to indicate which mixfx has been selected. I've tried using effect_mixfx_select 'Mixfx' ? color 'xx' : color 'Transparent' it doesn't work, but if I use effect_mixfx_activate 'Mixfx' ? color 'xx' : color 'Transparent' all the pads light up when the mixfx is activated, regardless of which one is selected.....

Any ideas?

Inviato Mon 16 Dec 19 @ 12:30 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
1 correct

2 to show the name you can use this as a padname


to light up with a specific MFX

effect_mixfx_select 'echo' ? on : off [colour for on : colour for off]

Couple of ideas to try how switching behaviour works
effect_mixfx_select 'echo' ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'echo'

effect_mixfx_select 'echo' ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_activate ? effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx_activate

*edit* corrected in a later post

Inviato Mon 16 Dec 19 @ 1:21 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Thanks Locodog,

I've had a play with those and they don't seem to help (at least on the default skin).

It's almost like effect_mixfx_select 'mixfx' ? doesn't return a result, and effect_mixfx_activate 'mixfx' ? only returns a global on:off result whatever Mixfx is activated

p.s. BTW not sure I completely understood the first bit of script syntax. Were you saying it would literally be : effect_mixfx_select 'echo' ? on : off [Red : Blue]

Inviato Mon 16 Dec 19 @ 5:50 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Ah yes, very sorry. I just assumed what should work and didn't test, looks like effect_mixfx_select can't be queried directly [I can't see why it shouldn't, maybe something for the devs] but you could query indirectly with param_equal

param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "echo" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'echo'

param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "echo" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_activate ? effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx_activate

also effect_mixfx_activate , is just an on/off no specific fx can be used as params

reply to the PS
param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "echo" ? color "red" : color 'black'

Inviato Mon 16 Dec 19 @ 6:03 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
When you get your padpage done let me know and we can work thru the finishing touches [tooltips & such] and if you fancy you could release it.

Inviato Mon 16 Dec 19 @ 7:06 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
That's the business - it works now! I'd never have worked out the "param_equal" bit myself.

I'll go and play with it a bit now..... I've never had anything released before - happy to go down that route if you think others might actually find it useful!

Inviato Mon 16 Dec 19 @ 10:00 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Okay here is a query about the skin for refining the padpage editing Locodog.....

Using param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "mixfx" ? color "red" : off for all the colour scripting.....

If I use param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "mixfx" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'mixfx' for the pads then when that particular mixfx is selected the pad is marked with red and when that mixfx is activated only that pad becomes highlighted - therefore you can clearly tell when a particular Mixfx is just selected and when it is selected & activated....

However if I use:
param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "echo" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_activate ? effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx_activate....
then when that particular mixfx is selected the pad is marked with red however when any mixfx is activated all the pads in the gui become highlighted which looks a bit messy and is not as visually clear......

Hope that makes some sense! Any ideas what is happening here?


Inviato Tue 17 Dec 19 @ 7:24 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Using param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "mixfx" ? color "red" : off for all the colour scripting...
param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "echo" ? color "red" : off

you can simplify the push action :
param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "echo" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'echo' & effect_mixfx "MIX FX" ? : effect_mixfx_activate

this way only the active "mixfx" is highlight and selected one is marked as red
- click on active mixfx desactivate it
- click on selected inactive mixfx activate it
- click on not selected mixfx select & activate it whatever the status of selected one is

effect_mixfx "MIX FX" ? test is for some reason inverted, and only false when mixfx are not activated
it works exactly the same what locodog said about "effect_mixfx_activate 'mixfx' ? " but does not need to know the mixfx

Inviato Tue 17 Dec 19 @ 11:12 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
There's something you can do with the padpage at the xml level to sort basic on/off button light logic.
add these children to each pad element
tooltip="" query=""

tooltip is simply the tooltip when you mouse over a pad
query is for led logic

query="param_equal '`effect_mixfx_select`' 'echo' ? effect_mixfx_activate ? on : off : off"

Inviato Tue 17 Dec 19 @ 5:27 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
oh right had another look, query="" is useful for complicated scripts to make the LED logic simple but in this case you could just use this edit

param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "filter" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_activate ? off & effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select 'filter' & effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select 'filter' & effect_mixfx_activate

Inviato Tue 17 Dec 19 @ 9:31 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
Thanks Locodog. That's great, it all works now.

Good news with not needing to use the 'query="" ' as I wasn't much fancying rooting around in the XML file.

I think in the end I'm going to go for:
param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "filter" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_activate ? off & effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select 'filter' : effect_mixfx_select 'filter'

Still not sure why the '& off' sorts out the illumination of the pads in the gui.... but it does and that's what matters!

I've gone for this option as it means that you have to actively switch a MIXFX on each time and can't cause a train crash by inadvertently swapping instantly between Mixfx's by mistake!

Inviato Wed 18 Dec 19 @ 7:46 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
LED's are one of those things that are awkward to explain, you sort of get a feel for it. Even when I started getting clued up with script, LED's felt a bit backwards, they're logical but they evaluate constantly. Regular script only evaluates when pressed.

In some cases going into the xml to add query="" is best, sometimes the only way.
[I could go on about padpages that took double digits of days to write and LED's took nearly as long to figure out, it also carries to C++ plugin writing too]

anywho, I'll try explain why a single "off" sorted it

Start with the whole script, but thinking about it being constantly evaluated.

param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "filter" ? effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_activate ? off & effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select 'filter' : effect_mixfx_select 'filter'

so the skin engine [SE] evaluates this

param_equal "`effect_mixfx_select`" "filter" ?
if it's true, next evaluate

simple enough, the SE queries the MFX, if the last thing it checks [active] is true the LED is on

ok if the MFX query is false, it checks active again [effect_mixfx_activate ?] , without the "off" then if active is true, so the LED fires [explains the spurious results you got] the "off" overrides the SE logic.

Don't even think about the stuff after the off, because it's not acted on until you press the button [the SE evaluates constantly]

and the final bit [ a false reply to active ]
effect_mixfx_select 'filter'

well the SE could never give a true reply to this as to get here effect_mixfx_select 'filter' has to be false [because of the first query]

like I said awkward to explain, a bit backwards to how you think about script but it is logical

Something that is pretty boilerplate when I make people custom button scripts, I always start with this [catchspin could be owt]
repeat_start 'CatchSpin' ? on & repeat_stop 'CatchSpin' : off & repeat_start 'CatchSpin' 500ms 10 & stuff

SE evaluates is the repeat_start running ? yes, LED on [ignore the stop that's press logic not constant LED logic] : no, then LED off

I guess your eyes might glaze over with this but as I said awkward to explain, but poke at it and it's easy to understand, [but still awkward to explain]

Inviato Wed 18 Dec 19 @ 8:59 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
A couple of extras to make it a well written padpage

param 1
`effect_mixfx_select & param_uppercase`
param_bigger 0 ? effect_mixfx_activate ? effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select +1 & effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select +1 : effect_mixfx_activate ? effect_mixfx_activate & effect_mixfx_select -1 & effect_mixfx_activate : effect_mixfx_select -1

param 2
`effect_mixfx_activate ? get_text "ON" : get_text "OFF"`

And if you want to be really anal, the pads should be ordered like this [for correct 1,2,3,4,5 order]
filter, echo, reverb, loop roll, noise

when you get done let me know, PM & send it to me so I can test & advise tweaks.
Good on ya for giving it a go.

Inviato Wed 18 Dec 19 @ 9:29 pm
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018
That's interesting that the Skin Engine Logic is slightly different from regular Script logic. I'll have to give it some thought to work out the practical implications!

I've put in the Param scripts as suggested (had a bit of trouble until I worked out that 'apostrophes' and `single quotes` were different!)

I've braved the inner workings of the xml file and added the tooltips....

The only thing left is the menu. I wanted to add the `effect_mixfx` command to the 'menu' button to have the option to bring up the drop down list. It works when put on a pad, but doesn't seem to work on the menu button, whatever I do (apostrophes, single quotes, plain command....). Any thoughts on that one?

Inviato Thu 19 Dec 19 @ 8:47 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Filter +[effect_mixfx_select 'filter']
Echo +[effect_mixfx_select 'echo']
Reverb +[effect_mixfx_select 'reverb']
Loop Roll +[effect_mixfx_select 'loop roll']
Noise +[effect_mixfx_select 'noise']

Inviato Thu 19 Dec 19 @ 11:22 am