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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Deezer Connection Problem

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Hi guys,
I am having some issues with songs from Deezer. While I was listening to some songs suddenly Virtual DJ kicked me out. Although I have a regular abo and can log in and can see all playlists, etc.. However, when I add a song to a deck Virtual DJ just says I need a Deezer Premium + Account. I checked the Deezer website and they don't even offer a Premium + membership.
Please fix this as soon as possible.



Inviato Fri 07 Feb 20 @ 3:55 pm
Try logging out of Deezer within VDJ and back in again

Inviato Fri 07 Feb 20 @ 5:19 pm
Thanks but I already did that.
After a while (30 min - 1h) it worked again. I don't know why. About 20-30 minutes later the same happed again. This is pretty annoying if you want to listen to your music.

Inviato Fri 07 Feb 20 @ 6:39 pm
Server error at the Deezer end perhaps?

Inviato Fri 07 Feb 20 @ 11:17 pm
Could be
If there are server issues on the Deezer side they are still going on.
After some more test I found out that this message appears after about 30 to 40 minutes no matter what I do. I can listen to songs from Deezer again if I close VDJ and wait 30min - 1h. Is there a new maximum time you can listen to music from Deezer in VDJ? I haven't had those issues in the last weeks.

Inviato Sat 08 Feb 20 @ 4:29 pm
When you say you're "listening", what exactly are you doing?

Are you selecting tracks every few minutes and playing them all the way through, or are you playing track after track very quickly, going through dozens in no time?

It could be chucking you off because you're overdoing things...

Inviato Sat 08 Feb 20 @ 6:28 pm
@groovindj both
I've done some more tests and I figured out that there's a limit to how many songs you can play in a certain time period. As I tried to find new tracks and skiped a lot the error accured way faster. Still I couldn't figure out how many songs you can play till you get kicked out. One thing is for sure, if you search for new tracks do it in the Deezer App, etc. and if you practice djing in VDJ don't rush trough the songs.

I think I'll have to change my searching, listening routine a bit, but it would be nice to know how many songs you can actually listen to in a certain time period. Maybe someone knows the Deezer API and can post the answer here.

Thanks for your help guys. :D

Inviato Sun 09 Feb 20 @ 10:46 am
I used Deezer for a couple of hours last night (last minute Bollywood type party) and it worked perfectly.

Inviato Sun 09 Feb 20 @ 11:05 am

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