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Topic: xFX-Buttons

Inviato Sun 18 Oct 20 @ 7:34 pm
var 'XFXSlot' 1 ? get_effect_name 1 & param_cast text & param_contains 'FX-' ? effect_button 1 1 +1 : :

Look interesting, but I don´t get it, can you give me a sample please.

Thank you

Of course yes,
select an effect i.e. BFX-Delay in one of the 3 FX slot
use parameter arrows ◀ or ► to select slot, fx name appears in between ◀ and ►
The pad buttons have now the name matching the fx buttons and status and color

if selected slot contains an effect not matching BFX-* CFX-* DFX-* EFX-* ... by Deun-Deun
you'll get the message "Not an xFX-effect" and pad buttons won't work
(if existing fx have buttons present, their names will show anyway in pad)