So every mixer I've ever bought for vdj has been DVS enabled but now as I prepare to buy a 4channel mixer, set on the Denon dn-x1600, to handle 4 DVS channels with 2 Denon dn-sc3900s. Might buy 2 more 3900s, still pondering on that tho. But I've been looking at 4 channel controllers so I can have 4 decks for 4 channels. Now I am thinking of just using my vci-400 which I think I understand I'll still need a soundcard, I just think I want bigger jog wheels plus Vestax not being in business I'm thinking there will be a time where it won't be supported in further updates of windows or DVS software. What I've noticed is 90% of controllers do not have DVS mode or channel inputs; My question, is it possible to have my 3900s on timecode to decks 1 and 2 and the controller decks on decks 3 and 4? I know a soundcard is needed to run the timecode inputs but do I have to have inputs on the controller also for the sound out of the soundcard? Can someone explain this type of setup?
Inviato Fri 11 Dec 20 @ 8:39 pm
I made this video 9 years ago but should help you.
Inviato Fri 11 Dec 20 @ 10:00 pm