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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: POI not working for Showxpress

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So, I am playing with the OS2L and POI’s in VDJ.
I know that the connections between VDJ and ShowXpress are working because I have
used the OS2L export extension and when I press a pad in VDJ the lights in ShowXpress respond correctly.
My problem is that when trying to set a POI to trigger the lights they do not respond.
The current steps that I use now are:
1. I select "New" from the left side window and then move the Cue Marker to the position I want
2. I select the option "Action" from the Type drop-down list
3. I then type an os2l_ action in the Macro Action box. My example
os2l_button "first dance"
4. I then close the POI
I then play the track, and nothing happens.
Occasionally I will move the track back and forth (very quickly) near the POI and the lights will respond but that is rare.
Can someone please help with this?

Inviato Tue 22 Dec 20 @ 8:13 pm
Try this code:
os2l_button "first dance" on & repeat_start 'TOFFOSL' 20ms 1 & os2l_button "first dance" off

Thanks Phantom I will give that a try although I don't quite understand, does the WHOLE code go for just the one POI or is that code for both the On and then the Off POI?

It's for one POI.

The issue with "buttons" is that they have on and off (or down and up)

When you physically press a button, it goes from off state to on, and then back to off (no matter what code that button executes)

When you try to emulate a button press via POI, you tell the button to go down, but you never release it.

On most applications that's not an issue until you try to use the same button for a second time: You tell the app to press the button down, but the button is already down (because it was never released/up) and therefore the action won't execute.

The code I gave you presses the button and then releases it after 20ms, thus simulating a "real" button press.

The only case you won't want to use that, is "flash" buttons that work "while pressed"
E.G. a button that strobes your lights as long as you press it.
In that case in order to use it with an action POI you need to provide two POI's: One for down (lights will start strobing) and one for up (lights will stop strobing)
For anything else (like starting a sequence, or a show, loading a static scene e.t.c.) you will need the down/up code I gave you.

PS: I simplified the explanation as best as I could. I hope you still understand it! :)

Ok TY for your time and I will play with it some more.

Phantom and that is still a no go. I placed the whole code (os2l_button "first dance" on & repeat_start 'TOFFOSL' 20ms 1 & os2l_button "first dance" off) in the first POI and still nothing happened.

I don't know exactly but try change that 20ms to 50ms, just something I've noticed with repeat starts, 20ms is as fast[er] as [than] possible [my tests say 30 ish ms is fastest, 33ms to be safe] and I'm not sure with a "fast as possible" param, that it actually delays at all.

And that did not work either :(

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