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Topic: DDJ RZX Screens resetting and high pitched noise/stall which leads to failed recordings - Page: 1

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Quite a lot of the time I am seeing all three screens briefly show the Pioneer/Rekordbox logo's before returning to normal... looking at the log files this seems to be due to failing to send the image headers.

In addition to this I am seeing the occasional temporary lockup that can last anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds where the waveforms inside Virtual DJ flicker between the same 2 slices back and forth and I hear a very high pitched digital tone... This sounds very much like the ASIO buffer repeating its data buffer.

I've had this high pitched issue twice in the last couple of weeks... once for about 30 seconds and then everything continued as normal and the high pitched squeel didn't make it into the recording and again last night where the high pitched squeel somehow cut the recording off and it then recorded silence for the last 15 minutes of my mix.

There are no timestamps in the logfile that match when the high pitched squeel happened and no logs that indicate this has happened. All I see in the log file are the screen errors.

Can anybody help? This has been occuring on all recent VDJ versions... I'm running on Windows 10.

My log file looks like this:

--- 2020/12/19 - 19:27 (6156)
[19:27] RZX failed sending image header
[19:27] RZX failed sending image header
[19:27] RZX failed sending image header
[19:27] RZX screen connection failed
[19:28] RZX screen connection failed
--- 2020/12/19 - 22:51 (6156)
[22:51] RZX failed sending image header
[22:52] RZX screen connection failed
[22:52] RZX failed sending image header
[09:41] RZX failed sending image header
[09:41] RZX failed sending image header
[09:41] RZX failed sending image header
[09:42] RZX screen connection failed
--- 2020/12/20 - 16:29 (6156)
[16:29] RZX failed sending image header
[16:29] RZX failed sending image header
[16:29] RZX failed sending image header
[17:18] RZX failed sending image header
[17:18] RZX failed sending image header
[17:45] RZX failed sending image header
[17:45] RZX failed sending image header
[17:45] RZX failed sending image header
[17:45] RZX screen connection failed
--- 2020/12/30 - 18:45 (6156)
[18:45] Thread camerasource freezed.
--- 2021/01/22 - 17:33 (6263)
[17:33] RZX failed sending image header
[17:33] Thread RZXScreen freezed.
--- 2021/01/22 - 17:55 (6263)
[17:55] RZX failed sending image header
[17:55] RZX failed sending image header
[17:55] RZX failed sending image header
[17:55] RZX screen connection failed
[17:55] Thread RZXScreen freezed.

Inviato Fri 12 Feb 21 @ 8:46 am
I don't know how you have setup your system, but is there any chance you max out your USB port bandwidth ?

Aside from that, failing to send an image header is not that serious (it just means a skipped frame on the screens)
Pioneer/Rekordbox logo on screens will only appear if the controller doesn't receive specific MIDI messages within a defined timeframe.
Also the high pitch noise means that ASIO drivers crashed (and VirtualDJ tries to reset them)

The general description of your issues shows mostly communication issues between your controller and your PC than a VirtualDJ issue.

If this is a system that you use frequently, check if you changed something recently. A change on your workflow, a new application that might be eating resources, a new USB device that consumes bandwitdth, a USB cable that starts fialing, e.t.c.
Finally, but not least:
Did your system performed any Windows updates recently ?
Remember that the famous "no sound" issue of RZX began with a specific Windows update, but Pioneer never fixed it's drivers and it's still around ever since

Inviato Fri 12 Feb 21 @ 8:59 am
It's a dedicated PC that I put together just for Virtual DJ... I only have the DDJ RZX plugged in as well as a USB keyboard... One other USB device I do have plugged in is a GoPro Hero8... but as far as I know its not turned on... its just charging in this situation... I can unplug that and see if the issues still occur.

I'll order a posh USB cable too and see if that helps.

Inviato Fri 12 Feb 21 @ 9:16 am
I guess I could try plugging the USB cable into the other port on the DDJ RZX...

Inviato Fri 12 Feb 21 @ 9:52 am
I don''t understand why VDJ would record silence after resetting the ASIO drivers though?

Inviato Fri 12 Feb 21 @ 10:21 am
Because by default VirtualDJ listens to DDJ-RZX record loopback channels from the USB bus.

We will investigate if it's possible when VirtualDJ is resetting the drivers to restore the record loopback as well, but don't hold your breath over it. (I guess I mean that besides VirtualDJ attempts to reset the drivers, you should also take measures to prevent those disconnections from happening in the first place)

Also your USB camera may not be that innocent as you think since for some reason it's also mentioned on your logs.

Finally, is this a DELL machine ?
If so, please as a first measure uninstall completely "Dell Support Assist" program as it's known to cause latency issues on most if not all Dell laptops.

Inviato Fri 12 Feb 21 @ 8:40 pm
It's not a dell machine, the camera stall mentioned in the logs was when I did have an actual crash or lockup due to messing around with the camera around new years... I have now removed the camera from the machine completely (yesterday)

Is it possible for me to just use a different USB sound card instead of the DDJ RZX? Will the VU meters etc still work? using either internal or external mixer mode? I forget which one is which.

Inviato Sat 13 Feb 21 @ 10:25 am
1) Yes it is possible to use another soundcard
2) Deck vumeters will work via MIDI in "Internal" mixing mode, but master vu won't.
All vumeters will work in External mixer mode if you feed each deck's sound back to RZX analog inputs.
However in that case you will need to modify the mapper as well since it mutes the decks when you switch to analog sources.

Have you checked your machine recently for DPC latency ? (Maybe a drivers or Windows update scr***d things and you need to troubleshoot high latency ??? )

Inviato Sat 13 Feb 21 @ 12:32 pm
I will check that when I get chance yes... to be honest, I think the screen dropouts happen when loading/analysing tracks/stems... that seems to be what makes it reproduce...

the high pitched lockup might be the same... not sure... I would have to video myself and capture when its occurring.

My setup might be different here because I'm loading my mp3's from my NAS drive over WiFi... this might not be the ideal setup but one would hope that this wouldn't cause problems.

I have changed the track load priority from "default" to "low" ... im not sure what it defaults to? this might help? maybe

Inviato Sun 14 Feb 21 @ 11:27 am
Hmmmm maybe its the network transfers causing DPC latency? I shall experiment...

Inviato Sun 14 Feb 21 @ 6:53 pm
ΤΒΗ I have not tested using RZX by loading tracks over LAN. However, RZX screens work over LAN protocol as well (USB to LAN)
In theory the two LAN networks on your computer should not interact, but I can't tell for sure if high traffic on one network bogs down the other.

Inviato Mon 15 Feb 21 @ 6:46 pm
I was just able to recreate this high pitched issue and screen dropout by spam loading tracks one after the other on all four decks and playing them whilst analysing.... rince/repeat till it occured... this was over network... ive run out of time today but i will try and see if i can recreate this from internal ssd another evening this week.

I had the DPC latency mon running whilst I was doing this test and all the meters stayed green and it didnt report any DPC issues.

Inviato Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 8:13 pm
I've just tried to reproduce the issue here with files loaded from local SSD and had zero problems... I spam loaded 100+ tracks and had zero issues.

Playing from network drive is ideal for me because I can setup folders downstairs and then move upstairs to play... however... since this has been my biggest bugbear I will instead setup something that syncs those folders to this machine instead... I will now only play files from my local drives...

I will be playing a few sets this weekend so will report back my findings next week.

Inviato Thu 18 Feb 21 @ 6:29 pm
Just FYI ... I haven't 100% confirmed that playing files exclusively from local hd solves this... I've had my DJ setup in bits for a few weeks whilst I re-arrange furniture... in the meantime I've copied all my tracks to an SSD which will be put inside my DJ computer... I won't be playing anything directly over the network anymore... I will report back when I have some more info.

Inviato Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 6:09 pm
I set everything up last night, fitted the new ssd inside the DJ machine, played 1 track.. within 2 minutes the DDJ RZX did a screen reset, the audio stopped for about 10 seconds, then everything resumed... shortly after I realised none of the faders worked anymore, sound restored and the track continued playing.

I then quit VDJ and reloaded it, made sure the audio interface was setup properly... things seemed ok.. I then mixed 3/4 more tracks and the screens reset 2 more times both accompanied with audio dropout for 10 seconds or more...

At this point I am totally baffled... its kindof acting like the USB connection drops and restarts... I will try the other USB port on the DDJ RZX either tonight or tomorrow.

Half wondering if the USB port on the DDJ RZX needs resolering or something like that.

Inviato Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 9:40 am
I would definately try different USB cable as well, different USB ports on my PC and if possible a different PC all together (just temporarily to see if it's something on that particular PC that makes the USB connection brake)

Inviato Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 10:01 am
This is a brand new USB cable I bought during the last few weeks... I have an identical PC (minus the GTX card, I could swap the card over) and a drawer full of USB cables... at the moment im using an Amazon branded gold plated cable.. it is connected to one of the USB 3 ports on the PC with the theory being that USB3 port woulb be better... the PC has two USB 2 and two USB 3 ... I will experiment more and report back.

Inviato Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 10:16 am
Is there any way you could provide a version of VDJ that includes more verbose logging or anything like that? is there a realtime debug log window that I can bring up? that might help

Inviato Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 10:43 am
No, the log you posted above is pretty much what we also see.
Keep in mind that if something is messing with the USB connection it should happen on OS level and therefore VirtualDJ would not be able to detect it anyway.

That being said, perhaps you can try USBLyzer (demo for 30 days) to see what's going on with your USB connections.

I would definately try/prefer the USB 2.X ports in your case.
RZX is not designed for USB 3.X connection. Of course it works on USB 3.X ports, but maybe your computer chipset drivers have some hickups with backwards USB 2.0 compatibility...
In the early days of USB 3.0 it was always suggested to use a USB 2.0 hub if your computer didn't had USB 2.X ports and your controller missbehaved.
Back then it was due to "poor" chipset implementations.
Perhaps that's the case now as well (but at this time it's most likely it's the drivers of the chipset and not the chipset itself, if that's what missbehaves)

Inviato Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 1:09 pm
Thanks, I will try some USB analyser program and also switch to USB2

Inviato Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 1:15 pm