Some times during my sets vdj won't load
the full track. It only loads about 10 seconds into the track. It happens about one time a gig. Always different songs. Is this a common error?
the full track. It only loads about 10 seconds into the track. It happens about one time a gig. Always different songs. Is this a common error?
Inviato Mon 30 Aug 21 @ 7:41 pm
Can you check if the track is actually loaded audio ways, could just be the wave form not showing ....
They aren't really long tracks?
They aren't really long tracks?
Inviato Mon 30 Aug 21 @ 7:57 pm
Visually and soundwise. Waveform shows the first 10 seconds and then cuts off. If you try to reload the track same thing. In another session when vdj has been restarted it works fine again. It's just annoying when you're out playing and suddenly the music dies because you forget to watch the waveform.
Inviato Tue 31 Aug 21 @ 6:35 am
Could be after doing a search without local results, so could be tracks coming from a online service.
Inviato Tue 31 Aug 21 @ 6:54 am