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Topic: VDJ 2023 - What's new? - Page: 1

I just found out about VDJ 2023 with Stems 2.0, nice :-) But I can't seem to find an announcement post with what else is new in the 2023 version?

Inviato Tue 22 Nov 22 @ 7:54 pm

love the new version

STEMS 2.0 is f... solid. sounds so much better now wauw..... big applause !!!!! keep up the good work, and the fact they added a acapella button and instrumental.....jeez.

did ur playlists tab go empty?

I see vdi 2023 has a new playlist folder which is not the same as the previous version and they didn't migrate the playlists so when I click on the playlist tab, I don't see any

AudioDelite wrote :
did ur playlists tab go empty?

I see vdi 2023 has a new playlist folder which is not the same as the previous version and they didn't migrate the playlists so when I click on the playlist tab, I don't see any

No, there should be nothing new in that regard. There is just a new Stems folder for preparing Stems

when i updated to vdj 2023, my playlist root folder changed.

AudioDelite wrote :
when i updated to vdj 2023, my playlist root folder changed.

To check which folder is used by VirtualDJ as root folder, open Settings, select the Options tab, and click on the small gear icon in the lower right corner.

There are 3 locations that VirtualDJ can use as root folder:
1) /Library/Application Support/VirtualDJ/
2) /Documents/VirtualDJ/
3) /Library/Containers/com.atomixproductions.virtualdj/Data/Library/Application Support/VirtualDJ/

2 used to be the default location in VirtualDJ 2021 and prior.
1 is now the default (to avoid issues with Documents being synced across different computers).
3 is used when VirtualDJ is installed from the AppStore instead of from our website.

If VirtualDJ sees an existing file settings.xml in any of this folder, it will use it (so that it can carry on from older versions).
If not, it will use the default.

If your root folder changed from vdj2021 to vdj2023, it means that somehow you had a settings.xml existing in both folders, so vdj2023 switched to using Library instead of Documents.
If you want it to use your old Documents folder, just delete the file settings.xml in Library/Application Data/VirtualDJ/.
Alternatively, copy your files from Documents to Library folders.

thanks buddy


What is the best, 2023 skin with echo and jogging wheels

My AMD RX GPU can now render Stems 2.0. That's great news to me, Thanks!


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How to save Que?

user12251628 wrote :
My AMD RX GPU can now render Stems 2.0. That's great news to me, Thanks!

Hi, great news but I didn't read that anywhere.
Could tell me where you saw that?
My system still continue to tell me that I don't have a powerfull system enough to run stems 2.0 smoothly 😒
A macbook pro core I9 with AMD RX

DJPaco71 wrote :
user12251628 wrote :
My AMD RX GPU can now render Stems 2.0. That's great news to me, Thanks!

Hi, great news but I didn't read that anywhere.
Could tell me where you saw that?
My system still continue to tell me that I don't have a powerfull system enough to run stems 2.0 smoothly 😒
A macbook pro core I9 with AMD RX

I think this is related to Windows only, see this post where I asked the same and Stephane explained the problems with MacOS:

Whats new and different from the previous version of virtual dj

VDJ 2023 may include a more advanced audio engine that improves sound quality and performance. New controllers and hardware support: Virtual DJ is known for supporting a wide range of controllers and hardware, and the new version may add support for additional devices. Enhanced video mixing features. Updated user interface. Enhanced streaming capabilities.


I seem to have lost all my keybord shortcuts, I had F11 assigned to play deck 1 and F12 for deck 2

Check the correct mapper (modified) is assigned to the keyboard. If the shortcusts are gone it will take about 10 seconds to create them again.
