
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Playing Music from laptop through Controller Help
Windows 10 laptop w/ VDJ and Pioneer SR2 (and SX2 - Sold). Have current Pioneer Windows Drivers for both SR2 (and formerly SX2) and SB3. No Firmware Drivers available (that I am aware of).
Note: Not a VDJ vs Controller(s) issue.
Issue: I am having trouble getting music (iTunes) from laptop thru Controller, to speakers. I have tried "sequencing" launching VDJ and iTunes app, but has not worked. Even changing the laptop sound settings to the Controller (SR2 or SX2) didn't work.
Meanwhile, I currently use an audio output (headphone) from laptop to a separate channel on an external mixer. I would like to free up that channel for other audio source during gigs when needed (projector or other guest audio devices).

A relevant note; I am able to play music through a Pioneer SB3, and in the past, a Hercules MKII Controller. FYI, I use SB3 for practice and streaming, but use the SR2 (recently replaced the SX2) for mobile gigs.

Inviato Mon 13 Mar 23 @ 5:10 pm
Check exclusiveAudioAccess setting in VDJ and set to No

@Kradcliffe - Exclusive Audio Access is set to No. Any other possible solutions?

You must NOT use ASIO if you want multiple applications to be able to access your soundcard at the same time.

^^^ Can you elaborate of what you mean by your statement? ...... as in, can you offer any setting change that I can test of whether it will resolve my dilemma, or not.

You don't need to have iTunes software open. You can access the iTunes database directly from the VDJ browser, and play the music (assuming it's purchased not rented).

@Groovindj - Absolutely true! I admit, I had never taken the advantage of using VDJ Playlists and Automix. I need to look into this further and seeing how I can take full advantage of this tool to work in my favor during "formal events". However, using and playing iTunes Playlists separately from VDJ has worked for me for over the years (10yrs +).
At times, I rely using iTunes playlists (which I also use for other Apple devices for music) for dinner or other segments of an event, while coordinating, gathering info, or other stuff during the coarse of an event - for seamless music play. While iTunes is running, I have VDJ open as well. Keeping VDJ separate allows me to load and listen to tracks without disrupting music I have currently playing thru iTunes. Additionally, it allows me to pull up tracks in VDJ in cue and ready for those special moments; First Dance, Cake Cutting, Formal Introductions and things of that sort. Primarily using VDJ has its limitations, as you can see.

In addition to iTunes Playlists, I have start and end points of songs specific for seamless play. Not sure whether or not, VDJ has the ability upon importing my iTunes playlists, it will import those start / end points, without recreating them within VDJ and or Automix.