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Topic: Any one for wet&dry any fx?
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

still deciding if one dial or two, still to ponder what would happen if I made the capture postfader and the wet dry prefader [probably a feedback nightmare, but ponder I shall]

Inviato Sun 24 Sep 23 @ 11:16 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

Changed it so it appears to the user as one fx,
it isn't, it has to be two fx.

branchfx takes its place in the fx chain, turn on other fx, then pressing the button on branchfx creates "branchFXOut" invisibly after the other fx , that's what does the mix between the sound at branch & the sound out of the end of the fx chain.
The dial you see me tweaking is actually controlling the invisible fx

It uses smart-ish naming so you can copy and rename, make as many as you need.
"RENAMEDFX" will call on "RENAMEDFXOut"

This was actually a side quest while making another fx, I needed this sending the sound somewhere else mechanism, in figuring it out I made something useful in its own right.

Not sure how atomix will class this as a release [an fx that needs 2 .dlls to work]
but if you want to test now, send a pm

Inviato Tue 26 Sep 23 @ 6:36 am