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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Change to Tidal T&C..... non commercial use only?
Got a email through an their "DJ tools" are now subject to the below. Why would DJ Tools be for personal use only? . Confused.

You may access third-party DJ products made available through the TIDAL Service (“DJ Tools”) if you have a Subscription to the DJ Extension. The use of the TIDAL Service with DJ Tools is for personal, non-commercial use only. Not all TIDAL Content is made available for use with the DJ Tools, and TIDAL is not responsible for any such TIDAL Content unavailability.

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 10:06 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
What a crock, I'd try get them on record actually saying their service is not for working djs in plain English, dress it up as a tax write-off question, because then even reviewing at home is commercial use.

and 2 "We're not responsible if our service doesn't work", so who is? because it's tidal I'm giving money to, that kind of makes it tidal's problem.

I'd also get snarky on "Tools", I think that fails on definition alone.

How can you actually rely on it when they say that?

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 11:40 am
In all fairness most people will ignore it anyway but they made a big song and dance about paying extra for the DJ extension which now apparently can't be used to DJ with.....

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 12:00 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Oh yeah, there's absolutely a question of "how do you intend to police that then?"
It's just lazy lawyering T&C's.
If all commercial users followed the t&c's then they don't have a product, I can't see the record labels living with "Our users promised they're legit bro"
Expect a "DJ TOOLS +++*" tier eventually with a price hike.

A real company would have a rep who visits the forums of dj software that can access their product.
I've got a bone or two to pick with iDJpool.

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 12:19 pm
I've not used Tidal in a while but I remember when I did, it was labelled "for personal use". When they introduced the DJ tools extension (their paid upgrade), I was wondering if they ever revised that line - just because you give it a nice name (DJ Extension) doesn't mean the bottom line hasn't changed (for personal use). I agree with @locodog on the clause waiving responsibility about it not working - it is their service so they are responsible.

If what you are saying is correct, then the DJ extension thing was really just a price hike (it's this and other reasons I won't bring up that caused me to move away from that service).

The sad thing is, other similar services can follow suit at any time and that's why I never would base my entire collection on them (it's just too risky) but there still are people basing their whole collection on these services and then complaining on forums about not being able to do gigs due to unexpected behaviour of the service.

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 12:27 pm
The DJ Extension was introduced after people complained that they couldn't separate stems any more with Tidal tracks. In other words it was a "Stems Extension".

The way it was done though, meant that if you had no interest in stems and just wanted the music, you couldn't carry on using the standard tier.

Last time I looked at the PRS/PPL side of things (UK performance licensing), licenses granted to venues specifically excluded use of streaming services. They do tend to take forever to catch up with what people are actually using.

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 2:49 pm
For this "Not all TIDAL Content is made available for use with the DJ Tools", from today, adios T !!!

Inviato Sun 01 Dec 24 @ 4:35 pm
PhilWPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Bye, Tidal. It was good (-ish) while it lasted.

Inviato Mon 02 Dec 24 @ 4:00 pm
I sort of hate to throw out the baby with the bathwater, so I've just turned off the Tidal DJ Exentsion. I don't really need stems for Tidal stuff. It's mainly a Spotify replacement and a backup in the rare event I can't find something on Apple Music or Beatsource.


Inviato Mon 02 Dec 24 @ 7:29 pm
You still need the DJ extension to use it with any DJ software even without cache or stems.

Inviato Mon 02 Dec 24 @ 7:41 pm