I've got a software and I changed computer and there is no option to enter a serial number, help me with that
Inviato Wed 17 Aug 05 @ 11:51 am
please add your serial to your profile:
When you changed your computer you moved your old harddrive with virtualdj to new pc,
or is it completely new pc ?
If it's new, and you have the installation file of Virtualdj, when you try to run it it asks for serial.
What is it actually doing now?
When you changed your computer you moved your old harddrive with virtualdj to new pc,
or is it completely new pc ?
If it's new, and you have the installation file of Virtualdj, when you try to run it it asks for serial.
What is it actually doing now?
Inviato Wed 17 Aug 05 @ 1:15 pm
If you are using the VDJ console version, there is no need for a serial..
This version does not have a serial nr, but detects if the console is connected or not
This version does not have a serial nr, but detects if the console is connected or not
Inviato Fri 19 Aug 05 @ 12:26 pm