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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Evasive Serial Number Found!

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wellfmHome userMember since 2005
Whoops! My (methodical) wife found my evasive serial number via a few creative e-mail searches. Sorry I panicked. But...

...during our Forum exchanges last Thursday night, I sensed from responses to other posts, especially the VDJ program, that the company is extremely paranoid about piracy, etc. and that, for me at least, it was gonna be, "no tickee, no washee." :)



Inviato Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 7:36 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Good for you, not forget to make your software registration in "Modify my profile".

Good Luck!

Inviato Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 2:10 am

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