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Forum: Old versions

Topic: VirtualDJ. My Concerns

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OK, I'm a pro DJ who is in the process of making the change from disks to a fully digital PC run system, Some of the parts I'm still awaiting but basically it will be a 19" rack P4 3 gig PC build with DAC3, Gigaport AG, etc etc

Obviously I'm exploring my software options, VDJ being one of them, In an ideal world I have to say that VDJ is the perfect option for me, I like the interface, I like the adaptability. However, my trial version has just run out, I spent a part of that time getting to grips with the software, I also spent a part of that time working round bugs. Take here as an example :-

During my trial i have spent a lot of my time looking in the forums, i also have several 'tickets' with support. What I do object to though is that when I first posted a ticket re the 'debugger detected' bug, that I was accused of using a cracked version of the software! I was in fact using the trial version from this site! Not the way to treat potential paying customers is it?

I also notice that after putting a LOT of work into getting to the bottom of the 'bug' and posting all my findings, that there is no acknowledgement whatsoever from the VDJ staff, not only through the thread above but also in the ticket I have raised re the issue, which was at the 'unread' stage for days and has now been at the 'referred to analyst' stage for a few days. Compare this with the speed that someone takes to insult you by accusing you of piracy! And I'm not alone, I've seen it in a number of the threads on this forum!

Now at the end of the day, VDJ want me to buy their product, on the other hand, I need a product that I can use on a professional basis and be fairly safe in the assumption that it wont let me down! Whether 3.3 has been a particularly problematic release I don't know, although I do see a lot of posts saying "I didn't get this problem in xxx version!"

So, what assurances are there regarding the current bugs, if i buy the software, when does the point come that VDJ say "oh sorry, yours is an old version and you can't update any more or get support for that". Is a new version being worked on?

Like i said, if it wasn't for the buggyness, (and I didn't report ALL the problems I had but the debugger detected was the major one) Then virtualdj would be my definite choice.

However from my own experiences and reading through the forums it seems that virtualdj has quite a number of people who are paying for the priviledge of being beta testers! And insulting some of it's newcomers by accusing them of piracy! Not the way to get new customers!


Inviato Mon 06 Feb 06 @ 10:10 pm
Hey TopHouse. I'm a pro DJ. At the present time, I use Virtual DJ, but also have another software that works for me . I am not a beta tester, nor a stock holder. I come here for help and in return, try to help. You are entitled to your frustration, and since this is not my forum, can say whatever VDJ allows you to. I would guess you will get the same assurances that you get from any software company. "We have a product, that we have tested, and it works so well, we decided to sell it. It should work for you."If you visit any other forums, you will find that there is no perfect software, period. If you find it let me know. I am having an issue as we speak, but feel it will be resolved, when I get home. That's because I came here, told my problem, and got some advice on how to fix it. I am in the club at the moment, and using VDJ right now, and typing this response. Up until I changed my video card on Saturday, I did not have an issue. You may not be alive tomorrow, and you want to know if there will be support next year? Software changes everyday, and we have gotten updates for free. Does that mean that you will get free updates forever? I don't think so, and do not expect it. How will they pay their developers, if everything is free? Let's try to be realistic. They don't make money, if their product does not work. Just like we don't get paid, if we don't do a great job. So in a nut shell, you will take a chance no matter what software you buy. You will find unhappy customers wherever you go. From my experience, this is the place to be. However, if you find what you are looking for somewhere else, that's ok too.

Although I have also had my problems, I have also used competing products (one of which in particular is almost double the price of VDJ)

I first got into this software from atomix, a cracked version actually, the program was good.
When I went to upgrade to the newer version (what we all use now), I tried the demo for 30 days, then decided to purchase the product (I had seen the cracked version a few times already at this stage) because I feel that it is worth every cent of the asking price.

I, like you had a good few "minor" problems that I fixed myself easily, but my last one was a major one, where VDJ would not start at all ( ), this was only fixed by going back to VDJ 3.2... I have been with VDJ a fairly long time now and have more than got my moneys worth so far, I also understand that there are literally millions of reasons why something would work on your pc and not mine and vica versa so I dont have too much of a problem with 3.3 not working for me.

My advice is to purchase the program, if you find that the newest version does not work for you, I am sure that the one before that will and that the next update will fix the issues that have caused your pc to not run VDJ... As A Man and His Music said, we do get the updates for free, I use limewire and have to repurchase the program every 6 months (And I have had a lot more major problems with that than I ever could with VDJ)

You sound like an intelligent guy, I'm sure you can see that problems happen with everything everywhere, the guys (and gals?) at VDJ do a good job on updating the software and deserve to be given the same chance to prove that this is the best "Virtual" DJ product out there, you may not always have the newest features available, but you should only have to wait for another update to fix this.

Now, regarding a possible solution for this...

I feel that VDJ should release beta versions of new updates each time, they could only work for a few days or wahtever, but it would give them all the problems before an official release, this would end up being a lot more user friendly for people that are buying the product for the first time also...

Thanks fellows!

TopHouse, WELCOME AS FULL VDJ USER!!!! I'm sure you are going to find helpful information and forums that are only available for VDJ Pro users. ENJOY!


In fact the first goal with 'debugger detected' was to protect VirtualDJ and the idea seemed interesting but as usual in computer science there are new "consequencies/defaults " that you can't imagine at first.

To be fair, I am finding the full version to be more stable than the 20 day trial. Is the 'anti debugger' present on the full version? There is certainly some difference. Perhaps this needs looking into.

The 'anti debugger' is present in full version of course as it's the best version available ;-)


anti debugger is a anti hacker measurement... :) thats all

glad u all liked my post :)

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