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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Bad grammer/spelling

Questo argomento è obsoleto e potrebbe contenere informazioni obsolete o errate.

There are a lot of bad grammer in VDJ configuration menu. One of the most annoying ones is "Infos". Please take out the "s", the word information is singlular and plural.

Instead of Sound Cards, it should say Sound Config.

Eq should say EQ, since it's an abbreviation.

"use Hardware acceleration". Why is the H a capital letter?

There are many more mistakes in the program and on the website as well.

Inviato Mon 27 Feb 06 @ 3:28 am
Thanks to report these errors. I guess they will be corrected in the next version

But don't forget that you can modify everything thanks to the language.xml file

Get someone who speaks english to reword the manual

"Get someone who speaks english to reword the manual" HA HA HA... “English” not “english”

I think that this is because the program is developed in France or somewhere else?

I, of course, know that my posts end up with so many grammatical errors on account of I am so hyper and or typing fast...

Oh, and I like ellipses...

Doesn't anyone remember, "Donkey Kong?" It was supposed to be called "Monkey Kong" but somebody screwed up the translation.

The moral? It's still loved by many.

And “Grammer” is spelled “Grammar” HA HA HA


there's also a big screw up on the Manual (
the v3 English manual.

page 11 header reads THE BROWNSER ?! instead of THE BROWSER.
i saw this a week ago when i went there for the first time and its still like that when i went to check making this post. i mean... we can excuse some lil wrong spelling. but this one is a HUGE header in red lol.

Ok no problem we'll take the manual off line until its perfect.

Hey Cyder, also why don't you pull VDJ from the English/American market.... then they'll REALLY have something to complain about ;0) HA HA HA

im not saying my spelling or grammar is perfect
im saying that they could atleast get the text of the manual read over by someone who speaks it as a first langauge.

do people come on this website to criticize spelling or to talk about the the dj thing and its support?

"language" and i'm French ;-)


therz know deniying tat!

Then they should fix "AUTHOR" to "Artist" in the browser, just my 2 cents.....

-Dj Los

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