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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Low Volume

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When I connect my laptop to a mixer with a Y cable, the volume coming from VDJ is super low even when the gain is 1+. The volume on my computer is way up. The only solution is to turn up the master on the external mixer and sometimes that doesn't even work.

Inviato Tue 14 Mar 06 @ 10:34 pm
What version of VDJ are you using? if it is the pro version then enter your serial number in your profile.

Using a Y cable with a mixer isn't possible on trial nor on cracked versions of VDJ.

I am using a cracked version of 2.0 and it does work...just not great.

I saving my money to buy the program...but anything to do to fix this problem?

You can't fix this problem on a cracked version.

I called the owner of the car I just stole, and he won't give me the security key, to get his rims off. What kind of shit is that? F#$%^ing crackheads.

At least Adam is honest.
BTW, we are light years ahead of 2.X Adam you have no idea what you are missing.
The internet special of $149 is the best option, get it while it's hot even if you have to borrow the money.
It will return it's cost many times over and quickly.

Hope to see you as a full version soon.
In the meanwhile users here are much more inclined to help people with legitimate current demos rather than buggy cracks that waste peoples time.

Thank you

I'm going to buy it weekend...tired of this cracked crap and thanks for the sarcasm who ever the guy is lol didn't catch his name, but respect mp3jrick.

We usually don't like when people use cracked versions, but i would say half the forum has gone by there before buying VDJ Pro.

If you say you are buying VDJ this weekend, then that's perfect. We believe you.

I bought the software =D told you guys! I actually bought it the next day...soo how do I fix the low volume coming from my Laptop? I am using a Y cable from the headphones part of my laptop to the back of a mixer.

You Can't fix the low volume its just how it is.


Welcome as a FULL MEMBER!!!! Enjoy.

And for a low volumen song you can nromalize and use abnother software to do this but you have to analize again that songs in VDJ after doing that. Or change your soundcard to a better one!

Good Luck!

Actually, I think a couple years ago, Cyder addressed this...

Put your first video or audio song in... once it FINISHES loading up, adjust the "GAIN" knob (not the slider) and set it... you might see that the level is -22db or something low... bring it up to abotu -4db... then set your audio to "auto gain" and "match" once you've done this, you should have consistant audio... but keep in mind that if you start playing a track BEFORE it finishes loading, it will stay at the audio level it maxes out at... so if a file you are loading has a max volume of -10, and you've set VDJ to match audio at -4, once you hit "PLAY" you will LOSE this as a baseline and have to start again.


some mixer inputs (most) cannot drive it fully .... (behringer VM1000 is only in red on the loudest songs with all EQ's on it to max).

Most DJ gear feeds out twice as much as usual hi-fi/pc.

I prefer to pump up the master....

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