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O.K. so I jus ordered a maya 44 i'm wondering should I have gotten the hercules mk2 instead.

here's my gear :
I want 2 use a dell laptop with vdj pro (haven't purchased yet still using demo of 3.2)
2 denon s5000 cdj's and a tascam x9 4channel mixer w/effects n samplers
a crown amp and 2 gemini tower speakers

since they never made the midi hook up for my mixer; I'm wondering how will I control the video's?
can this b done w/hercules mk2? is there another route I can take without having to change mixers? I like my mixers capabilities.

can some one please help me

Inviato Sat 18 Mar 06 @ 3:38 am
By controlling the videos, I guess you're talking about crossfading. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm told it can be done with a keyboard shortcut.... have a search, i'm sure its in the shortcut list somewhere!

The other control option would be MIDI - as a cheap workaround, I've bought a £30 USB-MIDI adaptor, and hooked it up to an old drum machine I had knocking around, which gives me a couple of assignable sliders (one of which maybe could be used as a crossfade!) and around 30 pushbuttons, which I have assigned to sample playbacks, loops etc.

I've got the same mixer as you, and I love it to bits, I certainly wouldn't swap it for a herc! Which reminds me, it has fader start sensors on the crossfader doesn't it? I wonder if they could be hooked up to switch video sources?? Maybe some kind of electrical bodge to wire the fader start outputs up to the appropriate shortcut keys on the keyboard.... hmmm, I'm gonna look into that!

now that would b tight!!! Tascam was s'pposed to make a midi adapter for our mixer( its in the manual under optional acessaries) but I called them and they said they never made it :-(

but yea I want to b able 2 crossfade the vids.. the keyboard shortcut I found is hold ctrl and page up or page down it moves the crossfader to either side .

I wasn't gonna trade the mixer ; but instead of getting the maya 44 usb I would get the herc for a soundcard to connect the cpu n mixer together

Can any one help me :-/
Should I cancel my maya order for the herc ?

I bought a herc last week, and I wasn't impressed. The sound quality is fine, but they seem to have issues with connecting it to an external mixer. I was going to use the Tascam as my mixer, just using the Herc as a deck controller, which would of course mean it's crossfader would be surplus to requirements. The crossfader can be remapped in the software to control video crossfades while leaving the sound alone.

At the moment though, there's still a driver problem with connecting an external mixer to the herc - there are a couple of workarounds (see the sticky topics at the top of the forum) but they didn't really do it for me. The Herc's going back to the shop, and I'm now using a Gigaport soundcard (similar to the Maya) and a DAC-2 controller, and of course my Tascam mixer. I'm thinking of building some kind of external controller (probably using the circuitry out of an old midi keyboard) to provide physical buttons to control samples and FX, and of course the video crossfader. Midi keyboards tend to have at least one potentiometer (ie level, pitch bend) that could be remapped to control this. Get the soldering iron out, swap the pitch bend wheel for a slider control, that should do it... I'll post some pics & instructions up when I get round to building it!

Sounds good ;Thanks ...yea lemme know hoy it works out with that midi project

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