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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Some thoughts / features I'd like to see.

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I dj at several different types of events from clubs to weddings. An annoyance which many people have voiced with VDJ is the lack of a configurable cross fader with proper duration when atomixing. There are times when I need to have automix running unattended from song to song (dinner music and beginning of evenings etc...) The trouble is when it is set to force fade with no duration there are often long pauses of silence between songs. If any duration is set with the crossfader it cuts off the beginning of the song as well as the end. Is it possible to have a proper configurable crossfader to automix with? I've tried all the various plugins and nothing works to achieve what I'm after.

Secondly, have a setting for removing the song from the player and loading the next one in the playlist automatically. It would also be nice to have a sort of cue of songs for each deck independantly as opposed to a single playlist.


Inviato Wed 17 May 06 @ 11:09 pm
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
You can edit the entry/out automix points for each track when rightclicking on the track in the browser and editing the BPM.

Inviato Thu 18 May 06 @ 4:20 pm
Perhaps, but I shouldnn't have to do this for each and every song I intend on using in a session. The fact that the software indiscriminately just adds random in and out points when you set automix with a fade is very annoying.

Inviato Thu 18 May 06 @ 8:16 pm
I agree.... I had to go and change all my settings as well cause if it wasn't at the very beginning the fader would slam to that side and ruin the transition. Cheers Brian

Inviato Sun 04 Jun 06 @ 10:14 am
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
VDJ is made for live DJing and the automix feature is only to "rescue" the DJ when he has to get away from the computer for example.

If you need a completely automatic DJ solution then buy the dj box:

Inviato Tue 06 Jun 06 @ 12:58 pm
Why can't it do both? Other software can. I use it live 90% of the time. I explained above the automated feature would be great if it actually worked properly for the occasions when you either can't be at the computer or during dinner music for example. I'm sure I'm not the only DJ here who does weddings on occasion. Who sits and live mixes background dinner music?

Inviato Wed 07 Jun 06 @ 1:56 am
xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
you can use VDJ for automix and it works perfect if you set setings correct. I use it usually from 7 to 9 or 10 pm at parties. then i start mixing to 4 or 5 am usually :)))

Inviato Wed 07 Jun 06 @ 9:50 am
DJTroyPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I agree that VDJ needs to be a little friendlier in the stand alone envoroment. I have difficulty adjusting in and out points. vdj seems to ignore my suggestions. Just goes back to what it thinks. Works great for house tecno stuff. I play a lot of country & rock (unfortunately).

I strongly disagree with the 'for DJing' not for auto mixing. To say this, then we must define what DJing really is... I'm not ganna touch that one...

VDJ is a tool in my toolbox. (One of my favourite tools). The better the auto mix, the less likely it is that i'm gonna get cauget haveing a smoke or playin' with one of the girls... Or when I am in the truss changing a bulb on my centerpiece lighting effect. It (automix) works mostly ok, i just need to be able to tell it 'stop thinking so much!'

As for DJ-BOX - I tried to find info... I will look after I take some french classes.

A computer can NEVER replace a GOOD dj. The computer can not read the house. The computer cannot interact with guests. The computer cannot control energy and therefor cannot level the house. When it can then we will have bigger issues than DJ Jobs.

These are issues of club management. Recently, when I decided to make my video collection & VDJ available to the bar for 24/7 use I was concerned that it would reduce my workload and income. "...we don't need to pay a dj. this is good enough..." My conclusion: "Won't Happen." As soon as the club can justify a DJ it should hire one. It is up to us DJs to make ourselves better than a computer. VDJ covers a lot of details for me. It does this verry well. Now I can concentrate on PR, Microphone, selling, (occasionally) dancing with the girls...

And yes, Windows Media Player works too... but it is not VDJ. VDJ's slideshow option and text layering opens the door for advertising. This is important. The rat says so.

Inviato Thu 17 Aug 06 @ 4:26 pm

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