
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: VirtualDJ v4.0 - Page: 5

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Where did you get V4 since you are a home user?


@gulker & edsal

I have a gigport AG as well. Everything is working perfectly for me. I can chose from multiple configurations of where to assign each deck and the sample/preview outputs. There is a little drop down menu that appears when I select Gigaport AG ASIO driver. I set mine to samples/preview on 1/2 and decks on 3/4 & 5/6 respectively. Make sure you are using the 2.61 version of the ASIO driver. The older ones don't give you all the channels. Hope this helped.


on peut l'avoir comment merci

Is there a demo yet! I can't wait to try it and maybe buy it! Please

Demo will be available at the EARLIEST next week.

Corporate Staff is back from trip to dj expo in USA monday, and it takes a couple of days before Downlooad.com update download files...


Lovin 4.0..BUT!

The "When no video or karaoke is present..." is no longer in place. I'm hoping I'm just missing it, but how do I tell VDJ to AUTOMATICALLY do a photo slide show or live cam (love that feature) when no video is present? I see how to simply turn it on with the effects button, but that seems to override videos or whatever. I want it to just be there when there is no video as it was before. Not have to babysit it and turn it on when video is gone and off when video is there, know what I mean?

Please tell me I'm overlooking something, even after 3 hours of playing & searching!

dj alf and dj rudra real funny, actually a friend of mine purchased virtual version 4.0 and didnt have a controller so he hucked up my hurcules to his computer, but i told him it should scratch and apparently it didnt, so i told him i would post a comment and see if i could find some answers, but obviously you guys are jokers so thanks for your help

So like everyone else, I have to say that Version 4 is great! I've been playing around with the new version and I have to give props to all the VIP's, Developers, and others who put in the hard work to make this program the best in the market. Also, respect to Dj In Norway for always being helpful!


Likewise. Been loving it for the last 5 hours straight since I did the update...and the only thing I still can't figure out is....how to make a photo slide show AUTOMATICALLY happen when no video is present as before in 3.4...how does this happen. Please tell me I'm just missing it!

Just type the name slideshow in the box under the Config/Video Tab be advised it does come on by itself , but u have to turn it off

I cant believe one has to turn it on/off manually...

It was auto in 3.4, why would that be taken away?


peace bro...

ok..in the config section, there is a tab that says remote control or something to that effect.. click on it and on the right side, under HDJ Console, check the box thats says use jog wheels to scratch..

peace up..

DJ Rudra

is behringer bcd2000 fully supported???

nope, not yet.... Was intended too, but seems it doesnt work good. So hopefully for 4.1

Full midi is added though, so you can use it as a controller, but the asio drivers seems to not work good.

You CAN how ever use www.asio4all.com with the Behringer and VDJ, that works, but will not give you headphone out or mic use.



u guys are amazing!

Thnaks guys! :D

Just wondering how i can get the EQ's(treb,mid, bass) to work when listening to a track playing on a deck through the headphones. For examples if i kill the BASS , it only affects the main output sound, but on the headphones i can still hear the BASS.

I know that in VDJ 3.4 this was not the case as i was able to kill or adjust the EQ's on the headphones aswel.

Could someone please tell me how to resolve thisfor VDJ 4?


Is there any way to display the bitrate of a song in the browser??? I would really like that!
