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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Freedom of Speech is Dead

Questo argomento è obsoleto e potrebbe contenere informazioni obsolete o errate.

Yesterday I posted the words to the Faithless song Mass Destruction in a thread on this board and they were deleted. This song is anti violence, anti greed, and has sold millions of copies through the world, freely played on radio all over the world. If you want to see them just google 'Faithless lyrics mass destruction'

Someone on this board thought that it was not suitable for people on here to read even though it is not insulting, contains no strong language etc.

If we can't post lyrics to a great song by a great band in a DJ forum what's going on? The next thing they'll be banning lyrics by Marvin Gaye.


Inviato Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 11:47 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thats mad!


Inviato Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 11:49 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
No idea what happened to that thread, had a gig, came home, it was gone.
Censorship is not usually a problem on this board.


Inviato Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 11:55 am
socrossPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Nice to see that hyperbole is alive and well though! :P

Inviato Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 6:46 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
just to inform you my friend, it wasn't me who deleted your thread (I know you haven't accused me, but just so you know ;) ). The thread was deleted by a teamer, the reason was not because of what you posted, I'd say leastly because of what you posted. The lyrics were good :). The thread was closed by a teamer because of the nature of the debate and the emotions attached, it's not for me to agree or disagree with this decision, what's done is done and I think the team want politics off the board.

Inviato Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 8:34 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003

Inviato Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 9:39 pm
I really think that if politics or religion is not welcome on this board due to it's firey nature then we should change this
"Anything about Virtual DJ or AtomixMP3, or not about them*... this a general discussion.
Please be polite and speak with respect. All warez messages, or messages that contains insults will be deleted."
One of the best things for me as being an American is that I can say or feel whatever I want because of Freedom of Speech and my Constitutional Rights. But all this depends on the powers to be at Atomix Productions. Remember that they can't permit DJs to be slamming one another on these Forums.


Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 3:10 am
@ Bagpuss,

Thanks for your post. I din't think it was you. BTW Faithless tour tickets r on sale now.

@ socross - Hyperbole it's great innit??

@ mp3jrick - I'm with you on that one!!

@ dj maddsound - Agree that if they want to keep politics off the board it's easy just change the rules. I wouldn't mind because there are plenty of other places to discuss politics

@ Everyone - What a great Forum.


Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 12:11 pm
you can't have opinions about the truth! the truth is just the (peter schickle, aka p.d.q. bach)

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 1:51 pm
I do hope this is not the case, because those lyrics pretty much some up how I feel about Capitalism, Fascism and the way the world is governed by a small number of power-crazed imbeciles.

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 5:15 pm
this is the best dj software ;)

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 5:46 pm
how can i gain profession on this website?

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 5:46 pm
how can i gain more license ?

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 5:47 pm
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
To gain any level you have to buy the software, same goes for getting a license...and please stay on topic with the post..
BTW guys...Wasn't me either
but it could have been because it was copywrited lyrics though

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 6:00 pm
I wanted to say mp3jrick helped me a lot with video questions and was very patient I'm sure with this newbie..... I think that the purpose of forums like this is for the users to bond and help each other. Finding ways to drive wedges between us is easy , so why don't we work at it a little and be nice. Nothing has to be easy.

Inviato Sat 11 Nov 06 @ 6:41 pm

(Vecchi argomenti e forum sono automaticamente chiusi)