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Topic: Question about video cards

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I am looking for a new laptop. I am looking at a Toshiba Satellite that has a 7900GS video card, Core2Duo, 2GB RAM. Looking at the video card sticky... I would take it that I won't have any issues running VDJ 4.1 with this type of setup?

There was another Core2Duo laptop that I was looking at which has an ATI Fire5200 video card. I am not sure what card this is, as it is not listed on the video card sticky. Any insight on how well this card will run?

I have an Athlon 4200+ with a 7600GT on my PC and the trial seems to run ok. But I am looking for a laptop to run this on.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 12:00 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Better the 7900 GS, but at least must has 256MB of VRAM

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 12:43 am
What about a Quadro FX 1500M. How does that compare to the 7900GS? Better? Worse? Same?

Since I mainly deal with NVidia... what Nvidia card does the FireV5200 ATI card closely resemble? Geforce 7300? 6800? etc.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 5:08 pm
I found this great thread on Notebook Review that discusses the two video cards I am considering.

They say the FireGL 5200 is based on the X1600 ATI, and the Quadro 1500M is based on the 7900GS. So I got my answer there.

But their main complaint is these two chips are not meant for gaming (certain things won't show up in games).

But what about Virtual DJ? Will Virtual DJ be able to utilize these video card's full potential... would the Quadro 1500 perform the same in Virtual DJ as a Geforce 7900? Or will there be a difference?

I have no intent on gaming with the laptop.


Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 5:15 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
virtual dj will always proform better on a better card :)

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 6:52 pm
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Basically that means no1 is willing to take responsibility for the choice you make. The teamers and fellow users will try their best to inform you on the right choice to make.

Best bet in my own opinion is actually testing it fully yourself. If it doesn't work well, return it within the exchange period because your entitled to do that.

Its good to find out the 3d benchmark ratings of cards before purchasing. You always want to be looking in the high end.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:53 pm

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