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Topic: Maya 44 usb drivers constantly dropping - Page: 1

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djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I'm hoping someone has solved this problem. It's starting to drive me nuts. Just about everytime I play a mp3 on any s/w (napster, Windows Media Player), I almost always wind up having to reinstall the maya drivers.

I use the maya for all of my audio out on the computer.

Drivers are the 2.5.5 drivers. XP Pro.

It has always happenend on occasion but now it consistently occurs. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 5:42 pm
do u plug your maya in the same usb slot every time u play songs or use your tcv? cuz if u dont your gonna haved to reinstall the drivers every time, and its best to dedicate a usb port just for your soundcard.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 5:56 pm
wessmith wrote :
do u plug your maya in the same usb slot every time u play songs or use your tcv? cuz if u dont your gonna haved to reinstall the drivers every time, and its best to dedicate a usb port just for your soundcard.


djej wrote :
It has always happenend on occasion but now it consistently occurs.

this doesn't sound too mean it always hapened since you purchased it?

sounds like a bad card that now about to find its grave.i use the maya44usb and i have never experienced a drop out(almost a year now)

good luck with that one

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 6:55 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
try a driver update:)

or a reinstall

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:01 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
wessmith wrote :
do u plug your maya in the same usb slot every time u play songs or use your tcv? cuz if u dont your gonna haved to reinstall the drivers every time, and its best to dedicate a usb port just for your soundcard.

your bonkers lol utterly bonkers and all like you =) hehe

all usb ports are the same if it works on one it works on all


Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:02 pm
@ sky: whenever i plug my maya into another usb on my laptop i have to install drivers all over again (this is a fact) ...if i plug into one i normaly use ,it just works right away .

Can you explain this for me? also i found out that my maya44usb works better on usb one than it does on my usb2 ;why is this? (go figure)

Yes it will work.But you will have to install the drivers since they are not already part of windows drivers.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:08 pm
Unlike most USB devices, the Maya44 USB drivers MUST be re-installed if you change the USB port it's plugged into. You should always plug the Maya into the same USB port (Or have the drivers available on your computer/laptop hard disk so you can re-install if necessary.)

The Maya44 should work fine if you keep it on the same USB port. If you still have problems with it, try it on another USB port and re-install the drivers. If you still have problems, the Maya44 may be faulty or its USB cable may be damaged (Unfortunately this is hard-wired into the device, so you can't replace it very easily.)

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:10 pm
@ jpboggis: exactly.

I keep a copy of the maya drivers disk on my external so i dont have to carry the cd around .I had to find this out the hard way myself...once i noticed this i was like wtf? happened to me twice so the second time i copied the disk onto my hd but then i noticed i wasnt losing my drivers anymore(once i started using the same usb port everytime) but i kept the drives on hd anyway cause u never know......

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:19 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thats bonkers all usb ports are the same ,

should be fine

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:33 pm
skyfxl wrote :
thats bonkers all usb ports are the same ,

should be fine

wanna put up a wager ...lets say clear tcv (or blue heheh) loser buys 2pair =D

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:40 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
its bonkers i tell you no other cards do this as the whole purpose of usb is that you can switch ports at any time when its installed

its a very noddy driver indeed which needs a fresh install every time

its so alien to the whole concept of usb

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 7:57 pm
how does that sayin go ...i before e xcept after y.....heheh

sky ..this ones not in the handbook homie;trust me i own the maya44usb with two laptops and a desktop.i can reproduce this in less than 2 secs on any one of em .

or if you still dont believe it start a thread "calling all maya44usb users " (its not the machine its the maya)

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:17 pm
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Wow a lot of responses thanks guys. None quite helping me out though LOL. I never take it out of the same port, I know of that issue and it is an issue Sky. The issue of it dropping out occassionaly has been talked about on this board before so I don't think it's a bad card. I've had it now for at least two years. I have reinstalled the latest drivers, unless someone tells me there is a newer one then 2.5.5. I can isolate it to when I play another media player other then VDJ through the Maya soundcard.

I feel like it's either napster or Windows media player somehow hijacking the card. All of sudden music stops, VDJ won't work, and I have to reinstall. Then everything fine again. When I just use it at a gig and use only VDJ, no problems. It's just convenient for me to be able to play on other media players at times.

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:18 pm
i'll have to try that; i never used it for any thing except vdj myself and those are the latest drivers you have ...You are using the 2k drivers not the 98 drivers right?

btw: what are the specs of your computer?(my hp laptop will play a song for a couple of mins then all static~i go to timecode setup and its red and yellow and very wide/loud it'll sometimes just stop ater this --temp fix -- i usually switch to asio then backto maya and the problem is solved for a few mins) but i havent tweeked that lappy yet so i'm not complaining as i know hp put alot of extra stuff on that cpu(hp compaq nx9010)

Inviato Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:22 pm
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I believe the drivers are the 2K drivers I'll have to check that. I re-downloaded recently. The computer is of high specs, dual core, 3.2 ghz, 2 gig ram blah blah blah. No probs with VDJ running..... video even. Just this little issue. I have to let Napster off the hook as I'm home now and just tested. It's Microsoft. Version 6.4 something. I'm going to check for a later version of WMP. I'll be curious t boogie if you test it and it happens to you.
Thanks for the feedback.

Inviato Wed 10 Jan 07 @ 12:05 am
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
You meant the 2k MS drivers for the Maya didn't you, yes that's what I'm using. I thought I was missing something for a second there.

Inviato Wed 10 Jan 07 @ 12:30 am
o.k. ... well i'm using my laptop i set all sound for usb but the music still comes out the lap speakers...the windows ding is coming through the other speakers though;weird

can you elaborateon you set up configurations a little? i.e :what goes to what...etc


Inviato Wed 10 Jan 07 @ 12:41 am

Almost all usb drivers have to be reinstalled if you switch port...

Each hub/port needs driver installed ...
MOST usb devices will install automatically when you swap port, from Windows stored drivers.
But not all usb devices allow this

So thats perfecly correct, maya needs to be reinstalled if you swap port

Inviato Wed 10 Jan 07 @ 12:51 am
And usb dropouts occurs when the soundcard is waiting for new audio data from the CPU, and runs out of data (audio data buffer at the card).

This is down to two most likely suspects:
- Too low buffer (adjust to higher buffer/latency in asio)
- IRQ sharing on the usb port, so that other devices talk to the CPU at the same time (interrupts the data flow).

To prevent IRQ conflicts, try disable intense hardware such as Wifi, Lan, even programs like MSN (not irq related, but a cpu hog) and Antivirus.



Inviato Wed 10 Jan 07 @ 12:54 am
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Rune/norway, happy new year. Hope all is well with you. I'll start heading down that lane. First a later version of Media player I think they are on 8 something now and I'm in the sixes. I have wifi and msn running but not on that usb port so I'm not sure that's it. My blog isn't representative as I've got a much stronger computer now.
Same h/w :)
I don't get the IRQ stuff beyond the entry level :) I thiink that's where I'm at with this issue. I'll try what you said, thanks. Only a recreational issue to be honest but I figured someone had already figured it out. Thanks for the help folks, so far it sounds like it's something unique to me.

Inviato Wed 10 Jan 07 @ 2:30 am