Does anyone know of some good software that will read from an excel spreadsheet, and rename .vob files that are currently sequentially numbered? Trying to stop from having to copy and paste.
Inviato Mon 22 Jan 07 @ 5:45 pm
personally, i found some awesome software for batch mp3 tag edit and renaming.
you may be able to find what you are looking for at
DJ Shahar
you may be able to find what you are looking for at
DJ Shahar
Inviato Mon 22 Jan 07 @ 7:43 pm
what the hell is a vob file ?
Inviato Tue 23 Jan 07 @ 7:16 am
clubstud81 wrote :
what the hell is a vob file ?
It's a format for videofiles. When you rip a dvd with VDJ, you'll end up with a vob-file (I've read it in the manual, hope it's right, because I don't use video).
Inviato Tue 23 Jan 07 @ 12:45 pm
I use this:
I don't know if it will read an excel spreadsheet? But if you save the spreadsheet as a .txt file it will work.
I don't know if it will read an excel spreadsheet? But if you save the spreadsheet as a .txt file it will work.
Inviato Tue 23 Jan 07 @ 7:57 pm
I have been using Lupas Renamer 2000 for a couple of years. Works great once you get the jist of it...
Once my files have been extracted, whether vob or mpg(actually any kind of file) it takes me 4-5 minutes to change all the file numbers to the correct names that I download from the supplier database or wherever. I created complete instructions for someone else asking the same thing to do Promo Only Canada. U need excel & Lupas to do it. Below are the instructions and a quick course in excel. I suggest you create a new folder with the vob files to learn how to do it. If you screw up delete that one and try again. Post any questions. I'll look later... most people make a mistake at #19.
1 Download dvd text file from promo only
2 Open in Excel
3 deleat the 1st row by highlighting it and right click - delete
4 create a new column a number it from 1 to * amount of songs
5 create a new column and type in the 1st row " - " without the " That's space-space.
6 click in the top cell of a blank column(new column)
7 click the function icon - fx
8 in the text catagory choose concatenate - ok
9 click once on the 1st artist name
10 click text2
11 click the 1st cell of space-space
12 click text3
13 click the 1st song name cell
14 click ok in the function window
15 you will now see all three things joined together in 1 cell
16 click once in that cell
17 grab the bottom right side corner and drag down. It will fill in all the other cells.
18 save the file with a proper name - disc # name for future use(you can also save as an xls file)
19 rearrange the song list as follows: 1,10,11,12,13,etc,2,20,21,22,23,etc,3,30,31,32,33,34,etc,4,40,41,etc song 1 is in the correct order, song 2 right click the row # and choose cut - click the row where #20 song is and right click - choose "insert cut cell" and it will place #2 above #20 in the correct oreder we need. posibblely 5,6,7,8,9 will go to the bottom if they don't have other numbers in the 50,60, etc range
20 click save
21 Highlight all the song tiltes and names in the new column you just created
22 right click - choose copy
23 open Lupas
24 open Text editor in Lupas
25 right click in the text editor and click paste
26 close the text editor
27 In Lupas open the folder where the disc files are stored
28 Put a check mark in "replace with the text"
29 type <T> in the space
30 highlight all the rows- click the top one - scroll to the bottom - hold "Shift" click once(they will all be highlighted
31 Click rename - click continue - all the file have now been modified
32 close lupas - Done... - look at folder - test each song to make sure you followed my steps properly
If you made a mistake on 2-3 songs just change the file name to the correct one but add a letter or number to the end of the name until you replace the other file with the same name, otherwise you won't be able to change the name - can't have the same file name 2 times in one folder
Modifications should't take more than 5-6 minutes for each disc
Once my files have been extracted, whether vob or mpg(actually any kind of file) it takes me 4-5 minutes to change all the file numbers to the correct names that I download from the supplier database or wherever. I created complete instructions for someone else asking the same thing to do Promo Only Canada. U need excel & Lupas to do it. Below are the instructions and a quick course in excel. I suggest you create a new folder with the vob files to learn how to do it. If you screw up delete that one and try again. Post any questions. I'll look later... most people make a mistake at #19.
1 Download dvd text file from promo only
2 Open in Excel
3 deleat the 1st row by highlighting it and right click - delete
4 create a new column a number it from 1 to * amount of songs
5 create a new column and type in the 1st row " - " without the " That's space-space.
6 click in the top cell of a blank column(new column)
7 click the function icon - fx
8 in the text catagory choose concatenate - ok
9 click once on the 1st artist name
10 click text2
11 click the 1st cell of space-space
12 click text3
13 click the 1st song name cell
14 click ok in the function window
15 you will now see all three things joined together in 1 cell
16 click once in that cell
17 grab the bottom right side corner and drag down. It will fill in all the other cells.
18 save the file with a proper name - disc # name for future use(you can also save as an xls file)
19 rearrange the song list as follows: 1,10,11,12,13,etc,2,20,21,22,23,etc,3,30,31,32,33,34,etc,4,40,41,etc song 1 is in the correct order, song 2 right click the row # and choose cut - click the row where #20 song is and right click - choose "insert cut cell" and it will place #2 above #20 in the correct oreder we need. posibblely 5,6,7,8,9 will go to the bottom if they don't have other numbers in the 50,60, etc range
20 click save
21 Highlight all the song tiltes and names in the new column you just created
22 right click - choose copy
23 open Lupas
24 open Text editor in Lupas
25 right click in the text editor and click paste
26 close the text editor
27 In Lupas open the folder where the disc files are stored
28 Put a check mark in "replace with the text"
29 type <T> in the space
30 highlight all the rows- click the top one - scroll to the bottom - hold "Shift" click once(they will all be highlighted
31 Click rename - click continue - all the file have now been modified
32 close lupas - Done... - look at folder - test each song to make sure you followed my steps properly
If you made a mistake on 2-3 songs just change the file name to the correct one but add a letter or number to the end of the name until you replace the other file with the same name, otherwise you won't be able to change the name - can't have the same file name 2 times in one folder
Modifications should't take more than 5-6 minutes for each disc
Inviato Tue 23 Jan 07 @ 8:19 pm
Yes, .vob is file that you get from ripping from vdj or any other ripper. Some rason Virtual DJ is giving some issues with some dvd's that has multipe vob's listed in a cell, so I have to use another program and cant benefit from virtual dj renaming all my vobs for me.
I will try out the program that will rename from a text, I can easily convert my excel spread sheet to text document. Hopefully this will solve my problem from copying and pasteing.
Thanks for input
I will try out the program that will rename from a text, I can easily convert my excel spread sheet to text document. Hopefully this will solve my problem from copying and pasteing.
Thanks for input
Inviato Tue 23 Jan 07 @ 8:20 pm
You can just add some simple formula in excel and use command line to do it. For example, if your spreadsheet looks like this:
A1| 00001
B1| Cassie - Me & You
where the sequential number is in column A and the artist - track are in column B, you could use the following formula (in column C) to create a rename function:
You then move your mouse over the bottom right of cell C1 and when the cursor becomes a + just drag downwards until you reach the last file, this will automatically fill in all cells with this format. Now, highlight all contents of column C, copy the contents and paste it into a new text file. Save the text file as a .bat file and when you run it, it will rename everything for you.
A1| 00001
B1| Cassie - Me & You
where the sequential number is in column A and the artist - track are in column B, you could use the following formula (in column C) to create a rename function:
="ren """&A1&".vob"" """&B1&".vob"""
You then move your mouse over the bottom right of cell C1 and when the cursor becomes a + just drag downwards until you reach the last file, this will automatically fill in all cells with this format. Now, highlight all contents of column C, copy the contents and paste it into a new text file. Save the text file as a .bat file and when you run it, it will rename everything for you.
Inviato Tue 23 Jan 07 @ 8:44 pm
Funkmasterfrank> That just seems to be way to much manual renaming. I did try the program that was mentioned earlier, seems that it will be easy once I figure it out.
Inviato Wed 24 Jan 07 @ 5:48 am
Well here is what I have come up with, I am using DJGAZUK solution in regards to the software, however using Funkmasterfranks guide using excel, added on to that formula to include [BPM]. So using the combination of both works great, I love the file rename software because it does it so fast, and many options.
Thanks for the info guys, save me from a lot of copying and pasting.
Also on another note, if you guys have problems ripping .vob in vdj, go snag vobblanker, it works great and fast.
Thanks for the info guys, save me from a lot of copying and pasting.
Also on another note, if you guys have problems ripping .vob in vdj, go snag vobblanker, it works great and fast.
Inviato Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 2:19 am
hey funkmasterfrank,
i started ripping promo only dvds a few weeks ago
i also did the copy & paste thing for a while
really pain in the butt
i tried it the way you explained
this is saving me soooooo much time
i started ripping promo only dvds a few weeks ago
i also did the copy & paste thing for a while
really pain in the butt
i tried it the way you explained
this is saving me soooooo much time
Inviato Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 10:59 pm
Hi All,
I also have been using DR Tag + for a while. It has very nifty features when renaming the files. Have a test drive.
These are some of the features I like about it.
1 - You can do batch editing
2 - You can rename the song based on ID3 Tags or vise versa. for example if there is a song in following format and no ID tag
madonna - hang up.mp3
program can select the first field as artist, second field as the title and write to its tag. It can swap them, or edit them individually.
3 - I put songs into genre directories. The other thing I like about the program is that, I can tell it to get the directory name and write it to songs ID tag as genre.
Like I said, I have tried many programs, but this one is pretty sophisticated and easy to use.
DJ Palamuth
I also have been using DR Tag + for a while. It has very nifty features when renaming the files. Have a test drive.
These are some of the features I like about it.
1 - You can do batch editing
2 - You can rename the song based on ID3 Tags or vise versa. for example if there is a song in following format and no ID tag
madonna - hang up.mp3
program can select the first field as artist, second field as the title and write to its tag. It can swap them, or edit them individually.
3 - I put songs into genre directories. The other thing I like about the program is that, I can tell it to get the directory name and write it to songs ID tag as genre.
Like I said, I have tried many programs, but this one is pretty sophisticated and easy to use.
DJ Palamuth
Inviato Fri 02 Feb 07 @ 3:11 pm
I also want to thank ***Funkmasterfrank***
for his guide using excel.
I use to spend hours tagging my files, now it's only minutes.
for his guide using excel.
I use to spend hours tagging my files, now it's only minutes.
Inviato Sat 03 Feb 07 @ 2:10 am