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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: The Microsoft fanclub - Heretical post

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Hey! Let's hear it for the humble PC and Microsoft! Join my club and let your voice be known!

PC's are great. You can build them out of cheap, Chinese components, slap any old video card in there and it pretty much "just works".

Frankly, that is amazing, and although we all moan about Microsoft, the fact it works at all over such diverse hardware is a fomidable technical achievement. And if you doubt Microsoft's ability to deliver a slick interface and total reliability if they used proprietary hardware, check out an XBox 360.

Yes. The world's most popular OS, and some of it's users have even paid money for it.

I used to use a copy, untl a friend of mine challenged me... "Surely, Windows is worth 100 quid. It has at least 100 quids worth of useful functionality" I have to agree.

I've got a MacBook too and it's a nice machine, but hey! It doesn't run the software I want. It doesn't run VDJ for a start. It doesn't run Half-Life 2 for another.

Yep. That Mac is nice, but I don't like it. It's not the machine, you see. It's the way Apple are alienating me by their latest advertising campaign. The way they portray a "Mac" as the stereotypical "cool" guy, while they portray a PC as a middle aged nerd. I'm neither. I use a PC because it "just works", and I use it because I want a computer to run the *applications* I like, not because I like a white, plastic case. The only people the current Mac video campaign is going to appeal to are those who alredy have a Mac. It's a classic campaign. It's designed to look as it it appeals to those outside the "church", but really it's just intended to soothe the egos of those who want to know that buying that Mac of theirs was the "right" decision. Customer "retention" is the key.

Me? I don't get that insecure about consumer goods. I just buy them, use them, trash them. I've used Atari, Amiga, BBC, MSX, and a whole lot more obscure stuff. They are all plastic boxes that aren't interesting unless they are running the software I want. And that software is VDJ for Windows. I won't be rushing out to get a Mac version - even though I actually have a Mac.

So. I'm sticking with my PC and music software... and my PC fanclub. *Yay for VDJ on Windows!*. The teamers did a great job of creating robust software.


Inviato Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 2:58 pm
live strong brother! nothing wrong with old windows :)

vdj mac comming soon however so u can use that too if u like ;)

I don't have any problems with VDJ for windows.
I don't have any experience on a mac/apple product since the apple 2 in grade 5 when I was 10 years old (around 1983ish).
Most of the problems I've had with VDJ are tuning issues, driectx updates, or the nut behind the wheel.

Then again I still have fond memorys of a Commodor 64, and using that for schoolwork untill the late 80's

I guess that's why we have the freedom of choice in a free market.

DJ Marcel
Purple Onion NightClub

I'm open to other Operative Systems: Linux and Mac are great, but have more limits... I mean, Windows is a commercial Operative System, so you can find and put any shit on it. That's why I like it! If optimised well (by removing all the shit) it becomes twice powerful, like a Mac. Just install it ONCE and make a GHOST copy... Et voilà, you don't have to reinstall everyting from... scratch! I also like the old crappy Windows 98, the old DOS apps, the new .NET apps, the programming support I can get from the Net...
I like Windows!

In my department at work we have around 20 PCs 3 laptops All Dell

At home I have 2 PCs and a laptop.

I've got to say that Windows works great on all these. At work we never have any problems with the OS (or hardware). We had one power supply go down, but that was fixed within an hour. Our computers go on for 4 - 5 years with no downtime with every day use. The only problems we ever have are if our network goes down.

We use complex statistical software a lot of the time with no problems.

My VDJ computer is a Dell laptop with a humble Celeron M processor. It never ever skips, crackles, crashes or flips with VDJ.

My dept buys Dell PCs for around £450 and dual core P4 laptops for around £500. Macs would be much more expensive. We only have 1 guy in the organisation who uses a Mac and he is a graphic designer (and a windows hater).

My feeling is this. If it aint broke why fix it.

I'm sure Macs are great, but so are our Windows machines.

BTW I used to have a Sinclair Spectrum and we've gone a long way since then. It cost me £70 in 1982ish.


MAC Threads in the Mac forum please.

The “Wow” starts now! Long life to Bill Gates!
Windows all the way....

Ah.... Homework on a Commodore 64. Fond memories.

Sinclair BASIC on a ZX Spectrum. Liberal use of the BEEP command.

I know a song about that....

[eyes glaze over]

I am open to another OSs and specially when 95% of PCs are equipped by one. I agree that the vast majority of them are a copy and complaining might be ridiculous.

But I encourage all competitors for overshadowing Microsoft. Let's be aware that it monopolizes market and sells its new product here twice as much as it is in the USA! And even in USA it is not for free. Not using a MS product seems to be ignorant of reality. But being compulsory to use them and paying more and more because of MS monopolizes market is too much :s

Last but not least we are a cash cow. It is exactly like having a car. Owners have paid more and more. Monopolization brings about more expenses. And becoming a smuggler is not the way lol

My opinion. But sure thing that MS has opened up a new way of thinking.

lol cgariss :p

Phenryll wrote :
I am open to another OSs and specially when 95% of PCs are equipped by one. I agree that the vast majority of them are a copy and complaining might be ridiculous.

But I encourage all competitors for overshadowing Microsoft. Let's be aware that it monopolizes market and sells its new product here twice as much as it is in the USA! And even in USA it is not for free. Not using a MS product seems to be ignorant of reality. But being compulsory to use them and paying more and more because of MS monopolizes market is too much :s

Last but not least we are a cash cow. It is exactly like having a car. Owners have paid more and more. Monopolization brings about more expenses. And becoming a smuggler is not the way lol

Well said Phenryll.

ConQuest wrote :
MAC Threads in the Mac forum please.


OK, my bad.

Still getting used to the fact that we have our own forums now. I'm still used to clicking on the General Discussion link like I have for the past 10 months. =)

ConQuest wrote :
Phenryll wrote :
I am open to another OSs and specially when 95% of PCs are equipped by one. I agree that the vast majority of them are a copy and complaining might be ridiculous.

But I encourage all competitors for overshadowing Microsoft. Let's be aware that it monopolizes market and sells its new product here twice as much as it is in the USA! And even in USA it is not for free. Not using a MS product seems to be ignorant of reality. But being compulsory to use them and paying more and more because of MS monopolizes market is too much :s

Last but not least we are a cash cow. It is exactly like having a car. Owners have paid more and more. Monopolization brings about more expenses. And becoming a smuggler is not the way lol

Well said Phenryll.

ConQuest wrote :
MAC Threads in the Mac forum please.

thanks mate ;)

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