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Topic: USB keyboard - Page: 1

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This is not really related to VDJ but:
I have been using a USB keyboard without problems until now. When I boot up I get a msg "no keyboard".
It does this in all usb ports. I know the usb ports are working because
I have plugged in the jump drive and it reads it.
The same keyboard works on the other system fine.
ANy suggestions please?

Inviato Tue 27 Feb 07 @ 10:32 pm
go into bios and check that legacy boot devices are enabled as well as boot usb devices

Don't know anything about bios.
But the usb ports are working for everything except the keyboard.
The keyboard works on 2 othger systems. So I assume it is not the keyboard
nor the usb on the one system.
But if going into bios may help, I need step by step.
Going into biois is shaky for me.
I am on MSN as if that makes it easier

Bogart I had a system that did this to me as well. As you know the keyboard is usb so it may not be detected at startup, but as soon as windows comes up it should be detected. Now what you want to do is to go into BIOS and look for something around the lines as SKIP KEYBOARD ERROR Sky may know what I am talkin about. It allows the system to boot even if it doesn't detect the keyboard. I don't have the time to do a step by step, but when you start your system you should see a message that says something along the lines of DEL to enter setup. Now computers are all different, but that is kinda the message you are looking for.

Thanks, but unfortunately it won't go to windows. Upon starting up I get a black
screen with a msg to hit "del" for setup or F1 to continue. But the keyboard won't
work so I can hit either of those keys all day and nothing will happen.

Thanks, but unfortunately it won't go to windows. Upon starting up I get a black
screen with a msg to hit "del" for setup or F1 to continue. But the keyboard won't
work so I can hit either of those keys all day and nothing will happen.

If you have a USB to PS/2 adapter connection, now's the time to get it out. Use this to change your keyboard from USB to PS/2, then configure your BIOS as described and try going back to the usb port.

You may be having an IRQ conflict when using the keyboard via usb. I also use a USB board which I never use as USB when working, as I use a DAC 3, which takes up only 1 of my USB ports. Although I have 6 free ports, I feel a bit safer using only 1.

You get those little adapters when you buy USB keyb's and mice, just incase you want to use them as PS/2 connections instead...genius that...(",)

Good luck...and keep spinnin'.


older bios revisions wont look for a usb keyboard by default i will add u :)

Tried thar, no luck still won't recognize USB keyboard.
Just weird that it worked fine until couple days ago.

Sounds like your keyboard bit the dust. You might want to try it on another computer to verify that it is actually the keyboard at fault.

Wait a said you tried it. Does that mean it worked with the PS/2 connection on it and then you went back to USB and it didn't, or do you mean that it didn't work at all?

Does your keyboard have a keylock function? Maybe this is something to do with it? Or does it have a 'Function' button? I use a tiny wee keyboard similar to that of a laptop, which has a function button for the number pad. This can cause some scary effects

I don't suppose like 'scroll lock' or anything is activated on the keyboard? Maybe take it apart and make sure the connections are ok on the inside where the cable comes in. Then, if all else fails, get another one for a fiver...:o)


Nope not the keyboard as it definetly works on other systems.

When I tried the adapter and plugged it into the system; the keyboard
still did not work.

So it's defenitely not the port and defenitely not the keyboard???

Wow...that's weird. If you have another keyboard lying about, try that and see if you get anywhere. If it works, go into the bios settings as mentioned earlier in the thread and see if you can get anywhere that way.

Sounds to me like your keyboard has somehow been disabled.

Boot up without your keyboard connected and see if you get anything at all other than the black screen you've been describing. If you get in, use your mouse to navigate through windows to the control panel, keyboard settings and see if there's anything untoward going on in there.

Let us know again how you get on.



No it will not boot without the keyboard. I can use a standard keyboard
and it will boot.

Went into Bios and couldn't find anything like was suggested. Since
I don't know what the hell I am doing, I just backed out of it


Take said dodgy keyboard.
Hold firmly in both hands, horizontally parallel to the floor, just above waist height.
Lift your right leg and bend leg at knee. Keep lifting until your knee is up at waist height.

Now, firmly holding the said dodgy keyboard, bring said dodgy keyboard down on top of your right knee quickly using as much force as possible. The idea is to see how far you can spread the keys...(",)

Very strange one this.

Sorry...i'm stumped for now.


Right now that is the way I feel.
Maybe some knows what to look for once in BIOS.
I can't figure it out. THing is I have another USB keyboard
same results.

Will your computer boot with a PS2 keyboard??

It did before. Then I got a whistling fromsys. Found out it was the video card.
I have been in touch with Jason and we are working on re installing windows as
bios did not help ETC ETC

Jason saves the day once again.
THings were so messed up, had to re do whole system.
Part of the problem (Maybe) The new video card started
to make a whistling sound, Took it out and replaced with
the older one I had. Had to reformat drives and re install everything.
Can't figure out what happened. This system never goes near the
Anyway getting everything in order as I type this.

Glad to hear you got it 'sorted', allbeit the hard way!!!

Surely if the video card is doing a crazy whistling noise it'll be the fan???


