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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Oh I wish...

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DachPRO InfinityMember since 2004
that under the "Scan HD" dialog, I could just tell it to search the "My Music" folder instead of the entire hard drive. It's difficult to remove tracks from the database without actually deleting them, but I don't want random sound files from games on my library listing.


Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 10:02 am
ditto ;) I would love to see such a feature as well :)

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 1:36 pm
djzeroPRO InfinityMember since 2003
me to, full directory search with tick boxes or something similar so you can just select multiple folders

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 3:01 pm

I have way too many sounds from other programs showing up on my listing!

I think it would cut down on the size of the database by at least 15% (in my case).

Make it so you can 'scan' by folders (and include/not include subfolders choice) instead of hard drives.

The BIGGEST plus would be that it would take a heck of a lot less time to scan (and rescan) the music files.

This needs to be in 2.03! :)


Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 4:26 pm
keyonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
me too

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 6:22 pm
claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 6:52 pm
I'd like this feature too... :)

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 8:04 pm
A bit of a hint. If you Partition your drive and place all of your music in that one drive then scan that one drive it works fine. I have three seperate hard drives myself. One for music. One for karaoke. One for computer. One 80 GIG External. One 120 GIG External and a 60 GIG Internal. However you can take your internal and assign it different drive letters. I only keep the music in the playlist and do a shortcut for the karaoke. It works terrific! if you use partition magic it is very easy however XP has functions to do this also with some limited computer knowledge.

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 8:09 pm
Of course that's a good way of doing it, but I think many users have their music in a subdirectory (say, /mp3) on their harddrive, so this feature could prove usefull...

Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 8:49 pm
DachPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I considered getting an external drive, but I think it would be more of a hassle, for example, what if there's only one power outlet left, or there's not enough room for the wall wart that the external drive needs? I could get a bus-powered drive, but then it'll cost a LOT more and not hold as much. I'll probably have to at some point.
I think the software should accommodate the computer, and not the other way around. It seems it'd be easier to write a few lines of code for the next release than to expect thousands of users to redesign their computers' internal structures to accommodate a single program.
The workaround I have for the time being is to set VDJ to startup in "My Music" then right-click on the folder and choose "recurse" and finally sort by artist. It'd just be easier not to have to go through that rigamorole.


Inviato Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 11:29 pm
Don't want to start a war and I'm sure this would be useful for some however it is very easy to partition your drive and store the music in that drive letter. It is also easier (quicker) when you defrag. You don't have to get an external harddrive to accomplish this. Then just check off that letter when you go to seach for files. Call it E. Don't check C. It is a workaround for now. Just trying to help. And I feel there are other things VDJ needs than this. Total Playlist Time. DAC2 Mapping. Time stretch enhancements. Something as simple as an add to playlist shortcut. Ect. As everyone has been talking about. They just improved the bpm calculator which opened up worlds for us. (thank you vdj) Just my opinion here. We can work around this ourselves.

Inviato Fri 24 Sep 04 @ 12:20 am
Same here tired of deleting other sounds should be able to browse c;drive.
Actually here is something pretty cool i made a converted mp3 music file in my hard drive and select mp3 files only to read and voila only tunes in vdj {:^)

Inviato Tue 28 Sep 04 @ 7:52 am
VantineDJ - I am currently setup in a simmilar fashion to you...but I would still prefer to be able to select the folders I want to scan (I'm Picky like this) for several reasons.

But there is one other huge thing I would like combined with this.
Extra song databases. This could be done as tables that allow you to pick the name rather than just database.
I would have a table Music and another Karaoke.
by being able to to select the folders I want to scan I would more than likely have sub tables for different karaoke disc manufacturers.
Reasoning - to do with plans I have to use VDJ for karaoke only application but need to speak to dev team on this one.

I think it's clear that most people would really appreciate at least being able to choose the folders VDJ will scan...but I would also likr to be able to create other DB tables a choose which folders they will scan.
It can't take that many lines of code for folder selection,,,surely thats an option for rather than just drive letters to show sub folders as well.

Inviato Tue 28 Sep 04 @ 9:28 pm
Well the song databases would be cool. Then you can have one for karaoke and one for MP3 songs. Maybe two search lines could be set up on the top and whichever you click is what the program looks for. I think that would be great....

Inviato Tue 28 Sep 04 @ 9:37 pm
PABLOYOPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Mixant énormément sur Vdj avec l'appui des XP10 Je pense pour ma part qu'une chose toute bete serait primordiale. En effet si vous mixez et que vous ralentissez la vitesse pour un calage au tempo nottament avec la molette externe des XP10 vous entendez un pleurage des mélodies alors que si vous utilisez un vrai master tempo comme sur les Cdj 1000 que j'ai eu ultérieurement, seul le beat etait ralenti mais le reste du message audio n'était pas perturbé. Si les concepteurs du programme pouvaient se pencher sur ce sujet et y trouver remède, ce serait le pied. Merci à vous et à bientot. Pabloyo.

Inviato Wed 29 Sep 04 @ 7:47 pm
Que? I only know Spainish.

Inviato Thu 30 Sep 04 @ 12:52 am
It was a post about master tempo and how touching the jog adds artefacts to the sound that are unrealistic.

That was my basic translation anyway!

Inviato Thu 30 Sep 04 @ 2:05 am
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
or be able to add for files that are only over a certain time or file length.

Inviato Sun 24 Oct 04 @ 12:27 am

(Vecchi argomenti e forum sono automaticamente chiusi)