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Topic: [NEWS] VirtualDJ 5.0 revision 6 - Page: 7

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Is there any news yet for users of cue, who are still on rev5?

Inviato Wed 12 Dec 07 @ 5:31 pm
djfsPRO InfinityMember since 2007
dito! :D

Inviato Wed 12 Dec 07 @ 5:44 pm
djpetemk wrote :

Is there any news yet for users of cue, who are still on rev5?

Have you tried the Cue forum? They would know more than we do.

Inviato Thu 13 Dec 07 @ 2:31 am
Yes, posted a couple times on there, they haven't acknowledged yet.
Also, I thought that the people who were responsible for packaging the Numark cue builds were VDJ people who posted here.

I wish I'd gone the VDJ route in the first place.

Inviato Thu 13 Dec 07 @ 3:26 am
I haven't been on in awhile, but what a nice surprise to find that r6 is out!! I can't wait to fire it up! LOT's of fixes, a few new toys (ho ho ho), and, thankfully, a complete list to go with it ;)

Sadly, however, I am in the process of having my MK2 replaced, and I hear that it'll take some time...Doesn't stop me from usin' the mouse tho, hehehe :D

Anyway, I just want to reiterate how happy I am with the conscientious dev team at VirtualDJ. I'm glad and confident with my choice of VDJ as my software because you folks are certainly on your game!


Warmest holiday wishes,


Inviato Thu 13 Dec 07 @ 11:52 pm
Just want to say thanks on behalf of all the Cue users, who now have their build of r6, which I'll look forward to testing over the weekend!

Merry Christmas!


Inviato Fri 14 Dec 07 @ 3:37 am
First of all, great job by going on with making new versions over and over. Some other DJ software developers don't :-) thats why I stick to VDJ.

For now I didn't had much time for testing, but I found one minor bug in the version 5rev6.

I installed windows xp sp2 dutch and installed virtualDJ.
Everything worked fine.
Now i've changed the location of the My Documents folder (to "c:(backslash)documents") by clicking the right mouse button on the desktop folder "my documents" and then properties.
When I started VDJ it says it has a fault in the XML skin file.
No problem for me just changed the folder to default location and it was ok, but wanted to tell the developer team.

Best regards and happy holidays,

Inviato Fri 14 Dec 07 @ 3:04 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
jeroenmuller wrote :
First of all, great job by going on with making new versions over and over. Some other DJ software developers don't :-) thats why I stick to VDJ.

For now I didn't had much time for testing, but I found one minor bug in the version 5rev6.

I installed windows xp sp2 dutch and installed virtualDJ.
Everything worked fine.
Now i've changed the location of the My Documents folder (to "c:(backslash)documents") by clicking the right mouse button on the desktop folder "my documents" and then properties.
When I started VDJ it says it has a fault in the XML skin file.
No problem for me just changed the folder to default location and it was ok, but wanted to tell the developer team.

Best regards and happy holidays,

If you change the location of My Documents in Windows, you have to update the link in the Windows registry too: "HomeFolder"

Inviato Fri 14 Dec 07 @ 3:26 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I'm sorry i'm getting a little FRUSTRATED here as I keep having to ask over and over...

Has the below problem I'm having with all versions of v5 been resolved with v5.6?

I use Time Code CDs with the Denon 4500. I use the A1 and A2 loop-in buttons.

On 4.3r2 when I press the A1 button it sets the start point for the loop. When I press it again it goes back to that EXACT same spot.

With 5.2 when I press the A1 button it sets the start point for the loop. When I press it again it goes back TO THAT POINT AND A HALF BEAT before it thus creating train wrecks!

another guy posted about having the same issue. I'd really like to load up the latest version but if I can't get the loop-ins to go back to the exact spot then the upgrade is of no use to me. This is why I am still using 4.3r12.


Inviato Fri 14 Dec 07 @ 6:16 pm
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
It'd be nice if, in a future revision of VDJ, the user could enter in the defined pitch range in the options... it's kind of useless when you have to close the program, edit the registry, and re-open the program. Not exactly feasible in the middle of a live gig.

Anyways, I was wondering if the optionn to use the "BeatLock"/ or "Lock Tempo" function exists without actually having Virtual DJ adjust the positions of the song relative to each other - i.e. I ONLY want a button in my skin to adjust the tempos to stay the same when I move the pitch slider, (to keep the tempos matched) but I don't want it to try to auto beatmatch, which ALWAYS just messes up my perfectly matching beatmixes (unless I try to tweak the CBG first well in advance of doing this :P)

There's GOT to be a way to do this... in the past I was told that you couldn't change that behavior. Is it possible that this is enabled now?

Inviato Sat 15 Dec 07 @ 4:49 pm
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Supacon wrote :

Anyways, I was wondering if the optionn to use the "BeatLock"/ or "Lock Tempo" function exists without actually having Virtual DJ adjust the positions of the song relative to each other - i.e. I ONLY want a button in my skin to adjust the tempos to stay the same when I move the pitch slider, (to keep the tempos matched)

You could pressed B at the keyboard to activate/deactivate beatlock ;)

Inviato Sat 15 Dec 07 @ 4:58 pm
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I don't need help ACTIVATING beatlock, but I'm talking about changing the behaviour of it... It's trivial to line up the beats of the songs manually (but you need to use your ears to hear what you're doing - VDJ is terrible at doing this on its own via the beatlock functionality).

What is more challenging to do is to adjust the tempo of both songs at once such that they both stay at exactly the same tempo the whole time (unless you go very slowly and are able to have each hand on a pitch slider or something)... hence the need for tempo match locking.

Inviato Sun 16 Dec 07 @ 5:03 am
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Supacon wrote :
I don't need help ACTIVATING beatlock, but I'm talking about changing the behaviour of it... It's trivial to line up the beats of the songs manually (but you need to use your ears to hear what you're doing - VDJ is terrible at doing this on its own via the beatlock functionality)..

I just trying to help by saying that u can enable beatlock via keyboard and Yes, it is bad for some tracks n that y u need to use ur ears for beatmatching n not rely entirely on the waveform n also that y u have the options of changing the cbg markings in the bpm settings. But abt changing the behaviour for easier n faster way, yeah it nice tho:)

Supacon wrote :

What is more challenging to do is to adjust the tempo of both songs at once such that they both stay at exactly the same tempo the whole time (unless you go very slowly and are able to have each hand on a pitch slider or something)... hence the need for tempo match locking.

With this it is possible in VDJ, example on deck a when the music is playing say 128 bpm n ur deck b is 133 bpm n u want both to go to 136 bpm, well u just pressed B (beatlock) on the keyboard (provided the cbg placing is correct, this will ensure good result) n then go to deck a n move the pitch slider...deck b will automatic follow deck a.. Once u done, pressed B (beatlock) to disable it.

I hope this is what u mean;)

Inviato Sun 16 Dec 07 @ 12:49 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
n yea ;).

Inviato Sun 16 Dec 07 @ 5:43 pm
djfsPRO InfinityMember since 2007
well i used it tonight live, no problems apart from that video codec thing still, i think it only happens with me though :(

anyone want to go back and re-rip my dvds??

Inviato Sun 16 Dec 07 @ 8:07 pm
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
i think what supacon means is that when you apply the beatlock, you can pitch one of the two decks up and the other will follow suit. when beatlock is on, pitch is locked, so this is not currently possible.

Inviato Sun 16 Dec 07 @ 9:57 pm
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I didn't think this would be that hard to understand, but ... I guess I'm not sufficiently clear... beatlock actually tries to match the beats by speeding a track up a bit or slowing it down temporarily until the beatgrids of each track line up. I don't want that... I only want it to keep the tempos matched.

In virtual dj, you can have a button to match the tempo so that the BPMs are the same - and this is all I want, except I want it to stay the same when the tempo of one deck is changed WITHOUT VDJ shifting the position of a song so that the Beatgrid lines up.

BEATGRID IS BAD (in that it almost never lines up perfectly), I just want to use beatlock without it trying to align the beatgrids.

Inviato Mon 17 Dec 07 @ 3:01 am
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Ok supercon, now i get u;) Basically u wanna use beatlock without it trying to sync auto... hehe.. but it not possible.


Inviato Mon 17 Dec 07 @ 6:35 am
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
just curious, but why would you want something like that? beatgrid is an awesome effect, is it's not working though, then maybe the beat mapping is just not correct? what kind of music you experiencing this with and what kind of recordings are they (ripped vinyl or digital)

Inviato Mon 17 Dec 07 @ 9:35 am
aparsonPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Hi everybody,

Sorry to bring this up again, but looks like I'm the only one having this problem with the new version 6. I have not seen anybody else complaining or talking about this topic. Hopefully someone here can help me get it resolved.

Since upgrading to version 6 on Friday 12/21, all the comments I write into the ID3 tag come with this character "ÿ" at the beginning when displayed on CUE. I used to have this problem back when VDJ5.0 was just released...then when, I think, ver2 came up, it dissapeared and all my tags' comment were being displayed without the mentioned character. All my previously saved comments do not show that character; this is only happening with new mp3 ( since upgrading to Ver6 ) that I edit and save the ID tags.This is, of course, even thought comment field on both ID3V1 and ID3V2 are the same. By the way, I'm using "Tag&Rename" to edit my mp3 tags.

I have to say, thought, ver 6 did get rid of all those annoying Itunes-related and ID3V..comments that were being displayed before.

Hopefully I'm so much off-topic with this inquire.

Greetings from Miami and Merry X-mas to all.



Inviato Sun 23 Dec 07 @ 11:37 am